Winter is coming … (and so is The Scary Dairy ….)

One of the most common questions about the new store is … so, what are you going to do for winter? The answer is … lots! But before we get to winter plans – a big hello to all new subscribers – many from our Fairmont Sundae Social contest held September 17. Congrats again to our winners. And thank you to all who donated to our four local charities that day as well as to Ottawa’s Triple Trouble who provided musical entertainment!


Photographer Justin van Leeuwen captured the day beautifully in a series of photographs below.

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Photo credits: Justin van Leuwen

Congratulations Jane Harley – free pints for a year!


As chilling as this winter scene may seem right now, something even more chilling is just around the corner ….



That’s right … The Scary Dairy is back and bigger than ever before now at 102 Fairmont and featuring the truck’s last night before trundling off to its winter hibernation den. Bring non-perishable food on October 31 to help the Parkdale Food Centre and receive a Merry Dairy treat!


But winter is coming




… and so …


First, The Merry Dairy online store will soon be launched, where you can purchase pints (of the ice cream kind!), sandwiches, ice cream cakes and t-shirts and pick them up at the store! Look for all the details in our next blog post …


, winter means indoor events! The Merry Dairy will be at a number of events over the fall and winter starting with the Freewheeling Craft Show at Makerspace North on October 14th and the Glebe Craft and Artisan Fair at the Glebe Community Centre November 17-19 … (Or before the truck hibernates for the winter, enjoy a cone and some homemade hot chocolate at the Carleton Ravens home football games on October 14 and 21st at 1pm.)


, corporate events! Have a team you want to treat? Spend the afternoon at The Merry Dairy and make your own ice cream as a team, and take home the outputs! Contact for more info and to book your group!


And finally
… Store hours have also been modified a bit – The Merry Dairy will be closed Tuesdays, and will take a winter holiday in January, and open at 3pm on Mondays. And once in a while we may close early 😉



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