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Thank you for all the lovely stalks of Rhubarb this year!

It’s that time of year when patches of rhubarb poke through the fresh springtime earth and repopulate backyards all across our city. You can turn your rhubarb into redeemable $ RHUBCOINS $ redeemable at www.TheMerryDairy.com for rhubarb flavoured Ice Cream pints or any other pints of your choosing!
Well first, find that moment in time when your rhubarb is at its most perfect, then pluck it trim it, wash it and bring it to 102 Fairmont! Check store hours here! Next, you will be judged and rewarded for the rhubarb you’ve brought based on it’s Quality, Cleanliness & Trim on a scale of 10. You receive one point for every 2 stalks of rhubarb collected.

The amount of $ RHUBCOIN $ you receive, will be calculated as follows:
(STALKS/2) x QUALITY x CLEANLINESS x TRIM / 1000 = $ RHUBCOIN $ awarded.
Example A:
20 stalks of wonderfully ripe rhubarb, beautifully cleaned and expertly trimmed =
(20/2) x 10 x 10 x 10 = 10000/1000 = $10.00 of $ RHUBCOIN $
Example B:
20 stalks of overripe, unwashed, leafy rhubarb that we probably won’t use =
(20/2) x 3 x 3 x 2 = 180/1000 = 18 cents of $ RHUBCOIN $
Example C:
15 stalks of underripe but washed and trimmed rhubarb that we probably won’t use =
(15/2) x 3 x 9 x 9 = 1822.5 = $1.82 of $ RHUBCOIN $

Can I appeal my judgment? Yes! A Merry Dairy team member will accept the appeal and consult with a fellow team member to validate or change the ruling based on the appeal.
Can I appeal the appeal? Um, at some point we have to admit that even the rhubarb process has a limit.
Rhubarb drop-off is between 12-8 pm Tuesday to Saturday.
Please include your name, phone number and email, clearly on tape, paper, or even directly on the bag.
Your rhubarb will be judged by our team of very judgy people, and your $ RHUBCOIN$ code will follow by email.🌱 💰

Please meet Rhub the Rhubarb! Rhub is the President of the Rhubarb Stalk Exchange. Very informative, slightly annoying, and obsessed with rhubarb. Ask Rhub any question, and learn how rhubarb is the answer.
Looking for tips and growing and harvesting your rhubarb? Click here! | Read (and listen to) the 2021 Poems of Rhubarb!
Note: The point score for rhubarb is subject to change without notice!