Name of the day returns Friday, July 18, 2025! Check the list, check it twice! If your name is not on the list, let us know in the comments, and it will be added!
Have your name selected, and receive a free cone that day! Below are the names provided by customers that The Merry Dairy will use in picking at least four names per day! Don’t see your name? Add it to the comments below! Then check out The Merry Dairy’s homepage, or Instagram, Facebook, Bluesky or X to see which name has been selected! And see today’s scoops at!
See which names have been selected (and yes, they can be selected again!)
- Aaliyah/Aaliya
- Aaminah/Amina/Amin (selected Wed Dec 23, 2020!)
- Aaron
- Aatik
- Abigail/Abby/Abigael/Abbie/Abbygail (selected Tue Jul 19, 2022!)
- Abdi
- Abdirahman/Abdulrahman/Abdourahman
- Abhi
- Abhishek
- Acacia
- Ada/Adalise
- Adam/Adamo (selected Sat Jul 16, 2022!)
- Abdulwahaab/Abdul/Abdullah (selected Sun Dec 6, 2020!)
- Addison/Addyson (selected Mon Dec 9, 2019!)
- Adele/Adelaide/Adel/Adelyn/Adeline/Adelynn/Adelina (selected Thu Dec 5, 2019!) (selected Sun Jul 28, 2024!)
- Adepele (selected Wed Dec 20, 2023!)
- Adilah/Adila
- Adir
- Aditya
- Adrienne/Adrian/Adria/Adriana/Adriano/Adrianna/Adrianne/Adrien (Selected Tue Dec 20, 2022!)
- Adrielle
- Agatha
- Agnes
- Ahmad/Ahmed (selected Sun Dec 12 2021!)
- Ahlam
- Aibrielle
- Aidan/Aiden/Aida
- Aila/Iyla
- Ailish (selected Thu Dec 16 2021!)
- Ainsley/Aislynn
- Aisha/Ayesha/Aysha
- Aito
- Aki (selected Wed Dec 6, 2023!)
- Al/Alan/Alain/Alain-Remi (selected Wed Dec 15 2021!)
- Alaine
- Alana/Allana/Alena/Alanna/Alaina (selected Sat Jul 30, 2022!)
- Albana
- Albert
- Alboorz (selected Tue Jul 21, 2020!)
- Alden
- Alegra
- Aleisha/Alisha/Alysia/Alishia/Alysa/Alissa/Alizée/Alisha (selected Tue Dec 5, 2023!)
- Aleta
- Alexis/Aleksi/Alexandra/Lexie/Alex/Alix/Alexandre/Alexander/Alexandrea/Alixanderia/Alexia/Alexa/Alejandra/Alexandria/Alek/Aleksandr (selected Thu Dec 21, 2017!) (selected Wed Dec 8 2021!)
- Alfie
- Ali/Alik (Selected Fri Dec 9, 2022!)
- Alia (selected Fri Dec 4, 2020!)
- Alice/Alicia/Elicia/Aleicia/Alycia (selected Fri Dec 14, 2018!)
- Alida (selected Sat Dec 11, 2021!)
- Alila
- Aline/Alina
- Alistair/Alastair
- Allen/Allan (selected Wed Dec 5, 2018!)
- Alessandra/Alessa/Alessio
- Allasia/Asia
- Allegra
- Algy
- Allison/Ally/Allie/Alison/Allyson/Alyson (selected Thu Dec 3, 2020!)
- Alma (selected Thu Dec 12, 2024!)
- Alpa/Alparslan
- Alvaro
- Aly
- Alyanna
- Alyette
- Alyssa/Alysha
- Amadeo (selected Sat Dec 4, 2021!)
- Amala/Amal
- Aman
- Amanda/Mandy (selected Tue Dec 18, 2018!)
- Amar/Amara/Ammara/Ammar/Amariah/Amari (selected Sat Dec 2, 2023!)
- Amber/Amberly
- Ambika (selected Sun Jul 24, 2022!)
- Amelia/Amélie/Anelia (selected Sun Dec 13, 2020!)
- Amena
- Amias
- Amisha (selected Fri Dec 3, 2021!)
- Amira
- Amy/Aimee (selected Sun Dec 11, 2022!)
- Anais (selected Sun Dec 15, 2019!)
- Anaiya/Anayah
- Anasuya (selected Tue Dec 12, 2023!)
- Anas
- Anden
- Anders/Anderson
- Andre/Andres/Andrée/Andrea/Andree-Anne (selected Sat Dec 23, 2023!)
- Andrew/Andy/Andie/Ande/Andreas (selected Sat Dec 19, 2020!)
- Angela/Angelo/Angele/Angie/Angelica, Angeline/Angel (selected Wed Dec 23, 2020!) (selected Sun Dec 15, 2024!)
- Angus
- Ania/Anya/Aanya (selected Sat Jul 20, 2019!)
- Animkii
- Anneke/Annick/Anuok/Annika/Annik/Anika/Anikamadhu/Anneka (selected Sat Jul 22, 2023!)
- Anisa
- Anish (selected Sat Jul 27, 2019!)
- Anita/Anitta (selected Sat Dec 14, 2024!)
- Anjali/Anjulee
- Anh
- Ann/Anne/Anna/Annie/Ana/Anni (selected Sun Dec 13, 2020!)
- Annabel/Annabelle/Anaëlle/Annaëlle (selected Thu Dec 9, 2021!)
- Annalyssa/Annalisa
- Anne-Marie/Annamaria
- Anne-Sophie
- Annette/Anete/Anett
- Anthony/Tony/Antonio/Tonitio/Antony/Anton/Tonito (selected Sun Jul 31, 2022!)
- Anu (selected Fri Dec 17, 2021!)
- Anwyn
- Anyssa/Anyse (selected Wed Dec 9, 2020!)
- Aoife (selected Wed Dec 14, 2022!)
- Aouzai
- April
- Apurva
- Arabella
- Aralyn
- Aram
- Arahsay
- Arastu
- Archer/Archit/Archias/Archie (selected Fri Dec 13, 2024!)
- Arcadia
- Arden
- Areez
- Arham
- Ari/Ariella/Ariel/Aria
- Arianna/Arianne/Aurianna/Ariana
- Aristotle
- Artemis
- Arjun/Arun (selected Thu Jul 25, 2019!)
- Arlene (selected Sun Jul 28, 2019!)
- Arlo
- Armida
- Arnes
- Aroha
- Arshdeep/Arsha (selected Tue Dec 10, 2024!)
- Arthur
- Arto
- Aruba
- Aruuran
- Arwin/Arwen
- Arya/Aryan (selected Fri Dec 6, 2024!)
- Aseel
- Asha
- Asheeqa
- Asher
- Ashen/Ashena
- Ashley/Ash (selected Sun Jul 25, 2021!)
- Ashrakat/Achrakat/Ashraqat/Ashracat (selected Wed Dec 16, 2020!)
- Ashton
- Ashlyn
- Asif (selected Thu Dec 16 2021!)
- Asila (selected Thu Dec 21, 2023!)
- Asith
- Asmara
- Assia
- Assuntina
- Astra/Aster
- Astrid (selected Tue Dec 14, 2021!)
- Athena
- Atlas
- Atlin
- Atila/Attila/Atiya (selected Fri Dec 22, 2023!)
- Atticus
- Aubrey/Aubree (selected Sun Jul 17, 2022!)
- Audrey/Audra (selected Sat Jul 20, 2024!)
- August/Augusto/Augustus (selected Sat Dec 21, 2024!)
- Auli
- Aung San
- Aura/Aurora/Auramarina
- Austin (selected Tue Jul 18, 2023!)
- Autumn
- Aura/Aurea
- Ava
- Aveline
- Aven
- Avery
- Avir/Avi/Avinash (selected Friday December 15, 2023!)
- Aviva (selected Fri Dec 8, 2023!)
- Awais/Awestha
- Axel
- Aya/Ayah/Aia/Ayla/Ayra/Aija (selected Sat Dec 1, 2018!) (selected Sat Dec 7, 2019!)
- Ayaan
- Aylin
- Ayn/Ayan/Ayanna
- Ayrton
- Azaylea
- Bailey
- Bahoz
- Balma
- Barbara/Barb (selected Sat Jul 25, 2020!)
- Barkai (selected Sun Dec 8, 2024!)
- Barrett
- Barry
- Bassem/Bash (selected Thu Dec 14, 2023!)
- Bastian
- Batoul
- Bauer
- Bayla
- Beatrice/Beatrix/Beatriz (selected Wed Dec 5, 2018!) (selected Wed Dec 6, 2023!)
- Beau (selected Sun Jul 23, 2023!)
- Beckett
- Belen
- Belma
- Benjamin/Ben (selected Wed Dec 13, 2017!)
- Bennett
- Benoit
- Bensun/Bendix/Benson
- Bente (selected Fri Dec 10 2021!)
- Bentley
- Berkley
- Beryl
- Bernard/Bernie/Bernadette
- Berthony/Bert/Bertine/Bertran
- Bettina/Betty/Betty-Ann (selected Fri Jul 21, 2023!)
- Beverley/Bev (selected Sun Jul 21, 2019!)
- Bethany/Beth (selected Wed Dec 15 2021!)
- Betsy/Bettsy/Bessie
- Bevin/Bevan
- Bianca
- Binh
- Bilal (selected Sat July 29th, 2023!)
- Bill/Billie/Billy (selected Tue Dec 24, 2019!) (selected Thu Dec 21, 2023!)
- Bilqueece (selected Wednesday Jul 31, 2024)
- Bissan
- Bjorn (selected Sat Dec 17, 2022!)
- Blaine
- Blake
- Blair
- Blanka (selected Sat Dec 29, 2018!)
- Blossom
- Bode
- Bodhi
- Bogdan
- Bolanle
- Bonnie/Bawnee/Bonanie/Bonani
- Boris/Baris (selected Thu Dec 6, 2018!)
- Bort
- Bowie
- Brad/Bradley (Selected Wed Jul 27, 2022!)
- Braden/Brady/Breyden (selected Fri Dec 22, 2023!)
- Brahm/Bram (selected Sat Dec 23, 2023!)
- Brandi/Brandie/Brandt/Brandy
- Brazos (selected Sat Dec 12, 2020!)
- Bredin
- Bree/Breeann/Breanne/Brie (selected Sat Dec 2, 2023!)
- Brenda (selected Sun Dec 20, 2020!)
- Brendan/Brendon/Brenden/Brandon (selected Thu Dec 8, 2022!)
- Brennan/Brenna (selected Fri Dec 6, 2019!)
- Brent
- Brett
- Brianna/Brianne/Brian/Briana/Bryanna/Bryan/Breanne (selected Fri Dec 3, 2021!) (selected Fri Dec 13, 2024!)
- Brielle
- Brigitte/Brigid/Bridget (selected Sun Dec 10, 2017!) (selected Thu Dec 4, 2024!)
- Brinley/Brynn
- Brittany/Britika
- Brixton
- Brock
- Brodie/Brody (selected Sun Dec 12 2021!)
- Brooke/Brooklyn
- Brontë
- Bronwyn/Bronwen (selected Tue Dec 17 2024!)
- Bruce
- Bruno
- Brycen/Bryce (selected Thu Dec 22, 2022!)
- Brynn
- Byron
- Bryson
- Buzz
- Caden/Cayden/Kade (selected Wed Dec 7, 20022!)
- Cadence
- Caedyn
- Caelan
- Caleb/Cale
- Calia/Calla/Calya (selected Sun Dec 15, 2024!)
- Calista/Cali/Kali
- Calleigh/Callie/Caleigh/Cailey/Kaleigh (selected Tue Dec 18, 2018!)
- Callan/Callen/Callum/Calum (selected Tue Dec 19, 2023!)
- Calvin (selected Tue Dec 6, 2022!)
- Capella/Capeila
- Camden
- Cameron/Camryn
- Camille/Kamilla/Camilla/Camil/Kamil/Kamille/Cami (selected Tue Dec 22, 2020!)
- Campbell
- Canda
- Candace/Candice/Kandice (selected Sun Dec 5, 2021!)
- Cansu
- Carl/Carly/Carleigh/Carlie/Carlee/Carley/Carlos/Carlo/Carling/Carla/Carlin/Carline/Carleen/Karly/Karlie/Karlee/Karl/Karla/Kearlyn/Karlyn (selected Thu Dec 10, 2020!) (selected Wed Dec 18, 2024!)
- Cari/Caryss
- Carina
- Carissa
- Carol/Karol/Caroline/Carolyn/Carolynn/Karolyn/Carolyne (selected Tue Dec 19, 2023!)
- Carmelina/Carmela/Carmelle
- Carmen/Carm (selected Fri Dec 16, 2022!)
- Carrie
- Carson/Karson/Karsten/Carsten
- Carter/Carterette
- Caryn
- Casey/Cassie/Kassia/Kasia/Cassia/Casia/Keziah/Ketziah (selected Sun Dec 1, 2024!)
- Caseper/Casper/Kasper
- Cassandra/Kassandra/Cassidy/Kassidy (selected Wed Jul 21, 2021!)
- Castiel
- Catherine/Kate/Katie/Katherine/Kat/Kathie/Cathy/Caterina/Kathy/Katy/Kait/Kati/Cait/Cat/Kathryn/Katheryn/Katharina/Cate/Kaight (selected Fri Dec 29, 2017!) (selected Fri Jul 23, 2021!) (selected Thu Dec 8, 2022!) (selected Wed Dec 13, 2023!)
- Cathan
- Cayetano
- Cebrick
- Cecilia/Cecil/Cecilia/Celia/Ceci (selected Tue Jul 26, 2022!)
- Cedar
- Cedric/Cédric/Cedrik (selected Fri Jul 28, 2023!)
- Celeste
- Céline/Celine (selected Sun Jul 30, 2023!)
- Chad (selected Tue Dec 3, 2024!)
- Champagne
- Chandra/Chan Keun
- Chanel/Chani
- Chantal/Chantale/Chantelle/Chantel (selected Wed Dec 7, 2022!)
- Chanthaphet
- Charisse
- Charity
- Charles/Charlie/Charly/Charlee/Charlene (selected Sun Jul 24, 2022!) (selected Sat Dec 14, 2024!)
- Charlotte
- Charmaine (selected Wed Dec 6, 2023!)
- Chase
- Chaya/Chaitanya
- Chee/Che (selected Thu Dec 15, 2022!)
- Chelsea/Chelsie (selected Fri Jul 26, 2019!)
- Chesel
- Cheryl (selected Sun Dec 19, 2021!)
- Cheshmak
- Chessy
- Chidimma
- Chirag (selected Fri Jul 23, 2021!)
- Chong
- Chloe/Chloé (selected Tue Jul 21, 2020!)
- Chris/Christopher/Christian/Christen/Kristian/Cristiano/Christophe/Chrisann/Kris/Krys (selected Thu Dec 20, 2018!) (selected Tue Dec 12, 2023!)
- Christine/Christina/Kristina/Kristine/Chrissie/Crissie/Kristin/Cristina/Krista (selected Sun Dec 5 2021!)
- Christa/Christi/Kristi/Christie/Kristy/Christy (selected Sat Dec 18 2021!)
- Cian
- Ciaran/Ciara
- Claire/Clare/Clara (selected Fri Dec 4, 2020!)
- Clarence/Clancy
- Clarine/Clarissa/Clayre
- Clarke
- Claudeana/Claudia/Claudio (selected Sun Dec 4, 2022!)
- Claudia-Ann
- Clayton
- Clementine/Clement (selected Mon Dec 10, 2022!)
- Cleone/Cléo (selected Wed Dec 14, 2022!)
- Cliff/Clifton/Clifford (selected Sat Dec 4, 2021!)
- Clinton
- Clodagh
- Clover (selected Fri Jul 24, 2020!)
- Coady/Cody/Kody/Coby (selected Sun Jul 17, 2022!)
- Cohen/Coen
- Cole/Colson/Colton/Kole (selected Sat Jul 27, 2024!)
- Colin/Colm
- Colleen/Colette
- Conlin
- Connie
- Connor/Conor/Konnor/Konner (selected Wed Dec 16, 2020!) (selected Sat Dec 2, 2023!)
- Consuelo (selected Fri Dec 1, 2023!)
- Cooper
- Cora/Coral (selected Sun Dec 1, 2019!)
- Corbin
- Cordelia
- Corgand
- Corinne/Corinna/Corrina/Corin (selected Sun Dec 11, 2022!)
- Corrinne
- Cory/Corey/Korey/Corrie (selected Thu Dec 2, 2021!) (selected Wed Dec 20, 2023!)
- Costa
- Courtney/Kourtnii (selected Wed Dec 13, 2023!)
- Craig/Creggan
- Cresta
- Crosby
- Crystal/Krystle/Krystal/Crystallina/Chrystelle/Christel (selected Sat Jul 27, 2024!)
- Curtis (selected Tue Dec 22, 2020!)
- Cutter
- Cynthia/Cindy/Cyndi/Cindy-Lou (Selected Wed Jul 24, 2019!) (Selected Wed Dec 4, 2024!)
- Cyrus
- DaEun
- Dagny (Selected Wed Jul 27, 2022!)
- Daimion/Damian
- Daisy
- Dakota
- Dal/Dalin/Dallin (selected Sun Dec 5 2021!)
- Dale
- Dahlia
- Dahye
- Dana/Dayna/Daina (selected Tue Dec 24, 2019!)
- Daniel/Danielle/Daniella/Dan/Danny/Dani/Danya/Danilo (selected Sat Jul 16, 2022!)
- Danika/Danica/Danica/Danik (selected Mon Dec 10 2022!)
- Danton/Dante
- Daphney/Daphne/Daphni/Dafne (selected Sat Jul 24, 2021!)
- Dara/Darragh
- Darcy/Darcie
- Daria/Darian
- Darien (selected Fri Jul 26, 2019!)
- Dario (selected Sun Jul 21, 2019!)
- Darlene (selected Thu Jul 25, 2019!)
- Darren/Daryn (selected Sat Dec 12, 2020!)
- Darquise
- Daryl
- David/Dave/Davie/Davina/Davah/Davia (selected Sat Dec 5, 2020!) (selected Tue Dec 17, 2024!)
- Dawa
- Dawn (selected Sun Dec 9, 2018!)
- Dawson
- Dax
- Deacon
- Dean/Deanne/Deanna/Deana
- Debbie/Debi/Debby/Deborah/Debora (selected Sat Dec 3, 2022!)
- Declan
- Deepak/Deepika/Deepty/Deepthi (selected Mon Dec 9, 2019!) (selected Sun Jul 28, 2024!)
- Delphine
- Delta
- Deidre/Deidra (selected Thu Dec 7, 2023)
- Deke/Dekker (selected Sat Dec 14, 2019!)
- Delaney/Delainey/Del/Delilah/Della (selected Thursday Jul 25, 2024)
- Desmond
- Desiree/Destinee
- Despina/Despoina
- Denise/Denis/Dennis (selected Sat Jul 24, 2021!)
- Derek/Derrick
- Derya
- Devyn/Devon/Devin/Devante/Devan/Dev (Selected Thu Jul 21, 2022!)
- Dexter (selected Wed Dec 9, 2020!)
- Dhairya (selected Wed Dec 4, 2019!)
- Dhanya
- Dhilal
- Dhreya
- Dia (selected Wed Dec 11, 2024!)
- Diane/Dianne/Diana (selected Fri Dec 9, 2022!)
- Didier
- Diego (selected Thu Dec 17, 2020!)
- Dieter
- Diksha/DK
- Dilpreet (selected Sun Jul 28, 2019!)
- Dimitre/Dimitri/Demitri/Demi
- Dina/Dino/Dena/Deena/Dee (selected Fri Dec 23, 2022!)
- Dion
- Disco (selected Thu Dec 4, 2024!)
- Disha
- Divya/Diya (selected Thu Jul 28, 2022!)
- Dolan
- Dolores
- Dolly
- Dominique/Dominic/Domenico/Domenika/Domenick (selected Sat Jul 30, 2022!)
- Don/Donny/Donnie (selected Sun Dec 11, 2022!)
- Donovan
- Donna/Dawna/Donnalee (selected Fri Dec 22, 2023!)
- Dorian
- Dorota/Dorothy/Dora/Doris/Doreen/Dorothé/Dorothée/Dorita/Dotty (selected Fri Jul 21, 2023!)
- Doug/Douglas (selected Tue Dec 24, 2019!)
- Drake/Drayke
- Dresden
- Drew
- Drum/Drummond
- Duncan
- Dustin (selected Sun Dec 15, 2019!)
- Dylan/Dillon (selected Tue Jul 19, 2022!)
- Eamon/Eamonn (selected Sat Dec 18, 2021!)
- Earleen
- Ernest
- Easton
- Ebony
- Ebyan
- Echo
- Ed/Edward/Edmond/Eddie/Eddy/Edgar/Edie/Eddie (selected Wed Dec 1st, 2021!) (selected Thu Dec 4, 2024!)
- Eden/Edena (selected Sun Dec 30, 2018!)
- Edith/Eady/Edrie
- Edwin
- Edyson
- Eileen
- Eilidh (selected Sun Dec 10, 2023!)
- Eitan
- Elana
- Eleanor
- Elena/Elina/Elaina/Eleni/Elaine/Elayne
- Eliakim
- Elio
- Elke (selected Sun Dec 1, 2024!)
- Elias/Elyas
- Elise/Elyse/Elysia (selected Wed Dec 16, 2020!)
- Elizabeth/Liza/Lisa/Leesa/Eliza/Liz/Lizzie/Lisa-Marie/Leisl/Lies/Lise/Elisabeth/Lis/Lisa/Leezah (selected Fri Dec 15, 2017!) (selected Wed Dec 21, 2022!) (selected Sun Jul 16, 2023!)
- Ella/Elle/Ellery (selected Fri Dec 16, 2022!)
- Ellen (selected Mon Dec 16, 2019!)
- Elianna/Eliana
- Elif
- Elijah
- Elliot/Elliott (selected Fri Dec 17, 2021!)
- Eli/Ellie/Ellia/Eliie/Ellia (selected Sat Dec 11 2021!)
- Ellis/Elisa/Élise
- Elm
- Elodie
- Eloise
- Elowen
- Elsa/Elza/Elsie/Elspeth/Elsbeth (selected Sun Dec 3, 2017!)
- Elvis
- Emery/Emerie/Emera/Emer (selected Sun Jul 21, 2024!)
- Emilie/Émile/Emilee/Emily/Emil/Emilia/Emilio/Emeline/Emmeline (selected Sat Dec 21, 2019!) (selected Fri Dec 20, 2024!)
- Emina/Emine/Emi (selected Thur Jul 27, 2023!)
- Emad
- Emma/Em (selected Sat Dec 23, 2017!)
- Emmanuelle
- Emmerson/Emerson/Emersyn (selected Wed Dec 4, 2019!)
- Emmett (selected Thu Dec 13, 2018!)
- Emrik
- Enza/Enzo
- Ephraim
- Erica/Erika/Ericka/Eric/Erik (selected Wed Dec 6, 2017!) (selected Fri Dec 12, 2019!)
- Erin/Eren (selected Tue Dec 11, 2018!)
- Erminia
- Errol (selected Fri Dec 20, 2024!)
- Ervin
- Esme/Esmée
- Eshed
- Esther/Estelle/Esteban
- Ethan (selected Sat Jul 25, 2020!)
- Ethel
- Etienne
- Etta
- Eugene/Eugenia
- Eunjae
- Evander
- Evangeline/Évangéline
- Eve/Evelyn/Evelyne/Eva/Evah/Evie (selected Tue Jul 24, 2018!) (selected Thursday August 1, 2024)
- Everett (selected Sat Dec 21, 2019!)
- Everleigh/Everly
- Ewan/Evan/Ewen/Eowyn (selected Wed Dec 8 2021!) (selected Tuesday Jul 30, 2024)
- Ézéchiel/Ezekiel
- Ezri
- Fabian/Fabien/Fabienne/Fabiana (selected Sat Jul 16, 2022!)
- Fadi
- Fairouz (selected Sat Dec 21, 2019!)
- Faith
- Faizul/Faisal (selected Fri Dec 22, 2023!)
- Faleha
- Fan
- Faraz/Farah/Faraha (selected Sun Dec 20, 2020!)
- Farida/Farid (selected Sun Jul 31, 2022!)
- Fariz/Faris (selected Tuesday July 23, 2024)
- Fareena (selected Tue Jul 26, 2022!)
- Farhaan (selected Wed Jul 22, 2020!)
- Fatima/Fatema/Fatma (selected Fri Dec 21, 2018!) (selected Wed Dec 11, 2024!)
- Fatiha (selected Tue Jul 20, 2021!)
- Fausto/Faustina (selected Sun Jul 21, 2024!)
- Faye
- Felicity/Felicia (selected Sun Dec 15, 2019!)
- Felix/Félix (selected Fri Dec 13, 2019!)
- Fenton
- Ferdinand/Fernando/Fernanda/Fern (selected Sun Dec 13, 2020!)(selected Sat Dec 7, 2024)
- Ferents
- Fergus
- Feridoun
- Finlay/ Finley
- Finn (selected Thu Dec 12 2019!)
- Finola (selected Tue Jul 23 2019!
- Fiona (selected Wed Dec 20, 2023!)
- Fitz
- Flavia (selected Wed Jul 22, 2020!)
- Fiorella
- Fletch/Fletcher (selected Sun Jul 28, 2024!)
- Florence/Flora (selected Sun Dec 20, 2020!)
- Foster
- Fulton
- France
- Francis/Francois/Francesca/Frank/Frances/Francisco/Franky (selected Sat Jul 27, 2019!)
- Francine (selected Thu Jul 20, 2023!)
- Fraser
- Frederyka/Fryderyka/Freddie/Fred/Frederick/Frédérique (selected Sun Dec 22, 2019!) (selected Wednesday Jul 24, 2024)
- Freedom
- Freya (selected Thu Dec 22, 2022!)
- Fritz/Fitz
- Gabrielle/Gabby/Gabriel/Gabe/Gabriela/Gabriella (selected Thu Dec 12 2019!) (selected Tuesday Jul 30, 2024)
- Gail/Gayle (selected Sun Jul 28, 2019!)
- Galen/Galia/Galina
- Ganesh (selected Tue Dec 22, 2020!)
- Garland
- Garrett/Garnet/Gareth/Garan
- Gary/Garry (selected Tue Jul 23 2019!)
- Gaston
- Gaurav
- Gautam
- Gavin (selected Fri Dec 10, 2021) (selected Sun Jul 30, 2023!)
- Gay
- Geeta (selected Thu Dec 10, 2020!)
- Gemma
- Genevieve/Geneva
- Gennaro
- George/Georgia/Georges/Georgina (selected Mon Jul 22 2019!) (selected Tue Dec 3, 2024!)
- Gerrit
- Gerry/Gerald/Jerry (selected Wed Jul 19, 2023!)
- Ghislaine
- Gia
- Giancarlo (selected Sun Dec 22, 2024!)
- Gianne
- Gideon
- Gigi
- Gihan
- Gilbert/Gilberto
- Gilda
- Gilles/Giles/Gil
- Gillian
- Gina/Gino (selected Sat Dec 16, 2023!)
- Giselle (selected Mon Dec 21, 2020!)
- Giovanni/Gio
- Giuliana
- Gie
- Glen/Glenn/Glynn/Glennys (selected Fri Jul 21, 2023!)
- Glendy/Glenda (selected Fri Dec 28, 2018!)
- Gliceria (selected Sat Dec 14, 2019!)
- Gloria
- Golda
- Goksal/Gökhan
- Golnoosh
- Goreti
- Gordon (selected Thu Dec 14, 2023!)
- Gowtham
- Grace/Gracelyn/Graeson/Grayson/Graydon/Grayer (selected Thu Jul 25, 2019!)
- Graham
- Grail
- Grant
- Greg/Gregory (selected Sat Dec 15, 2018!) (selected Friday July 26, 2024)
- Greta/Grete (selected Sat Dec 22, 2018!)
- Grey/Greysen
- Griffin/Griff
- Guillaume/Guilherme/Guilhermo (selected Fri Dec 8, 2023!)
- Guinevere
- Gunjan
- Gunnar/Gunner
- Gunther (selected Wed Dec 4, 2024!)
- Gus (selected Wed Jul 20, 2022!)
- Guy
- Gwen/Gwendolyn/Gwyn/Gwenith/Gwenyth (selected Sun Dec 8, 2024!)
- Ha
- Haakon
- Habib
- Hadiya/Hadia (selected Sun Jul 25, 2021!)
- Hadley (selected Fri Jul 24, 2020!)
- Hadrien
- Hafeez (selected Friday July 19, 2024!)
- Haider
- Haitham
- Hakim (selected Tue Dec 17, 2024!)
- Halden
- Haley/Haylee/Haileigh/Haleigh/Haylie/Hayley/Hailey (selected Mon Dec 10, 2022!) (selected Thu Dec 6, 2018!) (selected Sat Dec 7, 2019!)
- Halima (selected Tue Dec 12, 2023!)
- Halston
- Hamish
- Hamre
- Hamzah/Hamza
- Hannah/Hana (selected Sun Jul 25, 2021!)
- Hanan
- Hang
- Hans
- Hannu
- Harlow
- Harmony/Harmonie/Harmoney (selected Fri Jul 28, 2023!)
- Harold
- Harper
- Harriet
- Harrison/Harris
- Harry/Harrison (selected Thu Dec 15, 2022!)
- Harsh
- Hart/Hartley
- Haruna/Haroun (selected Sat Jul 20, 2024!)
- Hasi
- Hassan/Hassani (selected Thur Jul 27, 2023!)
- Hattie/Hatton
- Havana
- Hayden
- Hazel
- Heather/Heath
- Heba (selected Wed Dec 15 2021!)
- Hector (selected Wed Jul 24, 2019!
- Heidi/Haidee/Heidy/ Heidey (selected Sat Dec 16, 2017!)(selected Sat Dec 7, 2024)
- Helen/Helene/Helena/Heline/Halyna/Hellaina/Heli (selected Mon Dec 2, 2019!)
- Heli (selected Tue Dec 10, 2024!)
- Henry/Henri/Henrik/Henna/Hendrik (selected Thu Dec 14, 2017!) (selected Sun Dec 22, 2024!)
- Hendrix
- Heriberto
- Heron
- Hernán
- Hester
- Hiba (selected Sat Jul 23, 2022!)
- Hien
- Hilary/Hillary/Hilla/Hila
- Hind
- Hiroshi (selected Sat Jul 24, 2021!)
- Holden
- Holland
- Holly/Hollie/Holia (selected Fri Dec 11, 2020!)
- Hong
- Hope (selected Sun Dec 15, 2019!)
- Hosanna
- Houssein/Hussein/Hosein (selected Wed Dec 9, 2020!)
- Howard
- Hudson
- Hugh/Hugo (selected Wed Dec 2, 2020!)
- Hung (selected Mon Jul 22 2019!)
- Hunter
- Husni
- Ian/Iain (selected Sun Dec 5 2021!)
- Ibraheem
- Ida
- Idil (selected Thu Dec 19, 2019!)
- Idris (selected Fri Dec 12, 2019!)
- Igino
- Ignatius (selected Tue Jul 23 2019!
- Igor
- Ihtesham
- Ilham
- Illyana/Ilya
- Iman/Imani (selected Fri Jul 21, 2023!)
- Imoen/Imogen (selected Friday December 15, 2023!)
- Inessa (selected Wed Dec 2, 2020!)
- Ines/Inez/Inna/Innes/Ynez (selected Fri Dec 20, 2024!)
- Ingira/Ingrid (selected Thu Dec 4, 2024!)
- Iona/Ioanna / Ioana (selected Sat Dec 12, 2020!)
- Iqbal
- Irene/Irena (selected Mon Dec 16, 2019!)
- Iris/Iria
- Irfan
- Irum
- Isaac/Isak (selected Tue Jul 26, 2022!)
- Isa/Isabel/Isabella/Bella/Isobel/Izabel/Isabelle (selected Sat Dec 5, 2020!)
- Ishar (selected Thursday Jul 25, 2024)
- Ishaan
- Isaiah
- Iseult
- Ishtiak
- Isla
- Ismael/Ismé
- Ismet/Ismat (selected Thu Dec 17, 2020!)
- Issima
- Itzel
- Ivan/Yvan (selected Fri Dec 2, 2022!)
- Ivars
- Ivy
- Jack/Jackson/Jaxon (selected Fri Dec 11, 2020!)
- Jacob/Jake/Jakub/Jakob (selected Sun Dec 2, 2018!) (selected Thursday Jul 25, 2024)
- Jacqueline/Jacquie/Jacklyn/Jackie (selected Wed Jul 22, 2020!)
- Jacy/Jaci/Jassie/Jacey (selected Sat Dec 21, 2024!)
- Jade/Jada/Jaida/Jadyn/Jadon/Jadzia (selected Thu Dec 7, 2017!) (selected Sat Dec 7, 2019!)
- Jaëlle
- Jag (selected Sat Dec 7, 2024)
- Jahir
- James/Jameson/Jim/Cillian-James/Jimmy/Giacomo (selected Wed Dec 18, 2018!) (selected Mon Dec 21, 2020!)
- Jamie/Jaime/Jayme (selected Fri Jul 22, 2022!)
- Jamile/Jamille/Jameel/Jameela (selected Sat Dec 8, 2018!) (selected Sun Dec 8, 2019!)
- Jane/Jana/Janessa/Janey/Janelle (selected Friday December 15, 2023!)
- Janet/Jan (selected Thu Dec 22, 2022!)
- Janice/Janise/Janine/Janina (selected Sun Jul 30, 2023!)
- Janka/Janaki
- Januana/Janoah
- Jared/Jarett/Jarret (Selected Thu Dec 1, 2022!)
- Jasmeet (selected Thu Dec 3, 2020!)
- Jasmine/Yazmine/Yasmine/Jazmin/Yasmin/Yasmeen (selected Wed Jul 20, 2022!)
- Jason (selected Fri Dec 4, 2020!)
- Jasper (selected Sat Jul 20!)
- Jay/Jayden/Jaiden/Jayan/Jaya/Jaye/Jayda/Jayanne (selected Thu Jul 23, 2020!)
- Jaycee/Jaycer (selected Wed Dec 11, 2019!)
- Jayme
- Jazz/Jazlyn (selected Wed Dec 16, 2020!)
- Jean/Jeannie/Jeannette (selected Sun Dec 9, 2018!)
- Jean-Claude/JC (selected Thu Dec 8, 2022!)
- Jean-Frana
- Jean-François
- Jean-luc
- Jean-Marc
- Jean-Philippe (selected Tue Dec 12, 2023!)
- Jean-Paul
- Jean-Pierre (selected Wed Dec 6, 2023!)
- Jed
- Jeff/Geoff/Geoffrey/Jeffery (selected Sat Dec 3, 2022!)
- Jelena/Jelani
- Jenna/Jeanna/Jen/Jenny/Jennifer/Jennie/Jennilee/Jenelle/Janae (selected Thu Jul 28, 2022!)
- Jensen (selected Tue Dec 11, 2018!)
- Jeremy/Jeremie (selected Tue Jul 20, 2021!)
- Jericho
- Jerra
- Jerzie
- Jesse/Jessie/Jess/Jessica/Jessika/Jessi/Jesus (selected Tue Dec 7 2021!)
- Jethro
- Jette
- Jewel
- Jezreel (selected Fri Dec 23, 2022!)
- Jia
- Jihane
- Jill/Jillian
- Jimena/Mena
- Jing
- Joan/Johan/Joanne/Joanna/Joannie/Yohanna/Jo-Ann/Johnna/Johanna/Johanne/Johane (selected Fri Jul 26, 2019!) (selected Tue Dec 10, 2024!)
- Jocelyn
- Jodi/Jodie/Jody (selected Thur Jul 27, 2023!)
- Joost
- Jean
- Jolene (selected Sun Dec 10, 2023!)
- Jon/Jonathan/John/Juan/Yuan/Yonatan (selected Thursday August 1, 2024) (Selected Tue Dec 20, 2022!)
- Joni
- Jonah/Jonas (selected Sat Jul 27, 2024!)
- Jordan/Jordyn/Jordana (selected Thu Jul 26, 2018!) (selected Fri Dec 6, 2019!)
- Jorge
- Joseph/Jo/Joe/Joel/Joelle/Joey/Giuseppe/Joelyn (selected Fri Dec 22, 2017!) (selected Sat Jul 22, 2023!)
- Joshua/Josh (selected Fri Dec 3, 2021!)
- Josée/Josie/Josephine/Josée-Anne (selected Fri Jul 24, 2020!)
- Joss
- Jovy/Jovana
- Joy/Joyce (selected Sun Dec 23, 2018!)
- Judy/Jude/Judith/ Judi (selected Wed Dec 4, 2o19!)
- Julian/Julien/Julius/Juliane/Juliana/Julianne/Julianna/Julie/Julia/Juliette/Juliet/Julienne/Julena (selected Wed Dec 27, 2017!)(selected Thu Dec 16 2021!)
- Jules
- June/Junayd/Juniper/Junior
- Justice
- Justina/Justyna
- Justin/Justyn/Justyne/ (selected Sun Jul 25, 2021!)
- Kacie
- Kaela
- Kaelyn/Caylan
- Kai/Kaia/Kaiyan (selected Sat Dec 4, 2021!) (selected Fri Dec 13, 2024!)
- Kaisa (selected Sun Dec 12 2021!)
- Kajal (selected Fri Jul 24, 2020)!
- Kajan (selected Sun Dec 8, 2019!)
- Kalia
- Kalinka (selected Sun Jul 21, 2024!)
- Kalim
- Kalila (selected Thu Dec 27, 2018!)
- Kalpana
- Kamryn
- Kane
- Kannya
- Kara/Cara/Caray (selected Sun Jul 21, 2024!)
- Karen/Karyna/Karina/Carina/Karin/Karine/Kariane/Kerryn (selected Sat Jul 22, 2023!)
- Karim (selected Tue Dec 3, 2024!) (selected Sat Dec 5, 2020!)
- Kash
- Kasra
- Katelynn/Kaitlyn/Kaitlin/Caitlin/Kaitllyn/Katelyn/Caitlyn/Kaytlyn/Katelin/Katlin (selected Sun Dec 6, 2020!) (selected Friday July 19, 2024!)
- Kathleen
- Katrina
- Katyaé/Katiaé/Katia/Katana
- Kaya (selected Mon Dec 2, 2019!)
- Kaydon
- Kayla/Cayla (selected Thu Dec 15, 2022!)
- Kaylie/Kaylin/Kaylyn/Kaylee/Kailie/Kalie/Kayley/Kayleigh/Kaili/Caylie/Kailyn (selected Tue Dec 14, 2021!)
- Kayra
- Kaysen
- Keagan/Keegan
- Keaton
- Keenon/Keenara
- Keeva
- Keira/Keara/Keir
- Keith
- Kelli/Kelly/Keli/Kelley/Kellie/Keely (selected Sat Dec 22, 2018!) (selected Sun Dec 1, 2019!)
- Kelsey/Kelsi (selected Thu Dec 12 2019!)
- Kemi
- Kendall/Kendal/Kenda
- Kendra
- Kenji
- Kenleigh
- Kennedy
- Ken/Kent/Kenny (selected Sat Jul 30, 2022!)
- Kenz/Kenzi/Kenzie/Kenza (selected Wednesday Jul 24, 2024)
- Kenora
- Kerry/Kerri/Keri/Carrie/Kerrie/Kerrin/Kari/Karrie/Karin (selected Fri Jul 22, 2022!)
- Kestrel
- Ketan
- Ketsia
- Kevin/Keff (selected Fri Jul 26, 2019!)
- Keya
- Khalid/Kalid (selected Thu Dec 9, 2021!)
- Khawala
- Kiah/Kiavash/Kiara (selected Tue Dec 19, 2023!)
- Kiana/Kyana/Keyana/Kian (selected Wed Jul 27, 2022!)
- Kiefer
- Kiel
- Kieran
- Kierstin/Kiersten
- Kiki
- Kimberley/Kim/Kimberly/Kimiko/Kimberlee (selected Mon Jul 22 2019!) (selected Fri Dec 4 2020!) (selected Sat Dec 16, 2023!)
- Kindha (selected Wed Jul 21, 2021!)
- Kinga
- Kingsley
- Kinsey (selected Wed Dec 18, 2018!)
- Kipp (selected Tue Dec 7 2021!)
- Kishore
- Kitt/Kit
- Kira/Kiran/Kyra
- Kirby (selected Sun Jul 16, 2023!)
- Kirk (selected Wed Dec 9, 2020!)
- Kitcher (selected Sat Dec 14, 2019!)
- Knox
- Koa
- Komal
- Koralei
- Kosta/Koston (selected Wed Dec 21, 2022!)
- Krasi/Krasimira/Krasinski
- Krisha/Krizia/Krizzle/ Krishna/Krissia/Krizza (selected Wed Jul 26, 2023!)
- Kristen/Kirsten/Kyrstin/Krysten/Kristin (selected Mon Dec 23, 2019!) (selected Sun Dec 22, 2024!)
- Kruti
- Kuba
- Kyle/Kyla/Kylie/Ky/Kyden/Kyler (selected Thu Jul 23, 2020!)
- Kylan
- Kyoko (selected Sun Dec 1, 2024!)
- Kyson
- Lacey
- Laetitia
- Lahcen
- Lainey/Layney
- Lalyn/Layla/Laila/Leila/Leilani (selected Fri Dec 20, 2024!)
- Lala
- Lamaine/Lamanie/Lam/Lana/Lama
- Lance
- Laneah
- Lando (selected Wed Dec 11, 2019!)
- Landon/Landen
- Lara/Laura/Laurel (selected Thu Dec 28, 2017!) (Selected Sun Dec 3, 2023!)
- Larissa
- Larkin
- Larochelle
- Lauchlan/Lachlan/Laughlin (selected Thu Dec 10, 2020!)
- Laurier
- Laurence/Lawrence/Laurent (selected Thu Dec 12, 2024!)
- Lauryn/Lauren/Lorena/Lorin
- Layan
- Lazlo/Lazar
- Leanna/Léandre
- Lee/Lei/Léa/Leah/Leia/Leigh/Leaha (selected Sat Jul 29, 2023!)
- Leith
- Leiya
- Lemlem
- Lena/Leni/Len
- Lennan/Lennon/Lennox (selected Wednesday Jul 31, 2024)
- Lenore
- Leo/Leonard/Leonardo/Lenny/Leon/Leon/Leona/Leonidas/Leoma/Leonie (selected Sun Dec 3, 2017!) (selected Sat Jul 22, 2023!)
- Leora
- Lesia/Lesya
- Leslie/Lesley (selected Fri Dec 8, 2023!)
- Lleyton
- Levi
- Levon
- Liam (selected Fri Dec 7, 2018!)
- Liane/Leanne/Leigh-Ann/LeeAnne/Liann/Liyana/Kaliyana/Liana/Lianna (selected Sun Dec 8, 2019!)
- Liang (selected Thursday August 1, 2024)
- Liban
- Libby
- Lilja
- Lila/Lillah/Lilah/Lilia/Liliya/Laelah (selected Wed Jul 22, 2020!)
- Lily/Lilie/Lilli/Liliana/Lillian/Lilly (selected Sun Dec 15, 2019!)
- Lillybeth
- Lina/Lino/Linnea/Leina
- Lincoln (selected Wed Dec 14, 2022!)
- Linda/Lynda/Belinda/Lindy (selected Wed Jul 24, 2019!)
- Lindsay/Lindsey/Lyndsay (selected Wed Dec 1, 2021!)
- Linden
- Lionel (selected Fri Dec 23, 2022!)
- Lirone
- Liv/Livy (selected Wed Jul 27, 2022!)
- Liqiang
- Lisanne/Lysanne
- Llewyn
- Lloyd
- Lodewicus
- Logan/Logen (selected Wed Jul 21, 2021!)
- Lois/Loïc
- Lola
- London
- Long
- Loni/Lonny/Lani/Leonie/Lonnie (selected Wed Jul 19, 2023!)
- Loralei/Lorraine
- Lorenzo
- Lori/Lorrie/Laurie (selected Fri Dec 13, 2019!)
- Lotus
- Louise/Lou/Louisa/Luisa (selected Sun Dec 6, 2020!)
- Lorna
- Lowe
- Luân
- Luc/Lucas/Luke/Lukah/Luka/Luca/Lukas (selected Sun Dec 22, 2019!) (selected Fri Dec 8, 2023!)
- Luce/Lucia/Lucy/Lucille/Lucian/Lucien/ (selected Sun Dec 23, 2018!) (selected Tuesday July 23, 2024)
- Lucinda
- Luiz/Luis/Louis/Louie (selected Tue Dec 20, 2022!)
- Lulu (selected Sun Dec 2, 2018!)
- Luminosa
- Luna
- Lydia/Lydian/Lyddie/Lidia/Lydie (selected Sun Dec 16, 2018!)
- Lynn/Lyn/Lynne
- Lyric
- Maaheen
- Maazin
- Mabel
- Mac/Mackenzie/Macartney/Makenzie/Mack/Mckenzie (selected Fri Dec 28, 2018!) (selected Thu Dec 12, 2024!)
- Macey/Macie
- Mackenna/Mckenna
- Madeline/Maddy/Madeleine/Madelyn/Madelyne/Matti (selected Sun Jul 23, 2023!)
- Madison
- Madura (selected Thu Dec 7, 2023)
- Maëlle (selected Tue Jul 18, 2023!)
- Maeve
- Magda/Magdalene
- Magnolia
- Maha/Maho
- Mahalakshmi (selected Sun Dec 17, 2023!)
- Mahmoud (selected Sat Jul 25, 2020!)
- Maia/Maya/Maja (selected Wed Dec 9, 2020!)
- Mainna/Maida
- Mairin
- Maisy/Maisey/Maisie/Mais (selected Sat Dec 21, 2019!)
- Maelie
- Majed
- Malcolm
- Maliha/Malia (selected Sat Dec 19, 2020!)
- Malika/Malak/Malaika/Malik/Malaka/Malick/Mallika (selected Thu Jul 26, 2018!) (selected Tue Dec 17, 2024!)
- Mallinsia
- Mallory
- Maly/Mala
- Mandala
- Mandeep (selected Thu Jul 21, 2022!)
- Mangla
- Mannghi/Manju
- Manon
- Manmohan
- Manuel/Manel/Manuela (selected Mon Dec 2, 2019!)
- Manvitha (selected Sat Dec 16, 2023!)
- Mara
- Marco
- Marcela/Marcel/Marcella/Marcelline (selected Sat Dec 19, 2020!)
- Marcia/Marcie
- Marek/Mareike (selected Fri Dec 11, 2020!)
- Margaret/Marguerite/Maggie/Marjorie/Marjory/Marge/Margot/Margo/Margaux (selected Sun Dec 30, 2018!) (selected Sun Dec 17, 2023!)
- Marjolaine
- Maria/Mariah/Maryam/Meriem/Mariam/Mariangel (Selected Sun Jul 24, 2022!)
- Marianne/Maryanne/Marion/Mary Ann/Maryann/Mary-Anne/Marie-Ann/Marianna (selected Tue Dec 5, 2023!)
- Marie-Chantale
- Marie-France
- Marie-Pier
- Mariela/Marielena
- Marija
- Marika
- Marilla/Marielle
- Marina
- Marilyn (selected Sat Dec 8, 2018!) (selected Mon Dec 9, 2019!)
- Mario
- Marion
- Marisa/Marissa/Marisol/Merrisa/Marisa (selected Fri Jul 29, 2022!) (selected Wed Dec 7, 2022!)
- Maritza
- Marziyeh
- Mark/Marc/Marcus/Marko/Markus (selected Sun Jul 28, 2019!)
- Marla/Marlo/Marlowe/Marlow (selected Sun Dec 18, 2022!)
- Marley/Marlee/Marlene
- Marna (selected Thu Jul 23, 2020!)
- Marni/MarnieMaroun
- Marsha/Marshall
- Marta/Martha
- Martin/Martine/Martina (selected Sat Jul 27, 2019!) (selected Wed Dec 18, 2024!)
- Marwan/Marwa
- Mary Beth
- Mary Catherine/Marie-Catherine
- Mary Clare
- Mary/Marie/Marie-Eves (selected Wed Dec 18, 2019!)
- Maryam/Maraya
- Mary Lee/Marilee/Marylou/Maylee (selected Thu Dec 21, 2023!)
- Marysa
- Mason
- Massimo
- Masuma (selected Sun Jul 28, 2019!)
- Matilda/Mathilde/Tillie/Tilly/Tilde (selected Tue July 25th, 2023!)
- Matthew/Matt/Mat/Matthias/Mathieu/Matthieu/Mathew/Mateo/Matteo/Matéo (Selected Sun Dec 4, 2022!) (selected Mon Dec 16, 2019!) (selected Wednesday Jul 31, 2024)
- Matiss
- Mattreya
- Maude (selected Sat July 29th, 2023!)
- Maureen (selected Thu Dec 21, 2023!)
- Maurice/Morris/Maura/Mauricio
- Maverick
- Mavis
- Max/Maximilian/Maxim/Maxime (selected Mon Dec 23, 2019!)
- May/Maye/Maie/May Ann/Mae/Maeve (selected Wed Jul 26, 2023!)
- Mayara/Maiara (selected Tue Jul 19, 2022!)
- Maymuna
- Mayra
- Mazem
- Mazhar (selected Fri Jul 29, 2022!)
- Megan/Meghan/Meaghan/Meagan/Meg/Meggan (selected Thu Dec 5, 2019!)
- Mea
- Mead/Meadow
- Médéric
- Meera
- Mehak (selected Mon Dec 10, 2022!)
- Mehdi (selected Sat Jul 16, 2022!)
- Mehr
- Mehboob/Mebs
- Melcsi
- Melanie/Mel/Melville/Melvin (selected Fri Dec 6, 2019!)
- Melinda/Melina
- Melissa (selected Fri Dec 1, 2023!)
- Mélodie/Melody/Melodie (selected Wed Dec 21, 2022!)
- Meredith/Marida/Merida
- Merlin
- Merrick/Merrill/Merrit
- Mersiha
- Mia/Miah/Miya
- Micah/Mike/Michael/Mickeal (selected Sat Dec 4, 2021)
- Michelle/Michel/Michele/Micheline/ (selected Sat Dec 4, 2021)
- Michaela/Micaela/Michela/Mikayla/Mikaela/Makala (selected Sat Dec 4, 2021) (selected Sat Dec 21, 2024!)
- Miki/Mickey/Mikki/Mikolaj
- Mika/Mica/Meeka/Mikka/Meika/Meekai (selected Fri Dec 7, 2018!) (selected Sun Dec 8, 2024!)
- Midori (selected Sun Dec 1, 2019!)
- Milan
- Miles/Myles/Milo (selected Sat Dec 11 2021!)
- Milla/Milah/Mila (selected Thu Jul 22, 2021!)
- Miller/Müller
- Mildred
- Milka/Milica
- Millie (selected Fri Dec 23, 2022!)
- Milton
- Mimma (selected Wed Dec 20, 2023!)
- Mimi (selected Tue Jul 21, 2020!)
- Mina
- Mindy
- Miranda/Mira/Meara/Meera (selected Wed Dec 12, 2018!)
- Mirella/Mireille/Mirabelle
- Miriam/Myriam (selected Sun Dec 19 2021!)
- Mirijana/Janna (selected Mon Dec 2, 2019!)
- Misha (selected Mon Dec 21, 2020!)
- Mitchell
- Mitzi
- Mohammed/Mehmet (selected Fri Dec 2, 2022!)
- Mohassana
- Moira/Moya/Moiz
- Molly (selected Sat Dec 17, 2022!)
- Mona
- Monica/Monique/Monica-Lynn (selected Sun Jul 17, 2022!)
- Montana
- Moraine
- Morgan/Morgane/Morgana
- Moses/Moises (selected Thu Dec 2, 2021!)
- Mouna/Morna
- Muireall/Muriel/Murielle
- Murray
- Muntazir/Munish
- Mustafa/Mostafa/Mustapha (selected Sun Jul 28, 2024!)
- Muska/Musa
- Mỹ Lá/Myla (selected Fri Dec 1, 2023!)
- Mya
- Myfanwy
- Mylène
- Myra
- Nabeel
- Nacho
- Nadia/Nada/Nadhila/Nadira/Naduni
- Nadine (selected Wed Dec 2, 2020!)
- Naeem
- Nahlia/Nalia (selected Tuesday July 23, 2024)
- Naimah (selected Thu Dec 20, 2018!)
- Nais
- Naiyana (selected Fri Dec 14, 2018!) (selected Fri Dec 6, 2019!)
- Nalini/Naline
- Nam
- Nancy/Nanette
- Nanda
- Naoufal
- Narayan
- Narin
- Narvi/Narvisha (selected Sat July 29th, 2023!)
- Nastassia/Nastajia/Anastassia/Anastasia (selected Sat Dec 23, 2023!)
- Natalia/Natalie/Nathalie/Nat (selected Wed Dec 20, 2017!) (selected Thu Dec 19, 2019!)
- Natania
- Natara (selected Wed Dec 13, 2023!)
- Natasha/Nashia/Natachi
- Nathan/Nate/Nathaniel (selected Tue Dec 7 2021!)
- Naushin (selected Fri Dec 13, 2024!)
- Navdeep
- Naveen (selected Wed Jul 24, 2019!)
- Naweera
- Navya/Navid (selected Thu Jul 21, 2022!)
- Ndandali/Ndali (selected Thu Jul 20, 2023!)
- Neeraj (selected Sat Dec 5, 2020!)
- Negar
- Neha
- Neil/Neali/Neel/Neela/Neilda/Nel/Nelli//Nelida/Nellie/Nelly (selected Thu Jul 25, 2019!)
- Nelson (selected Friday July 19, 2024!)
- Neneng
- Nerissa
- Nessa/Nes
- Neta
- Nevaeh/Nevan/Nev/Neve
- Neville
- Nhan
- Nia
- Niyo
- Niamh
- Nick/Nico/Niko/Nikki (selected Sat Jul 24, 2021!)
- Nicole/Nicola/Nichole/Nicholas/Nicolas/Nikaulas (selected Wed Jul 25, 2018!)
- Nigel
- Nihal
- Nikhil
- Nikita
- Niall
- Nils/Niles
- Neena/Nino/Nina/Nuno
- Ninetta
- Nirmala/Nir/Nirdesh
- Nishaan/Nisha/Nishi (selected Sun Dec 5, 2021!) (selected Thu Dec 12, 2024!)
- Nisreen/Nisrin/Nisrine/Nesrine (selected Thu Dec 7, 2023)
- Noah/Noa (selected Thu Dec 3, 2020!)
- Noel/Noelle/Noé
- Noemie/Naomi/Naomie (selected Thu Dec 20, 2018!)
- Nohad
- Nolan/Nola
- Nonie
- Noor/Nour/Noorani/Rani (selected Tue Jul 20, 2021!)
- Nora/Norah/Norine/Nori (selected Thu Dec 2, 2021!)
- Noriko (selected Sun Jul 31, 2022!)
- Norman/Norma/Normand (selected Wed Jul 26, 2023!)
- Nova/Novalee (selected Mon Dec 23, 2019!)
- Nuka
- Nujhat (selected Tue Dec 5, 2023!)
- Nuri/Nura
- Nyah
- Nykka
- Nyssa
- Octaian/Octavia
- Oak/Oakley (selected Sat Dec 14, 2024!)
- Obediah (selected Sun Dec 6, 2020!)
- Ocean/Aucéanne (selected Wed Dec 23, 2020!)
- Odette (selected Tue Dec 5, 2023!)
- Odin
- Oksana
- Olga/Olha (selected Sun Dec 17, 2023!)
- Ole/Olin/Olen
- Olivia/Olive/Oliver/Alivia/Olivier (selected Sun Jul 21, 2019!)
- Oly/Ollie/Olyma (selected Wed Dec 18, 2024!)
- Omar/Onur (selected Sun Dec 10, 2017!)
- Ophelia
- Ora
- Orest
- Orin/Orion/Ori (selected Wed Dec 15 2021!)
- Orlando/Orla
- Orson
- Oscar/Oskar
- Oswin
- Otis (selected Fri Dec 4, 2020!)
- Ott
- Otusa
- Outmane/ Otmane
- Ouleiyah
- Owen (selected Tue Dec 14, 2021!)
- Oxford
- Ozwald/Ozden
- Pablo (selected Sun Jul 30, 2023!)
- Padraig
- Paige/Paigette(selected Sat Dec 7, 2024)
- Paisley
- Pamela/Pam (selected Tue Dec 13, 2022!)
- Panos/Panayotis/Panayota (selected Sun Dec 22, 2024!)
- Paolo/Paul/Paula/Paola/Pauline/Paulina/Paulette (selected Sat Dec 1, 2018!) (selected Sat Jul 27, 2019!)
- Parisa
- Parker
- Parminder/Parmida (selected Thu Jul 28, 2022!)
- Pascal/Pascale/Pascaline (selected Tue Dec 6, 2022!)
- Patricia/Patti/Patrick/Pat/Patrik/Patience (selected Fri Dec 1, 2017!) (selected Sun Dec 10, 2023!)
- Pavel
- Paxton
- Pearl
- Peggy
- Pelle (selected Sun Dec 15, 2024!)
- Penn/Penny/Penelope/Penney (selected Sun Jul 31, 2022!)
- Perrin
- Persephone
- Peter/Pete/Pierre/Pietro/Petah/Piet/Piero (selected Thu Dec 9, 2021!) (selected Friday December 15, 2023!)
- Petra/Petrena
- Peyton
- Phak
- Phil/Philippa/Philip/Philipa/Phillis/Philana/Philippe (selected Sat Dec 18 2021!)
- Phoebe
- Phoenix (selected Friday July 19, 2024!)
- Phrasie
- Pia/Pei (selected Sun Dec 17, 2017!)
- Pina
- Pierce/Pierson
- Pierre-Alexandre
- Pierre-Paul
- Pim
- Pip/Piper/Pippa
- Pontiac
- Pooja (selected Sun Jul 23, 2023!)
- Poppy (selected Fri Dec 22, 2023!)
- Portia (selected Sun Dec 4, 2022!)
- Pouya
- Prairie
- Prakriti
- Pran/Pranesh/Praneet (selected Tue July 25th, 2023!)
- Prathamesh
- Prescia (selected Thu Dec 1, 2022!)
- Preslee
- Preston
- Prince
- Priscilla
- Priya (selected Tue Dec 24, 2019!)
- Qays (selected Thu Jul 22, 2021!)
- Quan (Selected Sun Dec 3, 2023!)
- Quentin/Quincy/Quenet
- Quinn/Quinton (selected Fri Jul 23, 2021!) (selected Sun Jul 21, 2024!)
- Quynh (selected Sun Jul 16, 2023!)
- Rabiyah/Rabya/Rabia
- Rachel/Rachell/Raquel/Rachelle/Rachael (selected Sat Dec 9, 2017!) (selected Friday July 26, 2024)
- Rae/ Rae-Anne/Raeanne/ Raelynne, Rae-Lynne, Raelyn (selected Tue July 25th, 2023!)
- Raegan
- Rafi/Raffi
- Ragnar (selected Sun Jul 16, 2023!)
- Rahul/Rahil
- Raisa
- Ralph (selected Wed Dec 18, 2019!)
- Rajal
- Rajan/Raj/Rajiv (selected Sun Dec 22, 2019!)
- Raman
- Rami/Ramzi (Selected Thu Dec 1, 2022!)
- Ramsey/Ramsay
- Ramuna/Ramunas
- Randy
- Rania/Raniya
- Ranjana
- Raphael/Rafael/Rafaël (selected Thu Dec 17, 2020!)
- Rathana
- Raven
- Ravi/Ravital
- Rawad/Rawan
- Ray/Raymond (selected Sat Dec 7, 2019!) (selected Tue July 25th, 2023!)
- Rayanne/Rayna/Raya/Reyna/Reynan/Reya/Rain (selected Fri Jul 28, 2023!)
- Razz
- Reagan
- Reba
- Rebecca/Rebeca/Becca/Rebekah/Becky (selected Sat Jul 23, 2022!)
- Reem (Selected Sat Dec 3, 2022!)
- Reena/Rina/Rowena (selected Fri Dec 13, 2019!)
- Regina/Reg /Reggie/Reynold (selected Sat Dec 16, 2017!) (selected Fri Dec 6, 2024!)
- Rehan
- Reid/Reed
- Rejean
- Reiko (selected Wednesday Jul 24, 2024)
- Remy
- Renate/Renata/Ren
- Renee/Rene/Renée (selected Tue Dec 13, 2022!)
- Reno/Nazareno (selected Tuesday Jul 30, 2024)
- Reshmi/Rashmi/Reshma (selected Wed Dec 18, 2019!)
- Reshad
- Reza (selected Wed Dec 2, 2020!)
- Rhea/Rheagan/Rheanna/Rhee (selected Wednesday Jul 31, 2024)
- Rhian/Rhiannon
- Rhonda
- Rhys/Reece/Rice/Reace/Reese (selected Thu Jul 20, 2023!)
- Rianna
- Richard/Rick/Ricky/Richardo/Richoo (Selected Fri Dec 9, 2022!)
- Riek (selected Thu Dec 10, 2020!)
- Riley/Reilly/Rylee/Ryleigh (selected Wed Jul 20, 2022!)
- Riordan/Rio
- Rita/Ria/Rida/Ritu (selected Sat Dec 23, 2023!)
- River
- Riya
- RJ
- Robert/Rob/Roberto/Roberta/Bob/Bobby (selected Thu Dec 27, 2018!) (selected Thu Dec 7, 2023)
- Robin/Robina/Robyn/Robyne/Robinson (selected Fri Dec 17, 2021!)
- Rocco/Rock/Roch (selected Wed Jul 22, 2020!) (selected Tue Dec 14, 2021!)
- Rochelle
- Rodanthi
- Roderick/Rhoderick/Rodrigo (selected Wed Dec 11, 2019!) (selected Sat Dec 21, 2024!)
- Roger
- Rohin/Rohan (selected Fri Dec 20, 2024!)
- Roisin
- Roland
- Rolly
- Roman/Ronan (selected Sat Dec 15, 2018!)
- Romeo/Romi/Romy
- Rommel
- Ron/Ronny/Rona/Ronald/Ranald
- Rory (selected Sat Dec 23, 2017!)
- Rosalind/Rosal/Rosalee (selected Thu Jul 21, 2022!)
- Rosanna/Rosangela/Rossana/Rosanne (selected Sun Jul 28, 2019!) (selected Sun Dec 1, 2024!)
- Rose/Rosalyn/Rosa/Rosemary/Rosie/Rosalie/Roseline/Roslyn/Rozen (selected Sat Dec 12, 2020!)
- Roshena
- Ross/Roston (selected Fri Dec 18, 2020!)
- Roula
- Rowan/Roanne (selected Wed Dec 23, 2020!)
- Roxanne/Roxanna/Roxy (selected Thur Jul 27, 2023!)
- Roy
- Ruby/Rubi
- Rubin/Rubina/Ruben
- Rudy (selected Wednesday Jul 31, 2024)
- Rufus
- Rumeysa
- Rumi (selected Thu Dec 12 2019!)
- Rupert
- Russell/Russ (selected Thu Jul 28, 2022!)
- Rustin
- Ruth/Ruth Ann/Ruthie (selected Sun Dec 16, 2018!)
- Ruya/Ruva
- Ryan/Rylan/Rian (selected Fri Jul 29, 2022!)
- Ryder
- Ryker
- Ryse/Ryze
- Saaimah
- Saaif (selected Fri Dec 16, 2022!)
- Saba
- Sabina/Sabine/Sabrina/Sabrin
- Sacha/Sasha (selected Wed Jul 19, 2023!)
- Sadaf
- Sadie
- Saeed (selected Sat Dec 5, 2020!)
- Safaa
- Saffryn
- Sage
- Saher/Sahir
- Sai/Sairish/Saif
- Salin/Salim/Saleem/Salima (selected Thu Dec 22, 2022!)
- Sally (selected Tue July 25th, 2023!)
- Salma/Selma
- Salvatore/Sal (selected Fri Jul 24, 2020)!
- Samara/Samar/Samir/Sam/Samantha/Samuel/Sami/Sumaira (selected Mon Dec 9, 2019!) (selected Sun Dec 8, 2024!)
- Samiha
- Samson
- Samukelele
- Sampsa
- Sana (selected Fri Jul 22, 2022!)
- Sandra/Sandy (selected Wed Dec 11, 2019!)
- Sandro
- Sangita
- Santiago
- Santino/Santina
- Saoirse
- Sara/Sarah/Sarah-Jane/Syrah/Sarah-Mecca (selected Tue Dec 22, 2020!) (selected Fri Dec 6, 2024!)
- Sarra
- Sari
- Sarien
- Saskia (Selected Sun Dec 3, 2023!)
- Sathy
- Sawyer
- Saul (selected Thu Dec 5, 2019!)
- Sauren
- Savhannah/Savannah (selected Sun Jul 21, 2024!)
- Sawssan/Sawsan (selected Sat Dec 17, 2022!)
- Sequoia
- Seyram
- Sazy
- Scarlett/Scarlet
- Scott (selected Fri Dec 1, 2023!)
- Scotia
- Seamus (selected Tue Jul 21, 2020!)
- Sebastian/Sebastien/Sebnem (selected Thursday August 1, 2024)
- Sehaj
- Sejal/Seji (selected Wed Dec 7, 2022!)
- Selena/Celina (selected Sun Dec 22, 2019!)
- Sèna (selected Thu Jul 23, 2020!)
- Senda
- Sepideh
- Serena/Serene/Sarina/Serafina (selected Tue Dec 4, 2018!) (selected Sat Dec 14, 2024!)
- Serge/Serje
- Seth
- Sez
- Shadid (selected Wed Dec 13, 2023!)
- Shaelyn/Shaelene/Shae/Shea/Shay/Shealyn/Shaylee (selected Sun Jul 30, 2023!)
- Shahana/Shahin
- Shailla/Shaila/Shayla/Shailaja (selected Thu Dec 2, 2021!)
- Shaily
- Shaista
- Shamima/Shama (selected Sat Jul 25, 2020!)
- Shamir (selected Sun Dec 17, 2023!)
- Shane/Shayna/Shayne (selected Sat July 29th, 2023!)
- Shanice/Shania/Shanie (selected Thu Dec 14, 2023!)
- Shanta/Shanti (selected Sat Dec 12, 2020!)
- Shannen/Shannon/Shana (selected Tue Dec 6, 2022!)
- Sharif (selected Thu Dec 5, 2019!)
- Sharlene
- Sharon (selected Fri Jul 24, 2020!)
- Shawn/Sean/Shaun/Shawna/Shauna/Shana/Shawana/Shaunice/Shion/Shona/Sian (selected Sun Dec 19 2021!) (selected Sat Jul 20, 2024!)
- Sheena/Shehan
- Shefa
- Sheila (selected Sat Dec 19, 2020!)
- Shelby (selected Fri Dec 12, 2019!)
- Sheldon
- Shelly/Shelley/Shelina (selected Thu Dec 14, 2023!)
- Shereen/Shirin/Shireen (selected Wed Dec 11, 2024!)
- Sherry/Sheri/Cheri/Shehrbanu (selected Wednesday Jul 31, 2024)
- Shiloh
- Shirley
- Shoshanna
- Shivani (selected Sat Dec 23, 2023!)
- Shruti (selected Fri Jul 29, 2022!)
- Si
- Siddiq/Siddhu
- Siena
- Sierra/Cierra/Siera
- Signi (selected Sat Jul 25, 2020!)
- Sikender
- Silas/Sila
- Simar (selected Mon Dec 21, 2020!)
- Simon/Simone (selected Sat Dec 29, 2018!) (selected Fri Dec 13, 2019!)
- Sinead
- Siobhan (selected Sat Dec 30, 2017!)
- SiriAnand
- Sizwe (selected Sat Jul 27, 2024!)
- Skye/Skylee/Skye/Skyelar (selected Mon Jul 23, 2018!)
- Sloane/Sloan
- Sneha
- Sobhan
- Sodeneka
- Soai
- Soha/Suha/Suhana (selected Thu Dec 8, 2022!)
- Sohaib (selected Tue Dec 19, 2023!)
- Sofia/Sophie/Sophia/Sofie/Zofia (selected Tue Jul 26, 2022!)
- Sol
- Solange (selected Sat Jul 25, 2020!)
- Solemne (selected Fri Dec 29, 2017!)
- Somecheay
- Sonya/Sonia/Sonja (selected Tue Dec 10, 2024!)
- Soren/Sorna
- Soungui
- Souraiya/Soraya/Souraya/Sora
- Sovuth
- Spencer
- Sri Kant
- Srishti (selected Sat Jul 20 2019!)
- Stan
- Stacey/Stacy
- Stefania/Stefanie/Stephanie/Steph/Stef/Steffi/Stephany/Steffany (selected Sat Dec 2, 2017!) (selected Sat Dec 14, 2019!)
- Stelios
- Stella
- Sterling
- Steven/Stephen/Stephan/Steve/Stéphane/Stefano/Stefan/Stevie (selected Sat Jul 23, 2022!)
- Stuart/Stewart/Stuntman Stu (selected Wed Dec 21, 2022!)
- Subhir (selected Sun Jul 24, 2022!)
- Subomi
- Suelen/Suellen
- Sullivan/Sully
- Summer
- Sumaya
- Sumintra/Sumitha
- Sunit
- Sunny/Sonny
- Supriya
- Suri/Suriya (Selected Wed Dec 1, 2021!)
- Susan/Sue/Susie/Susanna/Suzanne/Suzanna/Susanne/Susana/Suzy/Suzette/Soo (selected Sat Dec 9, 2017!) (selected Sunday December 18, 2022) (selected Thursday Jul 25, 2024)
- Svea
- Svillen
- Sweth
- Sybille/Cybille
- Syeda/Syed (selected Mon Dec 16, 2019!)
- Sydney/Sydnee/Sid/Sidney/Cydney (selected Fri Dec 12, 2019!)
- Sylvie/Silvia/Silvie/Sylvia (selected Fri Dec 11, 2020!)
- Sylvain/Silvana
- Sylver
- Tabitha/Tabbatha
- Tahira
- Taje
- Takuma
- Talia/Talitha/Talisa/Tali (selected Sat Dec 3, 2022!)
- Talha (selected Wed Dec 8 2021!)
- Taika (selected Friday July 26, 2024)
- Taitu
- Tala
- Taeghan
- Tallulah (selected Mon Jul 22 2019!)
- Talon/Talan
- Tamara/Tammy (selected Tue Jul 20, 2021!)
- Tamim/Tahmina
- Tamsin/Tamsen
- Tang (selected Sat Jul 23, 2022!)
- Tania/Tanya (selected Thu Dec 17, 2020!)
- Tanis/Tanys
- Tanner
- Tara/Tiera (selected Tue Jul 21, 2020!)
- Taranjit/Tarnjit
- Tarik/Tarek/Tareck (selected Sun Dec 13, 2020!) (selected Sun Dec 15, 2024!)
- Tarun/Taro (selected Sun Dec 10, 2023!)
- Taryn
- Tasha
- Tate
- Tatiana/Tetyana
- Tauran
- Tavias
- Tawfik (selected Fri Dec 8, 2023!)
- Tayla
- Taylin
- Taylor (selected Thu Jul 22, 2021!)
- Tayma
- Tazmin
- Téa/Thea
- Teagan/Teague/Teegan/Tegan
- Tehya/Tia (selected Thu Dec 13, 2018!) (selected Sat Jul 27, 2019!)
- Temur (selected Wed Jul 21, 2021!)
- Tennison
- Terra
- Terrence/Terry/Teresa/Theresa/Terri (selected Tue Jul 18, 2023!)
- Teddy (selected Sat Jul 20, 2024!)
- Telah
- Tess/Tessa/Tressa/Tesia (selected Thu Dec 1, 2022!)
- Tasneem/Tasnim (selected Sun Jul 17, 2022!)
- Thaddeus
- Thameur
- Thaise
- Thalia
- Thanos/Tanos
- Thelonius
- Theo/Theodore/Ted/Theodosia (selected Fri Jul 23, 2021!)
- Thiên
- Thierry
- Theni
- Thomas/Tom/Tommaso/Tommy (selected Wed Dec 16, 2020!)
- Tiago (selected Sun Dec 18, 2022!)
- Tianna
- Tierney
- Tiffany (selected Sun Jul 23, 2023!)
- Tiiu (selected Sun Dec 6, 2020!)
- Tim/Timothy (selected Wed Dec 18, 2019!)
- Timon
- Tina/Tino/Tena/Teena (selected Thu Dec 19, 2019!)
- Tinsae (selected Wed Dec 20, 2023!)
- Toby/Tobi/Tobin/Tobias (selected Sat Dec 19, 2020!)
- Todd
- Tonia
- Tooba
- Toon (selected Thu Dec 3, 2020!)
- Toran
- Torrin/Torin
- Tory/Tori
- Toshif
- Toshio
- Tracy/Tracey (selected Tue Jul 23 2019!)
- Traill
- Travis (Selected Sun Dec 3, 2023!)
- Treena
- Trenton/Trent
- Trevor
- Trina
- Trinh
- Trinity
- Trish/Trisha/Tricia (selected Sun Dec 1, 2024!)
- Tristan/Tristene (selected Thu Dec 10, 2020!)
- Trixie
- Troy
- Trudy
- Tuba (selected Sun Dec 20, 2020!)
- Tuca
- Tucker
- Tuesday (selected Wed Dec 18, 2024!)
- Tulsi
- Turner
- Tyler/Tylor (selected Wed Dec 4, 2019!)
- Tyson (selected Sat Dec 16, 2023!)
- Ulas
- Umair/Umaer/Umar (selected Tue Dec 13, 2022!)
- Unity
- Urban
- Ursula (selected Tue Dec 22, 2020!)
- Usama/Osamah (selected Sat Dec 18 2021!)
- Uzma/Uma (selected Sat Jul 30, 2022!)
- Xavier/Xavi/Xavior (selected Sat Dec 11 2021!)
- Vahid
- Vaia
- Vaishnavan (selected Sun Dec 22, 2024!)
- Val/Valerie/Valérie/Valeria/Valeriene/Valencia/Valentina/Valla/Valia (selected Tuesday July 23, 2024)
- Vanda (selected Friday December 15, 2023!)
- Vanessa/Venessa (selected Fri Dec 2, 2022!)
- Vania/Vanja/Vanya (selected Sun Jul 17, 2022!)
- Vasilis (selected Wed Dec 8, 2021!)
- Vaughn
- Vaya
- Vello
- Velta (selected Wed Jul 25, 2018!)
- Vera (selected Thu Dec 9, 2021!)
- Verity (selected Wed Dec 4, 2024!)
- Verlyne
- Veronica/Véronique (selected Fri Dec 9, 2022!)
- Vesna
- Vhari
- Victoria/Victor/Vicky/Vitor/Vito/Vicki (selected Thu Jul 22, 2021!)
- Vida
- Viggo (selected Wed Dec 1, 2021!)
- Vikas (selected Fri Jul 26, 2019!)
- Vince/Vincent/Vini/Vinnie (selected Thu Dec 19, 2019!) (selected Wed Dec 11, 2024!)
- Viola/Violet/Violeta/Violette/Viona (selected Wed Jul 26, 2023!)
- Virgil/Virgilia
- Virginia
- Vishva (selected Tue Dec 20, 2022!)
- Vivienne/Vivian/Viviana/Viv/Vivek (selected Sun Dec 3, 2017!)
- Vladimir
- Wadia/Wadie
- Wagner
- Walid/Wally/Waly (selected Thu Jul 20, 2023!)
- Walker
- Walter (selected Fri Jul 28, 2023!)
- Wanda
- Ward (selected Fri Dec 11, 2020!)
- Warren
- Wasima
- Watson
- Wayden/Wade
- Wayne/Waylon
- Wellsley/Wellesley
- Wendy/Wendy Ann
- Werner
- Wesley/Wes/West (selected Mon Dec 21, 2020!)
- Whitney
- Wilder/Wildee
- Wilfred
- William/Will/Wil/Willem/Willa/Willis (selected Wed Dec 23, 2020!) (selected Wed Dec 4, 2024!)
- Willow
- Wilma
- Wilson
- Winnie/Winona/Wynona (selected Fri Dec 8, 2017!) (selected Tue Dec 3, 2024!)
- Winston
- Winter (selected Fri Dec 6, 2024!)
- Won (selected Tue Jul 19, 2022!)
- Woodjina
- Wren
- Wyatt
- Wylie/Wiley
- Wynn
- Xan (selected Sat Dec 2, 2023!)
- Xhevalier
- Xiaoling (selected Wed Jul 19, 2023!)
- Xiomara (selected Tue Dec 6, 20022!)
- Yad/Yadgar (selected Sun Dec 11, 2022!)
- Yael
- Yago/Yagu (selected Tue Dec 7 2021!)
- Yamen/Yamini
- Yan/Yandu
- Yannick/Yanik (selected Wed Jul 20, 2022!)
- Yasser/Yasir (selected Sun Dec 18, 2022!)
- Yara (selected Fri Dec 17, 2021!)
- Yaseen (selected Mon Dec 23, 2019!)
- Yazan
- Yeowon (selected Fri Dec 16, 2022!)
- Yol/Yolanda (selected Tuesday Jul 30, 2024)
- Yoonjae/Younes
- Youngseo
- Youssef/Yousuf/Yusuf (selected Sun Dec 13, 2020!)
- Yuri (selected Fri Dec 3, 2021!)
- Yusu (selected Sun Dec 8, 2019!)
- Yves
- Yvonne (selected Wed Dec 12, 2018!)
- Zac/Zack/Zachary/Zak (selected Tue Dec 4, 2018!) (selected Wednesday Jul 24, 2024)
- Zahra/Zehra (selected Fri Dec 2, 2022!)
- Zander/Zandra/Sander/Xander (selected Sat Jul 25, 2020!)
- Zavin
- Zayn/Zane/Zaya/Zayan/Zayd (selected Sun Jul 30, 2023!)
- Zeena (selected Thu Dec 17, 2020!)
- Zeid (selected Fri Jul 22, 2022!)
- Zeina
- Zeinab/Zeynab/Zaynab/Zeyneb (selected Friday July 26, 2024)
- Zelia
- Zen
- Ziad (Selected Sun Dec 4, 2022!)
- Zinaida (selected Thu Jul 23, 2020!)
- Zoe/Zoey/Zoë (selected Fri Dec 21, 2018!)
- Zoltan
- Zophia
- Zukhra (selected Sun Dec 19, 2021!)
- Zuriah
- Zuzu
- Zyta
Yes! Added!
Hi Marlene,
Need to add Karolyn / Nikaulas / Fadi to the list!
Aseel 🙂
Rebeca (one c)
Added! Thank you!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Xavier is one of our names of the day today Sat Dec 11, 2021 and so it’s a free cone for Xavier today at 102 Fairmont! We’re open noon-9pm! 🙂
What about Harmony/Harmonie/Harmoney 👀
Thank you! Added 🙂
Kerryn! 😀
Kerryn has been added to the list! Thank you 🙂
Kayra and Aylin
Thank you! Added!
Thank you! Added!
Added! Thank you!
Havana please 🙂
Ooh na na, we’re adding Havana for sure! Thank you!
Hoping to have the name Zen added!
Zen is now on the list! Thank you!
Added to the list! Thank you!
Please add Demi and Douglas
Added, thanks!
Hi Marlene!
Very nice to see that you are doing great!
Hello Marina, Regina, Ferents, & Inessa! Thank you so much for your message! It is always so nice to hear from you!
On the list! Thank you!
Thank you! Added! 🙂
Thank you! Ana is on the list!
Thank you! Added!
Thank you! Both added!
Xavier, Katy
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Xavier is one of our names of the day today Sat Dec 11, 2021 and so it’s a free cone for Xavier today at 102 Fairmont! We’re open noon-9pm! 🙂
Thank you! Added! 🙂
Heli shah (July17, 2022)
Thank you! Added! 🙂
Hi! Can you add Nisreen (Alternatively spelled Nisrin)☺️
For sure! Nisreen/Nisrin are now on the list. Thank you 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! We are writing because Katy was selected as one of our names of the day for Wednesday, December 13th, 2023! That means a free cone all named Katy today at 102 Fairmont between noon and 8pm!
You’re added to the list! Thank you!
Sabine, please
Sabine is now on the list!
For sure! Added to the list! Thank you!
Added! 🙂
Hello! Tarek has been selected as a name of the day today for a free cone, today, Sunday, December 13, 2020, between noon at 8pm at The Merry Dairy takeaway window at 102 Fairmont!
Thank you! Added!
Hello Tarek and Happy Sunday morning from The Merry Dairy! Your name was selected as one of our names of the day for Sunday, December 15th, 2024! Stop by anytime today between noon and 8pm to claim your free cone!
Hi, can you please add Rheagan and Scotia to your list? Their names are never on anything.
That’s been fixed! Added! 🙂
Thank you! Added to the list!
Thank you! Added! 🙂
Added! Thnk you! 🙂
Thank you! On the list!
Yes! Added! 🙂
I saw Chantal but can you add Chantelle/Chantel and Zelia
All added! Thank you! 🙂
Thank you! On the list!
You are officially on the list Nada! Thank you!
hi!! does my name ‘Valeriene’ count as Valerie? if not could we add it please! can we add Fariz/Faris too? thank you! :3
Valeriene and Fariz have been added to the list! Thank you!
Brynn & Meghan
Added! Thank you!
I love Merry Dairy Please add: Kalpana and Nanda
Both names have been added to the list! Thank you!
Both names updated to the list! Thank you!
Can you add Lisa?
Thank you!
Lisa in on the list, good luck!
Both names have been added to the list! Thank you!
Please add
All added and thank you!
Added to the list! Thank you!
Please add Ismé, Imani, Raniya and Ihtesham
Added all names to the list. Thank you!
A name close to mine is on the list, but not quite the same! My name is Kasia 🙂
Mary Anne
Adelynn *Adelyn and Adeline are already on the list but not the first variation. 🙂
Thank you! All added!
Added! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Mary Anne was selected as one of our names of the day for Tuesday, December 5th! That means a free cone for all Mary Annes at our shop at 102 Fairmont today between noon and 8pm!
Thank you! Added! 🙂
All added! Thank you!
Added! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Amisha is our name of the day today, Friday December 3, so it’s a free cone for you all day today at 102 Fairmont! 🙂
Added and thank you!
Yes! Added!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Xavier and Xavi are names of the day today Sat Dec 11, 2021 and so it’s a free cone for Xaviers and Xavis today at 102 Fairmont! We’re open noon-9pm! 🙂
Please add Faizul/Faisal to the list!
Done! Added!
Can you please add Gigi to the list?
Thank you! Added!
Sarra has been added to the list! Thank you!
I’d like mine added: Kat
Kat has now been added to the list! Thank you
Hello from The Merry Dairy! We are writing because Kat was selected as one of our names of the day for Wednesday, December 13th, 2023! That means a free cone all named Kat today at 102 Fairmont between noon and 8pm!
My daughter is Sauren
Yes! Sauren is now on the list! 🙂
Sauren in now on the list! Thank you!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! And that means that Kasia has been selected as a name of the day for Sun Dec 1! To claim your cone, come anytime today to 102 Fairmont between noon and 8pm!
Shailla or Shayla
H Shailla! A free cone for you today, Thu Dec 2, 2021 noon-8pm at 102 Fairmont as Shayla/Shaila/Shailla was selected as our name of the day!
Please add Mustafa to the list 🙂
Added to the list! 🙂
Cormac! Thank you!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Shea/Shay/Shealyn have been selected as one our names of the day for Sun Jul 30! That means a free cone for any one of them all day today at 102 Fairmont! Hope to see you soon!
Here are two names
Great names! All added!
On the list! 🙂
Thank you! Added!
Added! Thank you! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! We are writing because Andres was selected as one of our names of the day for Saturday, December 23rd, 2023! That means a free cone all named Andres today at 102 Fairmont between noon and 9pm!
Nuri 😀
Nuri has been added! Thank you!
Yes! Added and thank you! 🙂
Added! Thank you! 🙂
Tulsi! <3
Thank you! Tulsi added!
Please add Xavi!
Added! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy on this lovely Sat Jul 22 where the name Anneka has been selected as one of our names of the day! That means a free cone for Anneka anytime today, Sat Jul 22, between noon and 9pm!
Added! Thank you! 🙂
Could you also add: Ebyan, Beatriz, Zaya, and Kasper?
Thank you! 🙂
Yes! All names added! Thank you 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Zaya has been selected as one our names of the day for Sun Jul 30! That means a free cone for Zaya all day today at 102 Fairmont! Hope to see you soon!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Beatriz was selected as one of our names of the day for Wednesday, December 6th! That means a free cone for all named Beatriz at our shop at 102 Fairmont today between noon and 8pm!
You’re on the list now! Thank you!
Thank you! Both added! 🙂
Kendal! ☺️
Added! Thank you! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Amisha is our name of the day today, Friday December 3, so it’s a free cone for you all day today at 102 Fairmont! 🙂
Hi Tania! Maia is a name of the day today for Wed Dec 9, 2020! Pop on by the takeaway window for a free cone!
Tania has been selected for a free cone today, Thursday, Dec 17! Tania can come to the takeaway window to pick up a cone anytime between noon and 8pm!
Zaynab (different spelling of Zeinab) & Maymuna
Hello from The Merry Dairy! The name Zaynab has been selected as one of our names of the day! That means a free cone for Zaynab anytime today, Friday July 26 2024, between noon and 9pm!
We’d like to add our names ! Yeowon & Eunjae
Thank you! Both added! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy and congratulations! Yeowan is one of our names of the day for Friday, December 1th, which means a free cone for Yeowan today at 102 Fairmont Avenue! And if Yeowan can’t make today because of the weather, the cone can be claimed on Saturday too! 🙂
Yes! Added! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! We are writing today Sunday, December 3, to say that Laura was one of the names selected today to receive a free cone! Laura can come in anytime between noon and 8pm today to 102 Fairmont to claim the cone!
Hi Tom! Your name was selected as a name of the day for today, Wednesday, December 16, 2020. Come on over to the takeaway window at 102 Fairmont for your cone!
My husbaind is Danish
Yes! Added!
Yes! Added! 🙂
Krasi and Svillen
Ria 💕
Thank you! Added!
Ndali, Carla and Merlin
For sure! Ndandali and Ndali are added to the list 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! We are writing because Ria was selected as one of our names of the day for Saturday, December 23rd, 2023! That means a free cone all named Ria today at 102 Fairmont between noon and 9pm!
Yes! Added!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Cedric/Cédric/Cedrik is one of our names of the day for Friday, July 28, 2023! That means a free cone today at 102 Fairmont! We’re open from noon-9 pm 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! We are writing because Kati was selected as one of our names of the day for Wednesday, December 13th, 2023! That means a free cone all named Kati today at 102 Fairmont between noon and 8pm!
Thank you! Added to the list!
Thank you! Added! 🙂
Added! Thank you!
Added! Thank you! 🙂
Please add my name
Are we able to add Lise and Lukas?
Done! Thank yoU! 🙂
Georgina, Aida, Osamah
Hello from The Merry Dairy! It’s a free cone today Sat Dec 18 2021 at the takeaway window at 102 Fairmont between noon and 9pm for all named Usama! 🙂
Georgina was selected as a name of the day for Tuesday, Dec 3, 2024 – and you come by anytime today to 102 Fairmont Ave between noon and 8pm for a free cone! 🙂
Suriya was our name of the day on Wed Dec 1, 2021! To claim your cone (even if it’s on Thu Dec 2), come to 102 Fairmont Ave between noon and 8pm!
Yes! Marc is on the list!
Marc is on the list! Thank you!
Thank you! Anjulee has been added!
Can you add Binh!
Thank you! Binh is now on the list!
Added! Thank you! 🙂
Please add Léa and Cléo 💗
Beautiful! Added 🙂
On the list! Thank you! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! We are writing because Katherine was selected as one of our names of the day for Wednesday, December 13th, 2023! That means a free cone all named Katherine today at 102 Fairmont between noon and 8pm!
Leanna has been added to the list! Thank you 🙂
Guinevere! 🥰
Added to the list! Thank you! 🤗
Hello from The Merry Dairy and a big hello to Cléo who is our name of the day for Thu Dec 14, 2022, which means a free cone for Cléo anytime between noon and 8pm at 102 Fairmont! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy and a big hello to Léa who is our name of the day for Sat Jul 29, 2023, which means a free cone for Léa anytime between noon and 8pm at 102 Fairmont! 🙂
Ioanna / Ioana / Yohanna
Added! Thank you!
Ricardo 🙂
Added to the list! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Today, Tuesday Dec 10 Yohanna was selected as one of our names of the day, which means a free cone today for Yohanna at 102 Fairmont between noon and 8pm!
On the list! Thank you! 🙂
I love how u pick the names day I think my name should be added as it’s a very uncommon name lol
And now Sorna is on the list!
On the list! Thank you! 🙂
Please add Ramzi 🙂
Added! Thank you! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! And a short note to say that Ramzi is our name of the day for Thursday, Dec 1, 2022! To claim your cone come to 102 Fairmont between noon-8pm today! 🙂
Thank you! On the list! 🙂
On the list! 🙂
Added! Thank you! 🙂
Done! Added them to the list 🙂
Taylor! And Lainey!
Both have been added! Thank you 🙂
I would love if you could add Pierson and Fitz 🙂
Added! Thank you!
Added! Thank you 🙂
Alek / Aleksandr
Thank you! Alek and Aleksandr are now on the list!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! We are writing because Kat/Katherina was selected as one of our names of the day for Wednesday, December 13th, 2023! That means a free cone all named Kat/Katherina today at 102 Fairmont between noon and 8pm!
Ooops! Katharina! Sorry about that!
Tuba is now on the list! Thank you 🙂
Added! Thank you!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Matilda/ Mathilde/ Tillie/ Tilly is one of our names of the day for Tuesday, July 25, 2023! That means a free cone today at 102 Fairmont! We’re open from noon-9 pm 🙂
Added! Thank you!
Can you please add Jordana?
Thank you!
Added! Thank you! 🙂
Added both to the list! Thank you!
Thank you! Added!
Aija (just a new spelling!)
Thank you!
Thank you! Both added!
Kristine with a K
Thank you! On the list!
Thank you! Added!
Hello from The Merry Dairy on this lovely Saturday, December 21st, 2024! And it’s even more lovely because Rhoderick was selected as one of our names of the day. That means Rhoderick can come in anytime today between noon and 9pm to claim that free cone!
can you add Razz and Taro
Both added! Thank you!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! We are writing because Taro was selected as one of our names of the day for Sunday, December 10th! That means a free cone all named Taro today at 102 Fairmont between noon and 8pm!
Luisa pls
Added! Thank you!
Thank you! Nori is now on the list!
Can we add Alysa 🙂
Yes! Alysa is now on the list!
And guess what! Hello from The Merry Dairy! Alysa was selected as one of our names of the day for Tuesday, December 5th! That means a free cone for Alysa at our shop at 102 Fairmont today between noon and 8pm!
Liang please 😊
Added! Thank you!
Added! Thank you!
Yes! Will is on the list!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! We are writing today Wednesday, December 4, to say that Will was one of the names selected today to receive a free cone! Will can come in anytime between noon and 8pm today to 102 Fairmont to claim the cone!
Thank you! Added!
Add the name Marc please
You’ve been added to the list! Thank you!
Good Tuesday morning! We are writing today to say that Davia was selected as one of our names of the day for Tue, Dec 17, 2024! That means a free cone for all named Davia! To claim your cone, come to The Merry Dairy at 102 Fairmont between noon at 8pm today!
Yes! Lucas is on the list!
Added! Thank you!
Please add Sequoia, Zophia, and Hendrix
Thank you, these names have been added to the list!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Hendrix was selected as one of our names of the day for Sunday, December 22nd, 2024! That means a free cone for all named Hendrix at our shop at 102 Fairmont today between noon and 8pm!
Hi I thought I added this already but can you add Gianne. Thanks ♡
Gianne has been added! Thank you!
Could you add Roger to the list?
Roger is now on the list. Thank you!
You’ve done Kitt, but not Kit (my child)?! And then there’s my husband, Ragnar.
Done! Kit and Ragnar added! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! We are writing to say that Ragnar is one of our names of the day for Sunday, July 16, 2023! That means a free cone today for Ragnar anytime between noon and 9pm! 🙂
Please add Baris to the list. Thanks !
Added! Thank you!
Added! Thank you!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! We are writing today Sunday, December 3, to say that Saskia was one of the names selected today to receive a free cone! Saskia can come in anytime between noon and 8pm today to 102 Fairmont to claim the cone!
Hello from The Merry Dairy a free cone today Fri Dec 17, 2021 for Robyne at the takeaway window at 102 Fairmont between noon and 9pm!
Aura 🙂
Can we add Garland to the list?
Added and thank you!
Wishing to add my name to this long list – for the chance -from one of my most favourite ice cream shops!!
For sure! Carina is now on the (long) list hehe. Thank you 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy on this lovely Sat Jul 22 where the name Carina has been selected as one of our names of the day! That means a free cone for Carina anytime today, Sat Jul 22, between noon and 9pm!
Reshmi/Rashmi/Reshma 😁
All added!
Yes! Added!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! We are writing because Shivani was selected as one of our names of the day for Saturday, December 23rd, 2023! That means a free cone all named Shivani today at 102 Fairmont between noon and 9pm!
Yes! Added!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! And a short note to say that Kristin is our name of the day for Sunday, December 5, 2021! To claim your cone come to 102 Fairmont between noon-8pm today! 🙂
Hi from The Merry Dairy!
And a short note to say that Isak is our name of the day for Tuesday, July 26th! To claim your cone come to 102 Fairmont between noon-9pm today! 🙂
Yes! Added!
HI Marcela! Am happy to report that Marcela has been selected as a name of the day for a free cone all day Satuday, December 19, 2020, between noon and 8pm at our takeaway window!
Add my name please and thanks
Yes! Added!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Alida is one of our names of the day today Sat Dec 11, 2021 and so it’s a free cone for Alida all day today at 102 Fairmont! We’re open noon-9pm! 🙂
On the list! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! We are writing because Cathy was selected as one of our names of the day for Wednesday, December 13th, 2023! That means a free cone all named Cathy today at 102 Fairmont between noon and 8pm!
Gia 🙂
Thank you! Added! 🙂
Please add Muireall/Muriel
Thank you! Muireall/Muriel are added! 🙂
Ally or Allyson Lowe
And picked for today’s name of the day! Check Facebook, Twitter, Insta or TIkTok for info!
Hi there! I’d like to add my partner Hasi please, he drives me out to get ice cream in any weather 🙂
Now that’s a partner! Hasi is now on the list!
Maylee? 🥺 Maybe added to Mary Lee or something
Done! And thank you!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! It’s a free cone today for Maylee, one of our names of the day for Sunday, December 12, 2021! We are at 102 Fairmont Avenue and are open today from noon-8pm!
Thank you! Added! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! We are writing because Breyden was selected as one of our names of the day for Friday, December 22nd, 2023! That means a free cone all named Breyden today at 102 Fairmont between noon and 8pm!
Please add Alpa.
Thank you! Added!
Thank you! Added! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! We are writing because Maylee was selected as one of our names of the day for Thursday, December 21st, 2023! That means a free cone all named Maylee today at 102 Fairmont between noon and 8pm!
Tonia! 🙂
Added! Thank you!
Hi there, I would like to add my name Nacho.
Nacho it is! Added!
Hi J!
Jaxon was selected as a name of the day for Friday, December 11, 2020 – and can come by anytime today to our takeaway window between noon and 8pm for a free cone!
Katherine (so)
Hello from The Merry Dairy! We are writing because Katherine was selected as one of our names of the day for Wednesday, December 13th, 2023! That means a free cone all named Katherine today at 102 Fairmont between noon and 8pm!
Added! 🙂
Leia (pronounced lay-ah, not lee-ah)
Hello from The Merry Dairy! We are writing because Gino was selected as one of our names of the day for Saturday, December 16th, 2023! That means a free cone all named Gino today at 102 Fairmont between noon and 9pm!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! We are writing because Leia was selected as one of our names of the day for Sat Jul 29, 2023! That mean a free cone for Leia anytime today, Sat Jul 29, between noon and 9pm at 102 Fairmont!
added! 🙂
Jamie was selected as a name of the day for Friday, July 22, 2022 – and can come by anytime today to 102 Fairmont Ave between noon and 8pm for a free cone! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Marion was selected as one of our names of the day for Tuesday, December 5th! That means a free cone for all Marions at our shop at 102 Fairmont today between noon and 8pm!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! We are writing because Maggie was selected as one of our names of the day for Sunday, December 17th, 2023! That means a free cone all named Maggie today at 102 Fairmont between noon and 9pm!
Oops! 8pm not 9pm!
Hello from The Merry Dairy on this lovely Saturday, December 21st! And it’s even more lovely because Jacy was selected as one of our names of the day. That means Jacy can come in anytime today between noon and 9pm to claim that free cone!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Krysten was selected as one of our names of the day for Sunday, December 22nd, 2024! That means a free cone for all named Krysten at our shop at 102 Fairmont today between noon and 8pm!
Good morning from The Merry Dairy! We are writing to let you know that Maëlle is one of our names of the day for Tue Jul 18! That means a free cone for Maëlle between noon and 9pm today at 102 Fairmont!
Can you add:
On the list! 🙂
Thank you, all the names are added to the list! 🙂
Added! Thank you!
please add the spelling REESE to the
Done! Thank you! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Rhys/Reece/Rice/Reace/Reese is one of our names of the day for Thursday, July 20, 2023! That means a free cone today at 102 Fairmont! We’re open from noon-9 pm 🙂
Yes! Reem is now on the list! 🙂
Congratulations! Your name was picked today (Dec 3) – stop by 102 Fairmont Ave between 12-8 pm for your free cone 🙂
Thank you! Both names added!
Celine !!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Celine has been selected as one our names of the day for Sun Jul 30! That means a free cone for Celine all day today at 102 Fairmont! Hope to see you soon!
Added! Thank you! 🙂
Added! Thank you! 🙂
Can you please add Piero and Dante?
Absolutely! Piero and Dante are on the list now! Thank you!
Added! Thank you! 🙂
On the list! Thank you! 🙂
Thank you! Added! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Dora is one of our names of the day for Friday, July 21, 2023! That means a free cone today at 102 Fairmont! We’re open from noon-9 pm
Add Lodewicus please!
On the list now! Thank you!
Stefan, Kiril and Pavel please
Awesome! All added! 🙂
Good morning from The Merry Dairy! We are writing this morning to inform you that Stefan is one of our names of the day for today, Saturday, Jul 23, 2022, which means a free cone for Stefan at 102 Fairmont!
Please add Delta! Thank you!
Added! Thank you! 🙂
On the list! Thank you! 🙂
Anika and Navid would like to be added please!
Thank you! Added:)
Hello! Navid has been chosen as a name of the day for today, July 21st 2022! Come by anytime between noon and 9pm for a free cone 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy on this lovely Sat Jul 22 where the name Anika has been selected as one of our names of the day! That means a free cone for Anika anytime today, Sat Jul 22, between noon and 9pm!
Added! Thank you 🙂
Can I please also add the name “Navid” as my baby brother is here for August.
Thank you,
It’s on the list! Thank you!
Added! Thank you! 🙂
Added! Thank you! 🙂
Thank you! Added! 🙂
Thank you! Added! 🙂
Added! Thank you! 🙂
Added! Thank you! 🙂
Thank you! On the list! 🙂
My grandsons name. Thank you!
And now on the list! Thank you!
Thank you! Added! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Cristiano was selected as one of our names of the day for Tuesday, December 12th, 2023! That means a free cone for all named Cristiano at our shop at 102 Fairmont today between noon and 8pm!
Added! Thank you! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Giancarlo was selected as one of our names of the day for Sunday, December 22nd, 2024! That means a free cone for all named Giancarlo at our shop at 102 Fairmont today between noon and 8pm!
Caitlin, Carl, Emmerson, Wendy
Yes! All on the list! 🙂
Hello! Caitlin has been selected as a name of the day for today, Friday, July 19, 2024! Come by anytime between noon and 9pm today!
Thank you! Added! 🙂
Could you please add Kathy to the list?
Thank you!
For sure! Added to the list 🙂
Can you please add Sawyer, Ramsey & Angeline
All three have been added! Thank you 🙂
Hello and Happy Sunday morning from The Merry Dairy. Angeline was selected as one of our names of the day for Sunday, December 15th, 2024! Angelica can stop by anytime today between noon and 8pm to claim the free cone!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! We are writing because Kathy was selected as one of our names of the day for Wednesday, December 13th, 2023! That means a free cone all named Kathy today at 102 Fairmont between noon and 8pm!
Can you add Yusuf
For sure! Yusuf had been added, thank you 🙂
Please add Maya to the list
Maya has been added! thank you 🙂
Thank you! Added! 🙂
Thank you! Added!
Please add
Dax has been added to the list! Thank you 🙂
Please add my kids names: Layan, Faye, Reya. And my name Tayma
For sure! All the names have now been added to the list! Thank you 🙂
Would love to see Iria added! Thanks
Added! Thank you!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Reya is one of our names of the day for Friday, July 28, 2023! That means a free cone today at 102 Fairmont! We’re open from noon-9 pm 🙂
Ayra has been added to the list! Thank you 🙂
Please add Rocchina or Rocc 🥰
Added! Thank you!
Thank you! Added! 🙂
You’re in the list now! Thank you!
Hi! Can you add Shamir and Komal. Thank
Hi back! Both names have been added! Thank you!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! We are writing because Shamir was selected as one of our names of the day for Sunday, December 17th, 2023! That means a free cone all named Shamir today at 102 Fairmont between noon and 8pm!
Edrie! Not the same as Eddie…
Gotit! Edrie added! 🙂
Please add Jacqueline and Emera
Thank you! Both are on the list!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Emera was one of our names selected for today Sun Jul 21 for a free cone! Emera can pop on by anytime today at 102 Fairmont between noon and 9pm for their free cone!
Could you please add this spelling of “Kaili”? Thanks so much!
Thank you! Added! 🙂
Thank you! Lionel added! 🙂
Odette (my daughter)
What a lovely name! And now on the list!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Odette was selected as one of our names of the day for Tuesday, December 5th! That means a free cone for all Odettes at our shop at 102 Fairmont today between noon and 8pm!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! We are writing to say that while Lionel was picked back on December 23 as one of our names of the day, the ice storm that day meant we did an “ice check” and Lionel is a again a name of the day for Sunday, July 16, 2023! That means a free cone today for all named Lionel anytime between noon and 9pm! 🙂
Thank you! Added!
Thank you! Added!
Hello Quan – it’s The Merry Dairy! We are writing today Sunday, December 3, to say that Quan was one of the names selected today to receive a free cone! You can come in anytime between noon and 8pm today to 102 Fairmont to claim the cone!
Thank you! On the list!
Added! Thank you!
Please add
Added and thank you!
Would it be possible to add Hilla? Thank you!!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! We are writing because Fatema was selected as one of our names of the day for Wednesday, December 11th, 2024! That means a free cone for Fatema today at 102 Fairmont between noon and 8pm!
Love your ice cream flavours
Thank you!
They have Cali but not Kali 😉
Kali is now on the list too!
Thank you! Moiz is now on the list!
Please add kyoko to the list!
Done! Kyoko is now on the list!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! And that means that Kyoko has been selected as a name of the day for Sun Dec 1! To claim the cone, Kyoko can come anytime today to 102 Fairmont between noon and 8pm!
Yes! Both added and thank you!
Please add Ernest (my dad!)
Added! And thank you!
Thank you! Sahir is now on the list!
Could you please add Ole? 🙂
Added! And thank you!
Added to the list! Thank you!
Can we add Denise please?
Yes! Denise is on the list!
You’re on the list now Mairin! Thank you!
Added to the list! Thank you!
Yes! Vanessa is on the list!
You’ve been added! Thank you!
Add Demi please
Added! Thank you!
Nori is on the list! Thank you!
Added! THank you!
Added all! Thank you!
Thank you! Added!
Thank you! Added!
Yes! Karina is on the list!
Jazmin & Madelyne
Added both! Thank you!
Hi there! Your name is on the list and has been selected for a free scoop today, Thursday August 1st.
Added! And what a beautiful name! Thank you!
Shaelene / Shae please!!
Added – thank you!
Thank you and added! 🙂
Anas! 🙂
Please add Sora
Added to the list! Thank you!
Added to the list! Thanks!
Added to the list! Thank you!
Thank you! Added! 🙂
Thank you! Elio is now on the list!
On the list! 🙂
Hello and good morning! Sara has been selected as a name of the day today for a free cone, today, Tuesday, December 22, 2020, between noon at 8pm at The Merry Dairy takeaway window at 102 Fairmont!
Would it be possible to add Ravital to the list? Thank you!
Yes! Ravital is now on the list! And thank you!
Hello from The Merry Dairy on this lovely Saturday, December 21st, 2024! And it’s even more lovely because Ravital was selected as one of our names of the day. That means Ravital can come in anytime today between noon and 9pm to claim that free cone!
Hello from 102 Fairmont! It’s The Merry Dairy writing to say that Sara is one of our names of the day which means a free cone for you today, Friday, December 6th, 2024!
Juliet, Gary
Hello from The Merry Dairy! It’s a free cone today Thursday, December 16 for Juliet at the takeaway window at 102 Fairmont Ave between noon and 8pm!
Hello from 102 Fairmont! It’s The Merry Dairy writing to say that Danielle is one of our names of the day which means a free cone for you today, Saturday, July 16th, 2020!
Terra 🙂
added 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Vania is one of our names of day, today, Sunday, July 17, 2022 and that means a free cone for everyone named Vania all day today at 102 Fairmont!
Added! Thank you! 🙂
Hello! Louis and Louise have been selected as names of the day for today, Sunday, December 6, 2020! Come by anytime between noon and 8pm today!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! It’s a free cone today, Sat Dec 4, for all named Michele or Michel! Come by anytime between noon and 9pm today to claim your scoop!
Please add Valerie and Marc
Hello from The Merry Dairy! We are writing today Sunday, December 3, to say that Lara was one of the names selected today to receive a free cone! Lara can come in anytime between noon and 8pm today to 102 Fairmont to claim the cone!
Zavin and Scarlet
Added both! Thank you!
Added to the list! Thank you!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! We are writing because Valerie was selected as one of our names of the day for Saturday, December 9th! That means a free cone for Valerie which can be redeemed anytime today at 102 Fairmont between noon and 9pm!
Name Sophie!
Yes! Added!
Will you add Milton? Thank you!
added! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! It’s a free cone today Thursday, December 16 for Juliana at the takeaway window at 102 Fairmont Ave between noon and 8pm!
Hi from The Merry Dairy!
And a short note to say that Sophie is our name of the day for Tuesday, July 26th! To claim your cone come to 102 Fairmont between noon-9pm today! 🙂
Please add my name
On the list! 🙂 Good luck!
Hello! Nazareno was one of our names selected for today Tuesday Jul 30 for a free cone! Nazareno can pop by anytime today at 102 Fairmont between noon and 9pm for their free cone!
Yes! All added!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! We are writing because Catherine/Katie was selected as one of our names of the day for Wednesday, December 13th, 2023! That means a free cone all named Catherine/Katie today at 102 Fairmont between noon and 8pm!
Could you please add Miller to the list? You have Millie but our daughters name is Miller TIA!!!
Added! 🙂
Thank you! On the list!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! It’s a free cone today for Maeve, one of our names of the day for Sunday, December 12, 2021! We are at 102 Fairmont Avenue and are open today from noon-8pm!
Can you Marielle or Elle to the list
Also Évangéline?
Lovely names! And all added to the list!
Hello from The Merry Dairy and congratulations! Ella is one of our names of the day for Friday, December 1th, which means a free cone for Ella today at 102 Fairmont Avenue! And if Ella can’t make today because of the weather, the cone can be claimed on Saturday too! 🙂
Oops, that should be Elle in your case ! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! May/ Maye/ Maie/ May Ann/ Mae/ Maeve is one of our names of the day for Wednesday, July 26, 2023! That means a free cone today at 102 Fairmont! We’re open from noon-9 pm 🙂
Can we add Urban to the list of names?
For sure! Added!
Can you please add Rolly / Roland ?
could you add madisyn ? please and thank you
Done! Thank you!
Our family would like to suggest the names Todd, Julia and Lilah.
All added!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! It’s a free cone today Thursday, December 16, 2021 for Julia at the takeaway window at 102 Fairmont Ave between noon and 8pm!
Priya and Elaina please!
Lovely names! Added!
Hello! Andrew has been selected as a name of the day for a free cone all day Satuday, December 19, 2020, between noon and 8pm at our takeaway window!
Celine 🙂
Please add Aaliya, Aanya, and Iyla
Thank you! All added! 🙂
Echo for the name list please I’ve only ever met one other so you won’t have to give out many cones!
Love it! Added!
Please add:
Thank you! xx
Added! Thank you! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Celine has been selected as one our names of the day for Sun Jul 30! That means a free cone for Celine all day today at 102 Fairmont! Hope to see you soon!
Superior customer service
Thank you! And added!
Hello from The Merry Dairy and a free cone for Karina, our name of the day for Friday, December 10, 2021, at 102 Fairmont today between noon and 8pm! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy on this lovely Sat Jul 22 where the name Karina has been selected as one of our names of the day! That means a free cone for Karina anytime today, Sat Jul 22, between noon and 9pm!
Geneva is now on the list!
How about
All added!
Please add this name
Hello from The Merry Dairy! We are writing to let you know that Colton is one of our names of the day for today, Saturday, July 24, 2024! That means a free cone for Colton all day today! We are open noon to 9pm at 102 Fairmont!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! It’s a free cone today, Thursday July 28th, Jennifer at the takeaway window at 102 Fairmont Ave between noon and 9pm!
Yes! Added!
Bryson and Camden 🙂
both added!
Thank you! On the list! 🙂
Hi! Riley is one of today’s (July 20th, 2022) name of the day’s. Riley can head to 102 Fairmont to claim their free cone 🙂
Maeve 🙂
Thank you! Added! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! We are writing today Sunday, December 3, to say that Laura was one of the names selected today to receive a free cone! Laura can come in anytime between noon and 8pm today to 102 Fairmont to claim the cone!
Hello from The Merry Dairy and congratulations! Doug & Douglas are two of our names of the day and that means a free cone today Saturday December 17 at 102 Fairmont between the hours of noon and 9pm! Today’s names also qualify for a “snow day” which means that they are good to have their cone redeemed tomorrow instead of today because of weather. 🙂
Yes! Added!
Hello! Happy Monday! Wesley has been selected as a name of the day for Monday, December 21, 2020 for a free cone all day from noon-8pm at the takeaway window at 102 Fairmont! 🙂
Please add my name: Laura
Yes! Added!
Hello Laura from The Merry Dairy! We are writing today Sunday, December 3, to say that Laura was one of the names selected today to receive a free cone! You can come in anytime between noon and 8pm today to 102 Fairmont to claim the cone!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Roberto was selected as one of our names of the day for Thursday, December 7th! That means a free cone for all named Roberto at our shop at 102 Fairmont today between noon and 8pm!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Roberto was selected as one of our names of the day for Thursday, December 7th! That means a free cone for all named Roberto at our shop at 102 Fairmont today between noon and 8pm!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! And a short note to say that Chrissie is our name of the day for Sunday, December 5, 2021! To claim your cone come to 102 Fairmont between noon-8pm today! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! We are writing today Wednesday, December 4, to say that Cindy was one of the names selected today to receive a free cone! Cindy can come in anytime between noon and 8pm today to 102 Fairmont to claim the cone!
Winnie and Darien
Yes! Added!
Winnie was selected as a name of the day for Tuesday, Dec 3, 2024 – and you come by anytime today to 102 Fairmont Ave between noon and 8pm for a free cone! 🙂
Please add: Emilie, Edmond, Gillian and Steven
All added!
Good morning from The Merry Dairy! We are writing this morning to inform you that Steven is one of our names of the day for today, Saturday, Jul 23, 2022, which means a free cone all day for Steven at 102 Fairmont!
Good morning from The Merry Dairy! We are writing this morning to inform you that Edmond is one of our names of the day for today, Thursday, Dec 5, 2024, which means a free cone all day for Edmond at 102 Fairmont!
My name isn’t on the list!!
I know it’s not common I have a hard time finding things with it
Would love and ice cream after it..🙃
And now on the list!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! We are writing because Kate was selected as one of our names of the day for Wednesday, December 13th, 2023! That means a free cone all named Kate today at 102 Fairmont between noon and 8pm!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! It’s a free cone today Thursday, December 16, 2021 for Julie at the takeaway window at 102 Fairmont Ave between noon and 8pm!
Don’t forget Roberto!!!
For sure! Added!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Roberto was selected as one of our names of the day for Thursday, December 7th! That means a free cone for all named Roberto at our shop at 102 Fairmont today between noon and 8pm!
You should add Jennifer to the list
Yes! Added!
Can we add Aline? Thanks!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! It’s a free cone today, Thursday July 28th 2022, for Jennifer at the takeaway window at 102 Fairmont Ave between noon and 9pm!
Please add Neeraj and Vania
Hi Neeraj! your name came up for a free cone today Sat Dec 5!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Vania is one of our names of day, today, Sunday, July 17, 2022 and that means a free cone for everyone named Vania all day today at 102 Fairmont!
Cassidy & Salvatore
Thank you! Added! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Christian was selected as one of our names of the day for Tuesday, December 12th, 2023! That means a free cone for all named Christian at our shop at 102 Fairmont today between noon and 8pm!
May I suggest :
– Virginia
– Vincent (you already have Vince, but …)
Yes! Done!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! We are writing because Shanice was selected as one of our names of the day for Thursday, December 14th, 2023! That means a free cone all named Shanice today at 102 Fairmont between noon and 8pm!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! We are writing because Vincent was selected as one of our names of the day for Wednesday, December 11th, 2024! That means a free cone for Vincent today at 102 Fairmont between noon and 8pm!
Ioanna / Ioana
Hello from The Merry Dairy! It’s a free cone today, Thursday July 28th, for Jen/Jenny/Jennifer at the takeaway window at 102 Fairmont Ave between noon and 9pm!
Hello from The Merry Dairy and congratulations! Ella is one of our names of the day for Friday, December 1th, which means a free cone for Ella today at 102 Fairmont Avenue! And if Ella can’t make today because of the weather, the cone can be claimed on Saturday too! 🙂
Drew, Kara, Wren, Drake
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Kara was one of our names selected for today Sun Jul 21 for a free cone! Kara can pop on by anytime today at 102 Fairmont between noon and 9pm for their free cone!
Konner and Ariella please
Yes! Done!
Please add: Candice & Jaycee
Hello from The Merry Dairy! And a short note to say that Candice is our name of the day for Sunday, December 5, 2021! To claim your cone come to 102 Fairmont between noon-8pm today! 🙂
Hi Olga! Konner was selected as a name of the day for today, Wednesday, December 16, 2020 for a free cone at the takeaway window at 102 Fairmont!
Hello from The Merry Dairy and we are writing to inform that Konner was selected as names of the day for today, Saturday, December 1! That means a free cone for Konner today at 102 Fairmont between noon and 9pm!
Hello from 102 Fairmont! It’s The Merry Dairy writing to say that Divya is one of our names of the day which means a free cone for you today, Thursday, July 28th 2022!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! It’s a free cone today Thursday, December 16, 2021 for Juliet at the takeaway window at 102 Fairmont Ave between noon and 8pm!
Betty, derivative of Elizabeth
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Betty is one of our names of the day for Friday, July 21, 2023! That means a free cone today at 102 Fairmont! We’re open from noon-9 pm 🙂
Hello from 102 Fairmont! It’s The Merry Dairy writing to say that Danielle is one of our names of the day which means a free cone for you today, Saturday, July 16th, 2020!
Can all our names be added please 🙂
All added!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Savhannah was one of our names selected for today Sun Jul 21 for a free cone! Savhannah can pop on by anytime today at 102 Fairmont between noon and 9pm for their free cone!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! We are writing to say that while Millie was picked back on December 23 as one of our names of the day, the ice storm that day meant we did an “ice check” and Millie is a again a name of the day for Sunday, July 16, 2023! That means a free cone today for all named Millie anytime between noon and 9pm! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Henrik was selected as one of our names of the day for Sunday, December 22nd, 2024! That means a free cone for all named Henrik at our shop at 102 Fairmont today between noon and 8pm!
Eloise and Mira 🙂
Hello from 102 Fairmont! It’s The Merry Dairy writing to say that Jeanna/Jenna is one of our names of the day which means a free cone for you today, Thursday, July 28th 2022!
Good morning from The Merry Dairy! We are writing to let you know that Terrence and Terry are names of the day for Tue Jul 18! That means a free cone for Terrence or Terry between noon and 9pm today at 102 Fairmont!
Good morning from The Merry Dairy! We are writing to let you know that Theresa and Terri names of the day for Tue Jul 18! That means a free cone for Theresa or Terri between noon and 9pm today at 102 Fairmont!
Griffin! 🙂
Marley 🙂
Thank you! Added! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! We are writing because Kiavash was selected as one of our names of the day for Tuesday, December 19th, 2023! That means a free cone all named Kiavash today at 102 Fairmont between noon and 8pm!
Good Tuesday morning! We are writing today to say that Malaïka was selected as one of our names of the day for Tue, Dec 17, 2024! That means a free cone for all named Malaïka! To claim your cone, come to The Merry Dairy at 102 Fairmont between noon at 8pm today!
So much fun ! Will be watching for all my loved ones names…who am I kidding we come as often as we can!!
Love it!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! We are writing because Kat/Katherine was selected as one of our names of the day for Wednesday, December 13th, 2023! That means a free cone all named Kat/Katherine today at 102 Fairmont between noon and 8pm!
All added!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! It’s a free cone today, Sat Dec 4, for all named Amadeo! Come by anytime between noon and 9pm today to claim your scoop!
Hello and congratulations! Danica is one of our names of the day, today Sat Dec 10! That means a free cone for Danica. Come in anytime between noon and 9pm today to claim your cone! 🙂
Laurence/Lawrence isn’t in there!
There now! Thank you!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! And a short note to say that Laurence/Lawrence
is our name of the day for Thursday, December 12, 2024! To claim your cone come to 102 Fairmont between noon-8pm today! 🙂
Can we please add Aline? Thanks!
Done! Added!
Hello from The Merry Dairy on this lovely Sat Jul 22 where the name Anika has been selected as one of our names of the day! That means a free cone for Anika anytime today, Sat Jul 22, between noon and 9pm!
Can you add Victor!!
We all eat at Merry Dairy and most of our names aren’t in the list
Fixed now! Added!
Good morning from The Merry Dairy! We are writing to let you know that Teresa is one of our names of the day for Tue Jul 18! That means a free cone for Teresa between noon and 9pm today at 102 Fairmont!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! We are writing because Wayne was selected as one of our names of the day for Saturday, December 9th! That means a free cone for Wayne which can be redeemed anytime today at 102 Fairmont between noon and 9pm!
Hello! Gabriella was one of our names selected for today Tuesday Jul 30 for a free cone! Gabriella can pop by anytime today at 102 Fairmont between noon and 9pm for their free cone!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! And a short note to say that Dal is our name of the day for Sunday, December 5, 2021! To claim your cone come to 102 Fairmont between noon-8pm today! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! It’s a free cone today Thursday, December 16, 2021 for Juliette at the takeaway window at 102 Fairmont Ave between noon and 8pm!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! We are writing because Kathie was selected as one of our names of the day for Wednesday, December 13th, 2023! That means a free cone all named Kathie today at 102 Fairmont between noon and 8pm!
Yes! Added!
Need Ella and bob!
Both added!
Hello from The Merry Dairy and congratulations! Ella is one of our names of the day for Friday, December 1th, which means a free cone for Ella today at 102 Fairmont Avenue! And if Ella can’t make today because of the weather, the cone can be claimed on Saturday too! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Bob was selected as one of our names of the day for Thursday, December 7th! That means a free cone for all named Bob at our shop at 102 Fairmont today between noon and 8pm!
Keith and Lisa
Ignatius Elina
Please add:
Cliff/ Clifton
Hello from The Merry Dairy! It’s a free cone today, Sat Dec 4, for all named Cliff/clifton/ Clifford! Come by anytime between noon and 9pm today to claim your scoop!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! We are writing because Leah was selected as one of our names of the day for Sat Jul 29, 2023! That mean a free cone for Leah anytime today, Sat Jul 29, between noon and 9pm at 102 Fairmont!
Anita! 🙂
Walker 😊
Thank you! Added! 🙂
Hello Anita on this lovely, sunny Saturday, December 14th, which also just happens to be the day that Anita was chosen as a name of the day! Drop by The Merry Dairy anytime today, Sat Dec 14th, to claim your cone!
Hello! Kaitlin has been selected as a name of the day for today, Sunday, December 6, 2020! Come by anytime between noon and 8pm today!
Hello! Kaitlin has been selected as a name of the day for today, Friday, July 19, 2024! Come by anytime between noon and 9pm today!
Please add Emerie 🙂
Done! Thank you! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Emerie was one of our names selected for today Sun Jul 21 for a free cone! Emerie can pop on by anytime today at 102 Fairmont between noon and 9pm for their free cone!
HI Karla – your name came up for a free cone today Sat Dec 5!
Good morning! We are writing today to say that Karla was selected as one of our names of the day for Wed, Dec 18, 2024! That means a free cone for all named Karla! To claim your cone, come to The Merry Dairy at 102 Fairmont between noon and 8pm today!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Christen was selected as one of our names of the day for Tuesday, December 12th, 2023! That means a free cone for all named Christen at our shop at 102 Fairmont today between noon and 8pm!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! It’s a free cone today, Wed Dec 15, 2021 for Alan, one of our names o the day today! We are located at 102 Fairmont Avenue and open noon-8pm! 🙂
What about Kaylie? 🙂
And added!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Kaylie is one of our names of the day a,d so it’s a free cone for Kaylie all day today Tue Dec 14 at our takeaway window at 102 Fairmont! 🙂
Leon 😀
Hello from The Merry Dairy on this lovely Sat Jul 22 where the name Leon has been selected as one of our names of the day! That means a free cone for Leon anytime today, Sat Jul 22, between noon and 9pm!
Added! Thank you!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Alexandra is one of the names of the day today! Come on by anytime on Wed Dec 8 between noon and 8pm to claim your cone!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Myles is one of our names of the day today Sat Dec 11, 2021 and so it’s a free cone for Myles today at 102 Fairmont! We’re open noon-9pm! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy and congratulations! Ella is one of our names of the day for Friday, December 1th, which means a free cone for Ella today at 102 Fairmont Avenue! And if Ella can’t make today because of the weather, the cone can be claimed on Saturday too! 🙂
Alternate spellings of names on your list:
Thank you! Added!
Hello! Kaitlyn has been selected as a name of the day for today, Sunday, December 6, 2020! Come by anytime between noon and 8pm today!
Hello! Kaitlyn has been selected as a name of the day for today, Friday, July 19, 2024! Come by anytime between noon and 9pm today!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Cara was one of our names selected for today Sun Jul 21 for a free cone! Cara can pop on by anytime today at 102 Fairmont between noon and 9pm for their free cone!
Liliana and Lucia
Liliana and Lucia
Hello from The Merry Dairy on this lovely Saturday, December 21st, 2024! And it’s even more lovely because Rodrigo was selected as one of our names of the day. That means Rodrigo can come in anytime today between noon and 9pm to claim that free cone!
Hi, my sons names are Cayetano and Augusto!
Awesome! Both are now on the list! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy on this lovely Saturday, December 21st, 2024! And it’s even more lovely because Augusto was selected as one of our names of the day. That means Augustus can come in anytime today between noon and 9pm to claim that free cone!
Hello from The Merry Dairy and congratulations! Carmen is one of our names of the day for Friday, December 1th, which means a free cone for Carmeon today at 102 Fairmont Avenue! And if you can’t make today because of the weather, the cone can be claimed on Saturday too! 🙂
Winton and Laurie
Katie !
Hello from The Merry Dairy! We are writing because Katie was selected as one of our names of the day for Wednesday, December 13th, 2023! That means a free cone all named Katie today at 102 Fairmont between noon and 8pm!
Katia and Sabrina please!
I think we were missed?
Debbie is there! 🙂
Sorry, I meant Katia and Sabrina were missed.
Got it. They are both there now!
Congratulations! Your name was picked today (Dec 3) – stop by 102 Fairmont Ave between 12-8 pm for your free cone 🙂
Idris and Rumi please!
Your place is the cutest and your ice cream rocks!
My name is Jennilee. Didn’t see it on the list, so I thought I’d add it. 🙂
Thank you! Jennilee is on the list now!
Hello from 102 Fairmont! It’s The Merry Dairy writing to say that Jennilee is one of our names of the day which means a free cone for you today, Thursday, July 28th 2022!
Hi Suzanne! Anyssa is a name of the day today for Wed Dec 9! Pop on by the takeaway window for a free cone!
Hello from The Merry Dairy and a free cone for Karyna, our name of the day for Friday, December 10, 2021, at 102 Fairmont today between noon and 8pm! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy on this lovely Sat Jul 22 where the name Karyna has been selected as one of our names of the day! That means a free cone for Karyna anytime today, Sat Jul 22, between noon and 9pm!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! And that means that Rosangela has been selected as a name of the day for Sun Dec 1! To claim the cone, Rosangela can come anytime today to 102 Fairmont between noon and 8pm!
Hello from The Merry Dairy and congratulations! Danica/Danika is one of our names of the day, today Sat Dec 10! That means a free cone for Danica or Danika! Come in anytime between noon and 9pm today to claim your cone! 🙂
Jonathan isn’t on your list yet
How could we have missed that? 🙂 Added!
Please add Caitlin
Ainsley and Brycen
Hello! Caitlin has been selected as a name of the day for today, Sunday, December 6, 2020! Come by anytime between noon and 8pm today!
Hello! Caitlin has been selected as a name of the day for today, Friday, July 19, 2024! Come by anytime between noon and 9pm today!
There’s a Natalia, but I’m hoping it will also cover Natalie?! 🙂
Sure does! Added!
Please add Ciaran to the list.
Thank you!
Could you add Haileigh?
Hello and congratulations! Haileigh is one of our names of the day, today Sat Dec 10! That means a free cone for Haileigh. Come in anytime between noon and 9pm today to claim your cone! 🙂
Could you add Haileigh?
My partner Devin would certainly love a chance!
On the list!
Please add Nada to the list
You are on the list now Nada! Thank you!
Hello! Devin has been chosen as a name of the day for today, July 21st 2022! Come by anytime between noon and 9pm for your free cone! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! It’s a free cone today, Sat Dec 4, for all named Michelne! Come by anytime between noon and 9pm today to claim your scoop!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! We are writing to say that while Dina was picked back on December 23 as one of our names of the day, the ice storm that day meant we did an “ice check” and Dina is a again a name of the day for Sunday, July 16, 2023! That means a free cone today for all named Dina anytime between noon and 9pm! 🙂
Fiorella, Adriano and Matteo 🙂
Thank you! Added!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Eli is one of our names of the day today Sat Dec 11, 2021 and so it’s a free cone for Eli today at 102 Fairmont! We’re open noon-9pm! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! We are writing because Katherine was selected as one of our names of the day for Wednesday, December 13th, 2023! That means a free cone all named Katherine today at 102 Fairmont between noon and 8pm!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Ellie is one of our names of the day today Sat Dec 11, 2021 and so it’s a free cone for Ellie today at 102 Fairmont! We’re open noon-9pm! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy a free cone today Fri Dec 17, 2021 for Elliot at the takeaway window at 102 Fairmont between noon and 9pm!
Mary and Matthias!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Walid/Wally/Waly is one of our names of the day for Thursday, July 20, 2023! That means a free cone today at 102 Fairmont! We’re open from noon-9 pm 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Adel was selected as one of our names of the day for Sunday, July 28! That means a free cone for all named Adel at our shop at 102 Fairmont today between noon and 9pm!
Hi! Karly/Karlie/Carly/Carlie are names of the day for Thursday, December 10 – and a free cone at our takeaway window anytime today between noon and 8pm!
You are officially on the list Johanna! Thank you!
Good morning! We are writing today to say that Karly/Karlie/Carly/Carlie/ was selected as one of our names of the day for Wed, Dec 18, 2024! That means a free cone for all named Karly/Karlie/Carly/Carlie/! To claim your cone, come to The Merry Dairy at 102 Fairmont between noon and 8pm today!
Hi! Carly/Carlie/Carlee/Karly/Karlie/Karlee are names of the day for Thursday, December 10, 2020! They can drop by the window anytime today between noon and 8pm for their cone!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! It’s a free cone today for May/Mai/Mai, our names of the day for Sunday, December 12, 2021! We are at 102 Fairmont Avenue and are open today from noon-8pm!
Oops! Maie! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! May/ Maye/ Maie/ May Ann/ Mae/ Maeve is one of our names of the day for Wednesday, July 26, 2023! That means a free cone today at 102 Fairmont! We’re open from noon-9 pm 🙂
Shereen /Shirin/Shireen
Hello from The Merry Dairy! We are writing because Shereen/Shirin/Shireen were selected as one of our names of the day for Wednesday, December 11th, 2024! That means a free cone for Shereen/Shirin/Shireen today at 102 Fairmont between noon and 8pm!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! We are writing because Kiara was selected as one of our names of the day for Tuesday, December 19th, 2023! That means a free cone all named Kiara today at 102 Fairmont between noon and 8pm!
Can you please add a couple of names for those of us who never see ours listed anywhere?
Yes! Both are added! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Madura was selected as one of our names of the day for Thursday, December 7th! That means a free cone for all named Madura at our shop at 102 Fairmont today between noon and 8pm!
Could you please add:
Yes! Added!
Can you add jordyn? (You have Jordan but not jordyn ) 🙂
Could you add Clover please?
Good morning from The Merry Dairy! We are writing this morning to inform you that Stefano is one of our names of the day for today, Saturday, Jul 23, 2022, which means a free cone for Stefano at 102 Fairmont!
Please add: April/Nathaniel
Done! Added!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! A free cone today, Tuesday, December 7 for Nathaniel at 102 Fairmont Ave from noon-8pm!
Could you add Yazmine and Mirella?
Yes! Added!
Hi there! Yazmine is the name of the day today 🙂
Please add Tooba to the list of Names
Please add Earleen and Marisa
Please add Earleen and Marisa
Hey there….Delilah?
What’s it like in New York City? …
It’s on the list …
Hello from The Merry Dairy! The name Delilah has been selected as one of our names of the day! That means a free cone for Delilah anytime today, Thursday July 25 2024, between noon and 9pm!
(For my son)
Please add Deepak and Chanthaphet to the list. Thank you.
Hello from The Merry Dairy! We are writing because Chanthaphet was selected as one of our names of the day for Thursday, December 21st, 2023! That means a free cone all named Chanthaphet today at 102 Fairmont between noon and 8pm!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Deepak was selected as one of our names of the day for Sunday, July 28! That means a free cone for all named Deepak at our shop at 102 Fairmont today between noon and 9pm!
I’d like to add my name and my daughter’s name!
Hi from The Merry Dairy!
And a short note to say that Fareena is our name of the day for Tuesday, July 26th! To claim your cone come to 102 Fairmont between noon-9pm today! 🙂
Please add Petah : )
Hello from The Merry Dairy and a free cone Petah, our name of the day for Thu Dec 9, 2021 at 102 Fairmont today between noon and 8pm! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! We are writing because Petah was selected as one of our names of the day for Friday, December 15th, 2023! That means a free cone all named Petah today at 102 Fairmont between noon and 8pm!
Hello Marcella! Happy to report that Marcella has been selected as a name of the day for a free cone all day Satuday, December 19, 2020, between noon and 8pm at our takeaway window!
Can you add Demitri?
Added! Thank you!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! We are writing today Sunday, December 3, to say that Travis was one of the names selected today to receive a free cone! Travis can come in anytime between noon and 8pm today to 102 Fairmont to claim the cone!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Iman is one of our names of the day for Friday, July 21, 2023! That means a free cone today at 102 Fairmont! We’re open from noon-9 pm 🙂
Please add Alma.
Hello from The Merry Dairy! And a short note to say that Alma is our name of the day for Thursday, December 12, 2024! To claim your cone come to 102 Fairmont between noon-8pm today! 🙂
Bella was selected for a free cone for today, Sat Dec 5!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! We are writing because Shelley was selected as one of our names of the day for Thursday, December 14th, 2023! That means a free cone all named Shelley today at 102 Fairmont between noon and 8pm!
I’d like to add my son’s name Devante.
Hello! Devante has been chosen as a name of the day for today, July 21st 2022! Come by anytime between noon and 9pm for a free cone! 🙂
Macartney/ Mac
Hello from The Merry Dairy! And a short note to say that Macartney/Mac
is our name of the day for Thursday, December 12, 2024! To claim your cone come to 102 Fairmont between noon-8pm today! 🙂
I would like to add my name!
Hello Simar! Am happy to inform you that Simar has been selected as a name of the day for Monday, December 21, 2020 for a free cone all day from noon-8pm at the takeaway window at 102 Fairmont! 🙂
Hi! So fun!
Could you please add Carissa and Kyson?
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Kaylyn is one of our names of the day a,d so it’s a free cone for Kayliyn all day today Tue Dec 14 at our takeaway window at 102 Fairmont! 🙂
Can you add Giovanni / Gio and Lidia (maybe beside the Lydia option)? Thanks 🙂
Added! 🙂
Imogen & Nicolas
Added! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! We are writing because Imogen was selected as one of our names of the day for Friday, December 15th, 2023! That means a free cone all named Imogen today at 102 Fairmont between noon and 8pm!
Chanel, Patience, Shannen, and Kate
Hello from The Merry Dairy! We are writing because Patience was selected as one of our names of the day for Sunday, December 10th! That means a free cone all named Patience today at 102 Fairmont between noon and 8pm!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! We are writing because Kate was selected as one of our names of the day for Wednesday, December 13th, 2023! That means a free cone all named Kate today at 102 Fairmont between noon and 8pm!
Kiersten and Rick or Richard
Yes! Added!
Would like to add my ”french” name to the list 🙂
Matthieu (with two T’s)
Thank you! All added!
Hello! Kenzie and Kenz are a couple of the names selected for today Wednesday Jul 24 for a free cone! Kenz and Kenzie can pop by anytime today at 102 Fairmont between noon and 9pm for their free cone!
Hello! Tiiu has been selected as a name of the day for today, Sunday, December 6, 2020! Come by anytime between noon and 8pm today!
Kade! 🙂
Thank you! Added! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Alexia is one of the names of the day today! Come on by anytime on Wed Dec 8, 2021 between noon and 8pm to claim your cone!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Ellie is one of our names of the day today Sat Dec 11, 2021 and so it’s a free cone for Ellie today at 102 Fairmont! We’re open noon-9pm! 🙂
Please add: Candice & Jaycer
Robina & Taryn 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy a free cone today Fri Dec 17, 2021 for Robina at the takeaway window at 102 Fairmont between noon and 9pm!
Add Lisa please
Yes! Added!
Lisa-Marie! Or just Lisa, if you prefer.
Both there now!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! It’s a free cone today Sat Dec 18 2021 at the takeaway window at 102 Fairmont between noon and 9pm for all named Christa! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Beatrix was selected as one of our names of the day for Wednesday, December 6th! That means a free cone for all named Beatrix at our shop at 102 Fairmont today between noon and 8pm!
Please add Carolyne thanks
Added! And now Carolyne is on the list! 🙂
[…] your name on the list? What if it’s not? Easy! Just add it to the comments, and like North Pole magic, it […]
Yes! Added!
Hello! Tiiu has been selected as a name of the day for today, Sunday, December 6, 2020! Come by anytime between noon and 8pm today!
Just added! Awesome!
Hello from The Merry Dairy and a free cone for Gavin, our name of the day for Friday, December 10, 2021, at 102 Fairmont today between noon and 8pm! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Gavin has been selected as one our names of the day for Sun Jul 30! That means a free cone for Gavin all day today at 102 Fairmont! Hope to see you soon!
Janine and Dexter
Thank you
Hi JT! Dexter is a name of the day today for Wed Dec 9, 2020! Pop on by the takeaway window for a free cone!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Janine has been selected as one our names of the day for Sun Jul 30! That means a free cone for Janine all day today at 102 Fairmont! Hope to see you soon!
Janine and Dexter. Thank you
Yes! Added!
Could we please add Katie ?
Hello from The Merry Dairy! We are writing because Katie was selected as one of our names of the day for Wednesday, December 13th, 2023! That means a free cone all named Katie today at 102 Fairmont between noon and 8pm!
Yes! Added!
please add Paul
Please don’t forget about my name! GARETH
Anya / Ania
Yes! Added!
Yes! Added!
Hello from The Merry Dairy and a free cone for Livy, our name of the day for Wednesday, July 27th, at 102 Fairmont today between noon and 9pm! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! It’s a free cone today, Sat Dec 4, for all named Mikayla! Come by anytime between noon and 9pm today to claim your scoop!
Elliott (Ella)
On the list! Thank you! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy a free cone today Fri Dec 17, 2021 for Elliott at the takeaway window at 102 Fairmont between noon and 9pm!
Hello from The Merry Dairy and congratulations! Ella is one of our names of the day for Friday, December 1th, which means a free cone for Ella today at 102 Fairmont Avenue! And if Ella can’t make today because of the weather, the cone can be claimed on Saturday too! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy on this lovely Saturday, December 21st, 2024! And it’s even more lovely because Mikayla was selected as one of our names of the day. That means Mikayla can come in anytime today between noon and 9pm to claim that free cone!
Would you please add Marcia to the list?
Yes! Added!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Aimee was one of our names selected for today Sun Dec 11 for a free cone! Aimee can pop on by anytime today between noon and 8pm for their free cone!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Emery was one of our names selected for today Sun Jul 21 for a free cone! Emery can pop on by anytime today between noon and 9pm for their free cone!
Yes! Added!
Could you please add the names Hernán and Dario? Thanks!
Yes! Added!
My student Sèna’s little brother, Kitcher is allergic to nuts. They both have unusual names. My kiddo, Alma also has a nut allergy and we love Merry Dairy so much because it’s safe for her (and for me—lactose-intolerant). Thank you!!
Love hearing that! Thank you for sharing that story …. Sèna and Kitcher are on the list!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! And a short note to say that today is also’s Alma’s day for Thursday, December 12, 2024! To claim your cone come to 102 Fairmont between noon-8pm today! 🙂
Marie, Michel, Lisanne
All added! 🙂
Karson and Brody
Yes! Added!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! It’s a free cone today for Brody, one of our names of the day for Sunday, December 12, 2021! We are at 102 Fairmont Avenue and are open today from noon-8pm!
Yes! Added!
Hello from The Merry Dairy and congratulations! Marla is one of our names of the day for Sunday, December 19, 2022 so that means a free cone for all named Marla that can be redeemed anytime today between noon and 8pm at 102 Fairmont! 🙂
Yes! Added!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Chrisann was selected as one of our names of the day for Tuesday, December 12th, 2023! That means a free cone for all named Chrisann at our shop at 102 Fairmont today between noon and 8pm!
Steffi /steph
Heidy / Heidey/ Heidi
Yes! Added!
Awesome! Added!
Hello! Fernanda has been selected today as a name of the day for Sunday, December 13, 2020! Fernanda can come to 102 Fairmont’s takeaway window to claim the cone!
Yes! Added!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Vania, Vanya and Vanja have been selected as our names of day, today, Sunday, July 17, 2022 and that means a free cone for everyone named Vania, Vanya or Vanja all day today at 102 Fairmont!
Ruth Ann
Yes! Added!
Lisa please if not already there
Yes! There! And Merry Christmas!
Yes! Added!
Hi! Tristene is one of our names of the day for Thursday, December 10, 2020! Come by anytime today between noon and 8pm to pick up your cone!
Audra 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! We are writing today because Audra was one of the names of the day selected for a free cone today, Sat Jul 20! Come anytime between noon and 9pm today to collect your cone!
Can you add my moms name, Erminia.
Thank you!
Sure can! It’s now added!
Lloyd please 🙂
Yes! Lloyd is now on the list!
Yes! Added! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! A free cone today, Tuesday, December 7, 2021 for Kipp at 102 Fairmont Ave from noon-8pm!
Could you add Priscilla to the list? Thanks!
Keri (close… but not quite on the list) and Rylan!
Indeed! Added! 🙂
Keri was selected as a name of the day for Friday, July 22, 2022 – and can come by anytime today to 102 Fairmont Ave between noon and 8pm for a free cone! 🙂
Can you please add Rio and Moises (Moses)?
Yes! Added! 🙂
H Moises! A free cone for you today, Thu Dec 2, 2021 noon-8pm at 102 Fairmont as Moises/Moses was selected as our name of the day!
I didn’t see my kids names:
Elsie short for Elspeth
They’re there now with their names! 🙂
Thank you! Both are on the list now! 🙂
Thank you! Added! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Roch is one of our names of the day a,d so it’s a free cone for Roch all day today Tue Dec 14 at our takeaway window at 102 Fairmont! 🙂
Hello Laura! Fern has been selected as a name of the day foday for a free cone, today, Sunday, December 13, 2020 between noon at 8pm at The Merry Dairy takeaway window at 102 Fairmon !
Yes! Added and thank you!
Can you add Mary-Lee?
Done! Thank you!
Sonia please
Added! Thank you!
Hello from The Merry Dairy and a free cone for Sonia, our name of the day for Tuesday, Dec 10th, 2024 at 102 Fairmont today between noon and 8pm! 🙂
Thank you! Added! 🙂
Alyson is the name of the day today! Check @themerrydairy s FB, TW, IN, or TT ocial media for details –
Please add Marc (Mr Mint Chocolate Chip) and Taitu (Ms Salted Caramel with Salted Caramel Sauce)
Hello Mr. Mint Chip and Ms Salted Caramel with Salted Caramel Sauce, pleased to make your acquaintance on the list! 🙂
Can you please add Brady to your list.
Done! Added 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy and a free cone for Brady, our name of the day for Wednesday, July 27th, at 102 Fairmont today between noon and 9pm! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! We are writing because Brady was selected as one of our names of the day for Friday, December 22nd, 2023! That means a free cone all named Brady today at 102 Fairmont between noon and 8pm!
Yes! Added! 🙂
Kestrel’s birthday is this month. Free icecream would be an awesome birthday treat!!
Kestrel is now on the list! 🙂
Please add Daimion and Willem. Thank you.
Added! 🙂
Hello – The Merry Dairy is pleased to report that Willem has been selected as name of the day for Wednesday, December 23, 2020! Come on down to the takeaway window at 102 Fairmont between noon and 8pm to claim your cone!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! We are writing today Wednesday, December 4, to say that Willem was one of the names selected today to receive a free cone! Willem can come in anytime between noon and 8pm today to 102 Fairmont to claim the cone!
Added! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! We are writing because BIlal was selected as one of our names of the day for Sat Jul 29, 2023! That mean a free cone for Bilal anytime today, Sat Jul 29, between noon and 9pm at 102 Fairmont!
Could you add “Cayla” please?
Thank you!
Added! 🙂
Korey please
Added! 🙂
H Korey! A free cone for you today, Thu Dec 2, 2021 noon-8pm at 102 Fairmont as Korey was selected as our name of the day!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! We are writing because Korey was selected as one of our names of the day for Wednesday, December 20th, 2023! That means a free cone all named Korey today at 102 Fairmont between noon and 8pm!
Added! 🙂
Could you add Maria, Alessa and Kyana if not already on the list
Thank you! Adding Kyana!
Hello from The Merry Dairy on Sunday, July 24th with the news that Maria has been selected as a name of the day, which means a free cone for Maria anytime today at 102 Fairmont Ave!
Hello from The Merry Dairy and a free cone for Kyana, our name of the day for Wednesday, July 27th, at 102 Fairmont today between noon and 9pm! 🙂
HI! Carling is a name of the day for today, Thursday, December 10, 2020! Drop by the window anytime between noon and 8pm to pick up your cone!
Good morning! We are writing today to say that Carling was selected as one of our names of the day for Wed, Dec 18, 2024! That means a free cone for all named Carling. To claim your cone, come to The Merry Dairy at 102 Fairmont between noon and 8pm today!
Lies in 2019! It says Lisa was added but it’s not on the list! Please add me! 🙂
Fixed! 🙂
Please add Derek to the list!
Added! 🙂
Thank you! Added! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Kaylee is one of our names of the day a,d so it’s a free cone for Kaylee all day today Tue Dec 14 at our takeaway window at 102 Fairmont! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! It’s a free cone today Thursday, December 16, 2021 for Julianna at the takeaway window at 102 Fairmont Ave between noon and 8pm!
Added! 🙂
Added! 🙂
Brandon 😀
Thank you! On the list!
Tena, Garry, Cody!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Cody is one of our names of day, today, Sunday, July 17, 2022 and that means a free cone for everyone named Coday all day today at 102 Fairmont!
Thank you! Added!
I’ll play!
Yes! Wayne is on the list!
Hello from The Merry Dairy and you win! We are writing because Wayne was selected as one of our names of the day for Saturday, December 9th! That means a free cone for all named Wayne today at 102 Fairmont between noon and 9pm!
Please add Joyce
Added! 🙂
My girls would love to be added Annalisa and Caterina.
Thank you!
For sure! Added! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! We are writing because Caterina was selected as one of our names of the day for Wednesday, December 13th, 2023! That means a free cone all named Caterina today at 102 Fairmont between noon and 8pm!
Tena, Garry, and Cody!
Thank you! Added! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Kaylee is one of our names of the day a,d so it’s a free cone for Kaylee all day today Tue Dec 14 at our takeaway window at 102 Fairmont! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! It’s a free cone today Thursday, December 16, 2021 for Julianna at the takeaway window at 102 Fairmont Ave between noon and 8pm!
Added! Thank you! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Matilda/ Mathilde/ Tillie/ Tilly is one of our names of the day for Tuesday, July 25, 2023! That means a free cone today at 102 Fairmont! We’re open from noon-9 pm 🙂
Please add ‘Perrin’ to your list!
Added! 🙂
Yes! Added! 🙂
Hi Ward!
Ward was selected as a name of the day for Friday, December 11, 2020 – and can come by anytime today to our takeaway window between noon and 8pm for a free cone!
Can you add “Kinga”
Added! Thank you! 🙂
Thank you! Added! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Guillaume/Guilherme/Guilhermo were selected as one of our names of the day for Thursday, December 7th! That means a free cone for all named Guillaume/Guilherme/Guilhermo at our shop at 102 Fairmont today between noon and 8pm!
Please add Anouk!
Yes! Added! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! We are writing because Manvitha was selected as one of our names of the day for Saturday, December 16th, 2023! That means a free cone all named Manvitha today at 102 Fairmont between noon and 9pm!
Thank you! Added! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! We are writing because Manvitha was selected as one of our names of the day for Saturday, December 16th, 2023! That means a free cone all named Manvitha today at 102 Fairmont between noon and 9pm!
Dayna please! You already have Dana but not Dayna 🙂 Thank you!
Indeed! Added! 🙂
Hello from 102 Fairmont! It’s The Merry Dairy writing to say that Danya is one of our names of the day which means a free cone for you today, Saturday, July 16th, 2020!
Thank you! Added! 🙂
Crystallina, please 🙂
Thank you! Added! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! We are writing to let you know that Crystallina is one of our names of the day for today, Saturday, July 24, 2024! That means a free cone for Crystallina all day today! We are open noon to 9pm!
Hi Sofia! Kirk is a name of the day today for Wed Dec 9, 2020! Pop on by the takeaway window for a free cone!
Kingsley 🙂
Thank you! Added! 🙂
Aseel 🙂
Please add Jovy 🙂
Added! Thank you! 🙂
Berthony/ Bert
Thank you! Added! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy and congratulations! Suzy is one of our names of the day for Sunday, December 19, 2022 so that means a free cone for all named Suzy that can be redeemed anytime today between noon and 8pm at 102 Fairmont! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy and congratulations! Suzy is one of our names of the day for Sunday, December 18, 2022 so that means a free cone for all named Suzy that can be redeemed anytime today between noon and 8pm at 102 Fairmont! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! The name Suzy has been selected as one of our names of the day! That means a free cone for Suzy anytime today, Thursday July 25 2024, between noon and 9pm!
Could u please add Betty/ Betty-Ann
Thanx and have a great weekend
Thank you! Added!:)
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Betty/Betty-Ann is one of our names of the day for Friday, July 21, 2023! That means a free cone today at 102 Fairmont! We’re open from noon-9 pm 🙂
Please add Colson to your list!
Thank you! Added!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! We are writing to let you know that Colson is one of our names of the day for today, Saturday, July 24, 2024! That means a free cone for Colson all day today! We are open noon to 9pm at 102 Fairmont!
Meara/Mira/Meera (to allow for different spellings!)
Thank you! Added! 🙂
Added! Thank you! 🙂
Thank you! Added! 🙂
Thank you! Saeed is added! 🙂
HI Saeed! – your name came up for a free cone today Sat Dec 5!
Hi, Can you please add Valeria, Itzel and Yol, thank you!
Thank you! Great names – all added now! 🙂
added to the list! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! We are writing because Valeria was selected as one of our names of the day for Saturday, December 9th! That means a free cone for Valeria which can be redeemed anytime today at 102 Fairmont between noon and 9pm!
Hello! Yol was one of our names selected for today Tuesday Jul 30 for a free cone! Yol can pop by anytime today at 102 Fairmont between noon and 9pm for their free cone!
Please add JOSS
Added! Thank you!
Thank you! Added to the list!
Could you please add Sylver ?
Could you please add Sylver ?
For sure! Added!
Hi please Add me to the list!
Hi! May Ann is now on the list!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! May Ann is one of our names of the day for Wednesday, July 26, 2023! That means a free cone today at 102 Fairmont! We’re open from noon-9 pm 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! We are writing because Poppy was selected as one of our names of the day for Friday, December 22nd, 2023! That means a free cone all named Poppy today at 102 Fairmont between noon and 8pm!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! It’s a free cone today Sat Dec 18 2021 at the takeaway window at 102 Fairmont between noon and 9pm for all named Kristi! 🙂
Hello! Caitlyn has been selected as a name of the day for today, Sunday, December 6, 2020! Come by anytime between noon and 8pm today!
Hello! Caitlyn has been selected as a name of the day for today, Friday, July 19, 2024! Come by anytime between noon and 9pm today!
Nico! (Maybe add it as an alternate to Nicholas?)
Done! Added!
Please add my son!
Cooper is now on the list!
Neali and Feridoun
Added! Thank you!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Marion was selected as one of our names of the day for Tuesday, December 5th! That means a free cone for all Marions at our shop at 102 Fairmont today between noon and 8pm!
Added! Thank you!
Deanna! I see Dean and Deanne but no Deanna
Now you do! Added! 🙂
Yes! Both added!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Walter is one of our names of the day for Friday, July 28, 2023! That means a free cone today at 102 Fairmont! We’re open from noon-9 pm 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! We are writing because Mimma was selected as one of our names of the day for Wednesday, December 20th, 2023! That means a free cone all named Mimma today at 102 Fairmont between noon and 8pm!
Jasmeet is a name of the day today! Check @themerrydairy social media for details!
Hi Andie! Happy to report that Andie has been selected as a name of the day for a free cone all day Satuday, December 19, 2020, between noon and 8pm at our takeaway window!
I don’t see Katie listed.
Hello from The Merry Dairy! We are writing because Katie was selected as one of our names of the day for Wednesday, December 13th, 2023! That means a free cone all named Katie today at 102 Fairmont between noon and 8pm!
I see Lydia but no Lydie!
Now you do! Added 🙂
Please add Lana and Alden! : )
Yes! Added!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! We are writing because Gina was selected as one of our names of the day for Saturday, December 16th, 2023! That means a free cone all named Gina today at 102 Fairmont between noon and 9pm!
Could you add Timon? It’s an uncommon name but my partner would feel so special not being lumped with Simon/Tim/Timothy/Tom etc.
Timon is now on the list, unlumped!
Antony (no h) for my hubby. Myself and my son are already on the list 🙂
Tank you! On the list!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Antony is one of our names of the day for Sunday, July 31, 2022! That means a free cone today at 102 Fairmont! We’re open noon-9pm! 🙂
Just another spelling of “Kellie“ since I don’t see that one there!
Just another spelling of “Kellie” that I don’t see on the list 🙂
We love all the spellings! Added!
Marko, Ida, Milan, karlyn
Thank you! All added!
Good morning! We are writing today to say that Karlyn was selected as one of our names of the day for Wed, Dec 18, 2024! That means a free cone for all named Karlyn To claim your cone, come to The Merry Dairy at 102 Fairmont between noon and 8pm today!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Celine has been selected as one our names of the day for Sun Jul 30! That means a free cone for Celine all day today at 102 Fairmont! Hope to see you soon!
Please add Kathie!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! We are writing because Kathie was selected as one of our names of the day for Wednesday, December 13th, 2023! That means a free cone all named Kathie today at 102 Fairmont between noon and 8pm!
Please add Atticus, Thelonius and Cayden
Thank you! Added!
Hello! Angelica has been selected as a name of the day for Wednesday, December 20, 2020. Come on down to the takeaway window between noon and 8pm today for your free cone! 🙂
Hello and Happy Sunday morning from The Merry Dairy. Angelica was selected as our name of the day for Sunday, December 15th, 2024! Angelica can stop by anytime today to claim your free cone!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Ingira is one of our names of the day for Thursday, Dec 5, 2024! That means a free cone today at 102 Fairmont! We’re open from noon-8pm 🙂
Asith 🙂
Asith 🙂
Thank you! Added!
Hello Erin! Yannic was selected as a name of the day for today, Friday, December 18, 2020! A cone of Yannic’s choice is waiting at the takeaway window between noon and 8pm today!
Name: katannah 🙂
You’ve been added! Thank you!
Hi Erin! Yannick was selected to be the name of the day for today, July 20th 2022! Yannick can come by anytime between noon and 9pm today to receive a free cone of their choice 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Norman/ Norma/ Normand is one of our names of the day for Wednesday, July 26, 2023! That means a free cone today at 102 Fairmont! We’re open from noon-9 pm 🙂
Katie, unless I can go for Katy 🙂
The more KTs the merrier! Added!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! We are writing because Katie (and Katy!) were selected as one of our names of the day for Wednesday, December 13th, 2023! That means a free cone all named Katie or Katy today at 102 Fairmont between noon and 8pm!
Zeena has been selected for a free cone today, Thursday, Dec 17! You can come to the takeaway window to pick up a cone anytime between noon and 8pm!
Lauchlan (also often spelled lachlan/laughlin etc)
They’re there now in all their spellings!
H LIz! Lauchlan is a name of the day for Thursday, December 10 – and a free cone at our takeaway window anytime today between noon and 8pm!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Alexis is one of the names of the day today! Come on by anytime on Wed Dec 8 between noon and 8pm to claim your cone!
Added! Thank you!
Thank you!
Thank you! Added!
Hello from The Merry Dairy on this lovely Sat Jul 22 where the name Joelle has been selected as one of our names of the day! That means a free cone for Joelle anytime today, Sat Jul 22, between noon and 9pm!
Please add my name 🙂
Name is added! And thank you!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! We are writing because Eilidh was selected as one of our names of the day for Sunday, December 10th! That means a free cone all named Eilidh today at 102 Fairmont between noon and 8pm!
Katelyn- Does spelling matter?
We love all the spellings! Katelyn is on the list!
Hello! Katelyn has been selected as a name of the day for today, Sunday, December 6, 2020! Come by anytime between noon and 8pm today!
Hello! Katelyn has been selected as a name of the day for today, Friday, July 19, 2024! Come by anytime between noon and 9pm today!
Thank you! Both added!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! We are writing because Carline/Carleen were selected as one of our names of the day for Tuesday, December 19th, 2023! That means a free cone all named Carline/Carleen today at 102 Fairmont between noon and 8pm!
Thank you! Added!
Can you add my name ebony
For sure! Now on the list! 🙂
Lois is now on the list!
Finlay/ Finley
Yes! Added!
Adrianne, please!
Thank you and added!
Here are a few names:
Thank you!
Thank you! Added!
Thank you! Added!
Please add Mallory and Madelyn
Thank you! Added!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Today, Sun Jul 23 Madelyn was selected as one of our names of the day, which means a free cone today for Madelyn at 102 Fairmont between noon and 9pm!
Hi Geeta! Geeta is a name of the day for Thursday, December 10 , 2020 – and a free cone at our takeaway window anytime today between noon and 8pm!
Joannie 🙂
Thank you! Added!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Today, Tuesday Dec 10 Joannie was selected as one of our names of the day, which means a free cone today for Joannie at 102 Fairmont between noon and 8pm!
Thank you! Added!
Added to the list! Thank you 🙂
Thank you! Added!
Chloe 🙂
Thank you! Added!
Added! Thank you!
Thank yoU! Added!
Well this has never happened before in the history of name day … but both of your names – Willa and Roanne were selected for a free cone (or ice cream sandwich) today Wed Dec 23, 2020! Come on down to the takeaway window at 102 Fairmont between noon and 8pm to claim your cones!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! We are writing today Wednesday, December 4, 2024 to say that Willa was one of the names selected today to receive a free cone! Willa can come in anytime between noon and 8pm today to 102 Fairmont to claim the cone!
Thank you! Added!
Thank you! Added!
Yes! Added! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy on this lovely Sat Jul 22 where the name Leona has been selected as one of our names of the day! That means a free cone for Leona anytime today, Sat Jul 22, between noon and 9pm!
Thank you! Added!
Thank you! Added!
Hello! Aucéanne has been selected as a name of the day for Wednesday, December 20, 2020. Come on down to the takeaway window between noon and 8pm today for your free cone! 🙂
Thank you! Added!
Added! Thank you!
Added! Thank you!
You definitely could use another X on the list, so “Xiaoling”!
We agree! And Xiaoling is now on the list! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! And today, Wed Jul 19 Xiaoling is one of our names of the day! That means a free cone anytime between noon and 9pm at 102 Fairmont! Hope to see you soon!
Thank you! Added!
Yes! Added!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! It’s a free cone today, Wed Dec 15, 2021 for Alain, one of our names of the day today at our takeaway window at 102 Fairmont Avenue. We’re open noon-8pm! 🙂
Lovely! Both added!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! A free cone today, Tuesday, December 7, 2021 for Jessi at 102 Fairmont Ave from noon-8pm!
Added! Thank you!
Good Tuesday morning! We are writing today to say that Bronwen was selected as one of our names of the day for Tue, Dec 17, 2024! That means a free cone for all named Bronwen! To claim your cone, come to The Merry Dairy at 102 Fairmont between noon at 8pm today!
Could you add Fenton please? Thank you!
Added! Thank you!
Thank you!
Campbell, Bertran, Joanna
Thank you! All added! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Today, Tue Dec 10 Joanna was selected as one of our names of the day, which means a free cone today for Joanna at 102 Fairmont between noon and 8pm!
Yes! Added! 🙂
Rubin a
Thank you so much! All added!
Hello! Youssuf has been selected as a name of the day today for a free cone, today, Sunday, December 13, 2020, between noon at 8pm at The Merry Dairy takeaway window at 102 Fairmont!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Talha is one of our names of the day today! Come by 102 Fairmont anytime on Wed Dec 8, 2021 between noon and 8pm to claim your cone! 🙂
Good morning from The Merry Dairy! We are writing this morning to inform you that Hiba is one of our names of the day for today, Saturday, Jul 23, 2020, which means a free cone all day for Hiba at 102 Fairmont!
Thank you so much! All added!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! It’s a free cone today Sat Dec 18 2021 at the takeaway window at 102 Fairmont between noon and 9pm for all named Usama! 🙂
Sana was selected as a name of the day for Friday, July 22, 2022 – and can come by anytime today to 102 Fairmont Ave between noon and 8pm for a free cone! 🙂
Good morning from The Merry Dairy! We are writing this morning to inform you that Rebecca is one of our names of the day for today, Saturday, Jul 23, 2022, which means a free cone for Rebecca at 102 Fairmont!
Hello from The Merry Dairy on Sunday, July 24th with the news that Maria has been selected as a name of the day, which means a free cone for Maria anytime today at 102 Fairmont Ave!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! We are writing because Rida was selected as one of our names of the day for Saturday, December 23rd, 2023! That means a free cone all named Rida today at 102 Fairmont between noon and 9pm!
Hello! Gabriela was one of our names selected for today Tuesday Jul 30 for a free cone! Gabriela can pop by anytime today at 102 Fairmont between noon and 9pm for their free cone!
Please add Mildred 😀
Hi Mildred! Thank you! It’s added to the list 🙂
Charlee, Jerzie, Preslee
Thank you! All added to the list!
Hello from The Merry Dairy on Sunday, July 24th with the news that Charlee has been selected as a name of the day, which means a free cone for Charlee anytime today at 102 Fairmont Ave!
Hello Charlee on this lovely, sunny Saturday, December 14th, which also just happens to be the day that Charlee was chosen as a name of the day! Drop by The Merry Dairy anytime today, Sat Dec 14th, to claim your cone!
Thank you! Added to the list!
Hello and Happy Monday! Misha has been selected as a name of the day for Monday, December 21, 2020 for a free cone all day from noon-8pm at the takeaway window at 102 Fairmont! 🙂
Thank you for the lovely names! All added! 🙂
Also added! Thank you!
Hello and good morning! Ganesh has been selected as a name of the day today for a free cone, today, Tuesday, December 22, 2020, between noon at 8pm at The Merry Dairy takeaway window at 102 Fairmont!
Teague, Declan, Derek, Harrison, Melanie, Ismet
Awesome! All added!
Hello Teague! Ismet has been selected for a free cone today, Thursday, Dec 17! Ismet can come to the takeaway window to pick up a cone anytime between noon and 8pm!
Hello from The Merry Dairy and a big hello to Melanie who is one our name sof the day for Thu Dec 14, 2022, which means a free cone for Melanie anytime between noon and 8pm at 102 Fairmont! 🙂
Thank you! Added!
Added! Thank you!
Thank you! Added!
Here are a few names of my family members missing from your list : Ahmad, Rafi and Malik
Lovely! Thank you – all are added!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! It’s a free cone today for Ahmad, one of our names of the day for Sunday, December 12, 2021! We are at 102 Fairmont Avenue and are open today from noon-8pm!
Good Tuesday morning! We are writing today to say that Malik was selected as one of our names of the day for Tue, Dec 17, 2024! That means a free cone for all named Malik! To claim your cone, come to The Merry Dairy at 102 Fairmont between noon at 8pm today!
Thank you! Both added!
Hello from The Merry Dairy and a free cone forPietro, our name of the day for Thu Dec 9, 2021 at 102 Fairmont today between noon and 8pm! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! We are writing because Pietro was selected as one of our names of the day for Friday, December 15th, 2023! That means a free cone all named Pietro today at 102 Fairmont between noon and 8pm!
Added! Thank you!
Lucien! Close to Luc, Lucas etc but not quite. 🙂
And an alternate spelling to Miriam (which I see you already gave), please add Myriam.
Thank you!
Added both! Thank you!
Hello from The Merry Dairy and it’s a free cone today for all named Myriam today Sunday, December 19, 2021 at our takeaway window at 102 Fairmont between noon and 8pm! 🙂
Thank you! Added!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! We are writing because Anastasia was selected as one of our names of the day for Saturday, December 23rd, 2023! That means a free cone all named Anastasia today at 102 Fairmont between noon and 9pm!
Thank you! Added!
Could you please add Ruben.
Yes! Added! 🙂
Kalie to Kaylie
Thank you! Added!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Kalie * Kaylie are two of our names of the day a,d so it’s a free cone for Kalie & Kaylie all day today Tue Dec 14 at our takeaway window at 102 Fairmont! 🙂
Thank you! Added!
Kerrie was selected as a name of the day for Friday, July 22, 2022 – and can come by anytime today to 102 Fairmont Ave between noon and 8pm for a free cone! 🙂
Thank you! Added!
Hello! Willis has been selected for a free cone today Wednesday, December 23, 2020! Come by the takeaway window between noon and 8pm to claim your cone! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! We are writing today Wednesday, December 4, 2024 to say that Willis was one of the names selected today to receive a free cone! Willis can come in anytime between noon and 8pm today to 102 Fairmont to claim the cone!
Thank you! Added!
Linden ❤
Thank you! Added!
Please add Astra!
Thank you! Added 🙂
Eamon also spelt Eamonn
Darragh which would be another spelling of Dara
Awesome! Both added!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! It’s a free cone today Sat Dec 18 2021 at the takeaway window at 102 Fairmont between noon and 9pm for all named Eamon and Eamonn! 🙂
Thank you! Added 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! And a short note to say that Prescia is our name of the day for Thursday, Dec 1, 2022! To claim your cone come to 102 Fairmont between noon-8pm today! 🙂
Thank you! Added! 🙂
Could Reid be added? Thanks and thank you for amazing vibes!
Added! And thank you! 🙂
Please add Kyra
Added! 🙂
THat is so lovely to hear! Their names are added! 🙂
Yes! Names are added! 🙂
Thank you! Addded!
Ahmad is there but my name is Ahmed, can that be added?
sure, added!
Hello Ahmed from The Merry Dairy! It’s a free cone today for all named Ahmed, one of our names of the day for Sunday, December 12, 2021! We are at 102 Fairmont Avenue and are open today from noon-8pm!
Hi! Could you add Keaton and Cadence to your list? Thanks 😀
Both added!
Please add Atiya, Logen, Keegan, Marsha
all added!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! We are writing because Atiya was selected as one of our names of the day for Friday, December 22nd, 2023! That means a free cone all named Atiya today at 102 Fairmont between noon and 8pm!
both added!
Hello from The Merry Dairy and we are writing to inform that Ammara/Amara were selected as names of the day for today, Saturday, December 1. That means a free cone for Ammara/Amara today at 102 Fairmont between noon and 9pm!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Halima was selected as one of our names of the day for Tuesday, December 12th, 2023! That means a free cone for all named Halima at our shop at 102 Fairmont today between noon and 8pm!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! We are writing because Cait was selected as one of our names of the day for Wednesday, December 13th, 2023! That means a free cone all named Cait today at 102 Fairmont between noon and 8pm!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Kirsten was selected as one of our names of the day for Sunday, December 22nd, 2024! That means a free cone for all named Kirsten at our shop at 102 Fairmont today between noon and 8pm!
Clara please 🙂
Clara please
Can we add Kayley to the Kayley list?😄
Added! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Kayley is one of our names of the day a,d so it’s a free cone for Kayley all day today Tue Dec 14 at our takeaway window at 102 Fairmont! 🙂
Added! 🙂
Could you please add Kristian? Thank you! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Kristian was selected as one of our names of the day for Tuesday, December 12th, 2023! That means a free cone for all named Kristian at our shop at 102 Fairmont today between noon and 8pm!
Added! 🙂
Keely (some spell it Keeley but I don’t!)
Added! 🙂
Added! 🙂
Kari and Lee
Added! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! We are writing because Lee was selected as one of our names of the day for Sat Jul 29, 2023! That mean a free cone for Lee anytime today, Sat Jul 29, between noon and 9pm at 102 Fairmont!
Tauran / Toran/ Torin
all added!
Could you please add Emeline to your list 🥰
added! 🙂
Please add Branden
Hello from The Merry Dairy! We are writing today Wednesday, December 4, to say that Cindy was one of the names selected today to receive a free cone! Cindy can come in anytime between noon and 8pm today to 102 Fairmont to claim the cone!
Gilbert and Magda
Thank you!
Sage is missing!
Could you please add Dennis and Leni!?
both added!
How about Irene?
How about Ewen (to be added with the name Ewan)?
Hello from The Merry Dairy! The name Jake has been selected as one of our names of the day! That means a free cone for Jake anytime today, Thursday July 25 2024, between noon and 9pm!
Hello! Ewan was one of our names selected for today Tuesday Jul 30 for a free cone! Ewan can pop by anytime today at 102 Fairmont between noon and 9pm for their free cone!
Adrien / Adrian
Could you please add Vasilis? Thank you!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Vasilis is one of our names of the day today! Come by 102 Fairmont anytime on Wed Dec 8, 2021 between noon and 8pm to claim your cone! 🙂
Could you please add Hong? Thanks!
Caryss and Joey 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy on this lovely Sat Jul 22 where the name Joey has been selected as one of our names of the day! That means a free cone for Joey anytime today, Sat Jul 22, between noon and 9pm!
Could we add Miya and Nisha please?
Hello from The Merry Dairy! And a short note to say that Nisha is our name of the day for Sunday, December 5, 2021! To claim your cone come to 102 Fairmont between noon-8pm today! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! And a short note to say that Nisha is our name of the day for Thursday, December 12, 2024! To claim your cone come to 102 Fairmont between noon-8pm today! 🙂
Yagu and Farida
It has been added! Thank you 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Kristina was selected as one of our names of the day for Sunday, December 22nd, 2024! That means a free cone for all named Kristina at our shop at 102 Fairmont today between noon and 8pm!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! A free cone today, Tuesday, December 7, 2021 for Yagu at 102 Fairmont Ave from noon-8pm!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Faridia is one of our names of the day for Sunday, July 31, 2022! That means a free cone today at 102 Fairmont! We’re open noon-9pm 🙂
Oops! Farida! Sorry about that 🙂
Could you please add Nuno.
thank you
all in! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! We are writing today Sunday, December 3, to say that Laura was one of the names selected today to receive a free cone! Laura can come in anytime between noon and 8pm today to 102 Fairmont to claim the cone!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! And a short note to say that Tesia is our name of the day for Thursday, Dec 1, 2022! To claim your cone come to 102 Fairmont between noon-8pm today! 🙂
Thank you! Added! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Cedric/Cédric/Cedrik is one of our names of the day for Friday, July 28, 2023! That means a free cone today at 102 Fairmont! We’re open from noon-9 pm 🙂
Good morning from The Merry Dairy! We are writing to let you know that Teresa is one of our names of the day for Tue Jul 18! That means a free cone for Teresa between noon and 9pm today at 102 Fairmont!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! We are writing today Sunday, December 3, to say that Laurel was one of the names selected today to receive a free cone! Laurel can come in anytime between noon and 8pm today to 102 Fairmont to claim the cone!
Hello from The Merry Dairy a free cone today Fri Dec 17, 2021 for Yara at the takeaway window at 102 Fairmont between noon and 9pm!
Hello from 102 Fairmont! It’s The Merry Dairy writing to say that Danya is one of our names of the day which means a free cone for you today, Saturday, July 16th, 2020!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! And a short note to say that Cristina is our name of the day for Sunday, December 5, 2021! To claim your cone come to 102 Fairmont between noon-8pm today! 🙂
Good morning from The Merry Dairy! We are writing to let you know that ManNghi is one of our names of the day for Tue Jul 18! That means a free cone for ManNghi between noon and 9pm today at 102 Fairmont!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! A short note to say that Mikka was selected as one of our names of the day for Sun Dec 8! That means that Mikka can come in anytime until 8pm tonight to pick up their free cone!
Please add: Summer
added! 🌞
Could you please add “Orin” to the list?
Many thanks and happy summer! 🙂🍦💕
added! 😀
Hello from The Merry Dairy! It’s a free cone today, Wed Dec 15, 2021 for Orin, one of our names of the day today at our takeaway window at 102 Fairmont Avenue. We’re open noon-8pm! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Janina has been selected as one our names of the day for Sun Jul 30! That means a free cone for Janina all day today at 102 Fairmont! Hope to see you soon!
Thank you!!
So much fun!!!
My kids name is Koralei (goes by kori). I dont rhink it’s there and would love to be added to the list.
added 🙂
Laelah, somecheay, Shawana,
Hello from The Merry Dairy and it’s a free cone for all named Shawna today Sunday, December 19, 2021 at our takeaway window at 102 Fairmont between noon and 8pm! 🙂
Oops! Shawana! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! We are writing today because Shawana was one of the names of the day selected for a free cone today, Sat Jul 20! Come anytime between noon and 9pm today to collect your cone!
Please add our names to the list
Maryam/ Mariam
Tasneem/ Tasnim
Abdirahman/ Abdi
Kerrin was selected as a name of the day for Friday, July 22, 2022 – and can come by anytime today to 102 Fairmont Ave between noon and 8pm for a free cone! 🙂
Jadyn ❤️
added 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy and a free cone forKhalid, our name of the day for Thu Dec 9, 2021 at 102 Fairmont today between noon and 8pm! 🙂
Thank you Marlene! 🍦🤤
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Tasnim and Tasneem are two of our names of day, today, Sunday, July 17, 2022 and that means a free cone for everyone named Tasnim and Tasneem all day today at 102 Fairmont!
Hello from The Merry Dairy on Sunday, July 24th with the news that Mariam and Maryam have been selected as a name of the day, which means a free cone for Maryam or Mariam anytime today at 102 Fairmont Ave!
Rafaël 😁
Please add Dena or would Dina work? Thanks!
added with Dina! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! We are writing to say that while Dina was picked back on December 23 as one of our names of the day, the ice storm that day meant we did an “ice check” and Dina is a again a name of the day for Sunday, July 16, 2023! That means a free cone today for all named Dina anytime between noon and 9pm! 🙂
And Dena too! 🙂
Louis & Nadia
Can you add the name Kerry …Thanks 🙂
added! 🙂
Kerry was selected as a name of the day for Friday, July 22, 2022 – and can come by anytime today to 102 Fairmont Ave between noon and 8pm for a free cone! 🙂
oops i’m blind it’s there thanks 🙂
Please add the name Farid!
Hello from The Merry Dairy and congratulations! Farid is one of our names of the day for Sunday, July 31, 2022! That means a free cone today at 102 Fairmont! We’re open noon-9pm 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! We are writing because Marylou was selected as one of our names of the day for Thursday, December 21st, 2023! That means a free cone all named Marylou today at 102 Fairmont between noon and 8pm!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! We are writing because Marylou was selected as one of our names of the day for Thursday, December 21st, 2023! That means a free cone all named Marylou today at 102 Fairmont between noon and 8pm!
Please add Aveline (an ice cream-loving 4 year old)!
Please add Meggan to the list! (And Megan, Meagan, Meghan, Meaghan, and any other random combination! LOL)
Please add Annette.
Added! THank you!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! It’s a free cone today Thursday, December 16 for Asif at the takeaway window at 102 Fairmont Ave between noon and 8pm!
Jayme, Bruno , Dillon
Thank you!Added! 🙂
Jayme was selected as a name of the day for Friday, July 22, 2022 – and can come by anytime today to 102 Fairmont Ave between noon and 8pm for a free cone! 🙂
Janessa please!
Yes! Added!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! We are writing because Janessa was selected as one of our names of the day for Friday, December 15th, 2023! That means a free cone all named Janessa today at 102 Fairmont between noon and 8pm!
Lorna – for a little girl who has just discovered her love of ice cream! Thanks!
Love that! Thank you! Added!
Can Hilla/Hila be added to the list? Thanks!
For sure! Done and thank you!
Added! Thank you!
Added! THank you!
Please add Thaddeus to the list.
Added! Thank you!
Please add Steffany, Alizée and Aleksi 🙂
Added! Thank you!
please add Anton
Great name! Added! 🙂
Please add Ingrid, thanks!
Added! Thank you! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Ingrid is one of our names of the day for Thursday, Dec 5, 2024! That means a free cone today at 102 Fairmont! We’re open from noon-8pm 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Anton is one of our names of the day for Sunday, July 31, 2022! That means a free cone today at 102 Fairmont! We’re open noon-9pm 🙂
Please add Nola 🙂
Added! 🙂
Letty or Letitia
And Meeka, Meika, Meekai
Love it! All added! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! A short note to say that Meeka, Meika and Meekai were selected as one of our names of the day for Sun Dec 8! That means any one of them can come in anytime until 8pm tonight to pick up their free cone!
Can you please add Siera and Joe
Added! Thank you! 🙂
Could you add Adepele and Kemi?
Hello from The Merry Dairy! We are writing because Adepele was selected as one of our names of the day for Wednesday, December 20th, 2023! That means a free cone all named Adepele today at 102 Fairmont between noon and 8pm!
Could you add Adepele and Kemi? 🙂
Added! Thank you!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! We are writing because Adepele was selected as one of our names of the day for Wednesday, December 20th, 2023! That means a free cone all named Adepele today at 102 Fairmont between noon and 8pm!
Please add Tanys to the list!
Added! 🙂
Could you please add:
Thank you 🙂
Oh scratch that. I just saw Martine in the list
And hello Martine!
Added! Thank you!
Hello and congratulations! Haylie is one of our names of the day, today Sat Dec 10! That means a free cone for Haylie. Come in anytime between noon and 9pm today to claim your cone! 🙂
Good morning! We are writing today to say that Martine was selected as one of our names of the day for Wed, Dec 18, 2024! That means a free cone for all named Martine. To claim your cone, come to The Merry Dairy at 102 Fairmont between noon and 8pm today!
Please add Caray 🙂
Yes! Added!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Caray was one of our names selected for today Sun Jul 21 for a free cone! Caray can pop on by anytime today at 102 Fairmont between noon and 9pm for their free cone!
Added! Thank you!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Kody is one of our names of day, today, Sunday, July 17, 2022 and that means a free cone for everyone named Kody all day today at 102 Fairmont!
Alternate spellings – Elisabeth/Lis
Added the alternate spellings! Thank you!
Please add Miki, Mickey, Mikki
All added! Thank you! 🙂
Thank you! Added! 🙂
Added! Thank you! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! And today, Wed Jul 19 Sasha is one of our names of the day! That means a free cone anytime between noon and 9pm at 102 Fairmont! Hope to see you soon!
Added! Thank you!
On the list! Thank you! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Celine has been selected as one our names of the day for Sun Jul 30! That means a free cone for Celine all day today at 102 Fairmont! Hope to see you soon!
Please add Niles?
Added! Thank you!
Never see my name anywhere- Roisin
Love that name! Added 🙂
Could you please add Arlo to the list and the alternate spelling Darcie?
Done! Thank yoU!
Love it! Added! 🙂
H Corrie! A free cone for you today, Thu Dec 2, 2021 noon-8pm at 102 Fairmont as Corrie was selected as our name of the day!
Please add Avi and/or Avinash to your list
Added! Thank you! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! We are writing because Avi and Avinash were selected as names of the day for Friday, December 15th, 2023! That means a free cone all named Avi or Avinash today at 102 Fairmont between noon and 8pm!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! We are writing because Corrie was selected as one of our names of the day for Wednesday, December 20th, 2023! That means a free cone all named Corrie today at 102 Fairmont between noon and 8pm!
Jenelle / Clare / Ana / Mitchell
Thank you! On the list!
Hello from 102 Fairmont! It’s The Merry Dairy writing to say that Jenelle is one of our names of the day which means a free cone for you today, Thursday, July 28th 2022!
Julienne / Frédérique
Thank you! Added! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! It’s a free cone today Thursday, December 16, 2021 for Juliienne at the takeaway window at 102 Fairmont Ave between noon and 8pm!
Please add Tahira and Ibraheem/Ibrahim
Hello! Frédérique was one of our names selected for today Wednesday Jul 24 for a free cone! Frédérique can pop by anytime today at 102 Fairmont between noon and 9pm for their free cone!
On the list! Thank you! 🙂
Awesome! Added and thank you!
Hello from The Merry Dairy and a free cone for Karin, our name of the day for Friday, December 10, 2021, at 102 Fairmont today between noon and 8pm! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy on this lovely Sat Jul 22 where the name Karin has been selected as one of our names of the day! That means a free cone for Karin anytime today, Sat Jul 22, between noon and 9pm!
Can you please add Xavier and Kai
On the list! Thank you!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! It’s a free cone today, Sat Dec 4, for all named Kai! Come by anytime between noon and 9pm today to claim your scoop!
Hello again from The Merry Dairy! Xavier is one of our names of the day today Sat Dec 11, 2021 and so it’s a free cone for Xavier today at 102 Fairmont! We’re open noon-9pm! 🙂
Hello to Kai and Happy Saturday! Guess what? We forgot to tell you that yesterday, we picked Kai as our name of the day for Friday, December 13th. So if you didn’t hear that your name was picked, then just show this message to a Merry Dairy team member anytime today, Saturday December 14th for your free cone!
Could you please add Davina ?
Added! Thank you!
Good Tuesday morning! We are writing today to say that Davina was selected as one of our names of the day for Tue, Dec 17, 2024! That means a free cone for all named Davina! To claim your cone, come to The Merry Dairy at 102 Fairmont between noon at 8pm today!
Kayley 🙂
On the list! Thank you!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Kayley is one of our names of the day a,d so it’s a free cone for Kayley all day today Tue Dec 14 at our takeaway window at 102 Fairmont! 🙂
This is such a delightful idea. May you please add Samson and Jazz to the list?
And so delightful that Samson and Jazz are now on the list! 🙂
Add Sheri please
Added! Thank you! 🙂
Nellie please
Added! Thank you! 🙂
Please add the name Preston
Please add Jed
Added! Thank you! 🙂
Hello, please add our friend Toshio’s name!
Can you add Janey, and Joy
Added! Thank you1 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! We are writing because Janey was selected as one of our names of the day for Friday, December 15th, 2023! That means a free cone all named Janey today at 102 Fairmont between noon and 8pm!
Toshio is now on the list! Thank you! 🙂
Maggie and Rebecca
On the list! Thank you1 😉
Good morning from The Merry Dairy! We are writing this morning to inform you that Rebecca is one of our names of the day for today, Saturday, Jul 23, 2022, which means a free cone for Rebecca at 102 Fairmont!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! We are writing because Maggie was selected as one of our names of the day for Sunday, December 17th, 2023! That means a free cone all named Maggie today at 102 Fairmont between noon and 8pm!
Svea 🙏
Added! Thank you! 🙂
Add myself and son please.
Crystal and Devante
On the list! Thank you! 🙂
Hello! Devante has been chosen as a name of the day for today, July 21st 2022! Come by anytime between noon and 9pm for a free cone! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! We are writing to let you know that Crystal is one of our names of the day for today, Saturday, July 24, 2024! That means a free cone for Crystal all day today! We are open noon to 9pm!
Eva and Jessica
On the list! Thank you! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! A free cone today, Tuesday, December 7, 2021 for Jessica at 102 Fairmont Ave from noon-8pm!
Can you add Rachael and Caray?
Thank you 🙂
Added! Thank you1 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Caray was one of our names selected for today Sun Jul 21 for a free cone! Caray can pop on by anytime today at 102 Fairmont between noon and 9pm for their free cone!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! The name Rachael has been selected as one of our names of the day! That means a free cone for Rachael anytime today, Friday July 26 2024, between noon and 9pm!
Yes! Added!
Please add Archit!
Thank you! Added! 🙂
Hello to Archit and Happy Saturday! Guess what? We forgot to tell you that yesterday, we picked Archit as our name of the day for Friday, December 13th. So if you didn’t hear that your name was picked, then just show this message to a Merry Dairy team member anytime today, Saturday December 14th for your free cone!
Thank you! Added! 🙂
Please add Beau. He wants some ice cream.
Love it! Added! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Today, Sun Jul 23 Beau was selected as one of our names of the day, which means a free cone today for Beau at 102 Fairmont between noon and 9pm!
Please add Marcie:)
Thank you! Added 🙂
Thank you! Added! 🙂
Please add Anneke
Anneke is added! Thank you! 🙂
Thank you! Added! )
Thank you! Added! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Aki was selected as one of our names of the day for Wednesday, December 6th! That means a free cone for all named Aki at our shop at 102 Fairmont today between noon and 8pm!
Thank you! Added! 🙂
Hello, could both Odin and Orion be added to your list? Thank you!
Thank you! Both added!
And guess what? 🙂 It’s a free cone today, Wed Dec 15, 2021 for Orion, one of our names of the day today at our takeaway window at 102 Fairmont Avenue. We’re open noon-8pm! 🙂
Thank you! Added! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy and congratulations! Suzette is one of our names of the day for Sunday, December 18, 2022 so that means a free cone for all named Suzette that can be redeemed anytime today between noon and 8pm at 102 Fairmont! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! The name Suzette has been selected as one of our names of the day! That means a free cone for Suzette anytime today, Thursday July 25 2024, between noon and 9pm!
Parker is not yet on your list. 🙂
It is now! Thank you! 🙂
Thank you! Added!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Yad & Yadgar were in our names selected for today Sun Dec 11 for a free cone! Yad can pop on by anytime today between noon and 8pm for their free cone!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Shereen was in our names selected for today Wed Dec 11, 2024 for a free cone! Shereen can pop on by anytime today between noon and 8pm for their free cone!
Added! Thank you!
Hello from The Merry Dairy on this lovely Saturday, December 21st! And it’s even more lovely because Augustus was selected as one of our names of the day. That means Augustus can come in anytime today between noon and 9pm to claim that free cone!
Thank you! Added!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Celine has been selected as one our names of the day for Sun Jul 30! That means a free cone for Celine all day today at 102 Fairmont! Hope to see you soon!
Thank you! Added! 🙂
Riya 😊
Thank you! Added! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Riya is one of our names of the day for Friday, July 28, 2023! That means a free cone today at 102 Fairmont! We’re open from noon-9 pm 🙂
Please add Laurel
Added to the list! Thank you!
Mehboob (Mebs for short) — my husband’s name, is not there.
Thank you! Added 🙂
Please add :
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Tasneem is one of our names of day, today, Sunday, July 17, 2022 and that means a free cone for everyone named Tasneem all day today at 102 Fairmont!
Thank you! Added!:)
Please add :
Thank you for these! All added 🙂
Thanks !
Ciara 🙂
Thank you! Added! 🙂
Added! Thank you!
lHello from The Merry Dairy! We are writing because Olha was selected as one of our names of the day for Sunday, December 17th, 2023! That means a free cone all named Olha today at 102 Fairmont between noon and 8pm!
Added! Thank you! 🙂
Hi Can you add Mỹ Lá, Nam and Thiên?
Done, done & done! Thank you! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! We are writing to say that Mỹ Lá has been selected as one of our names of the day which means a free cone for Mỹ Lá today Fri Dec 1 between noon and 9pm!
Please add the name Jericho. Thanks! 😊
Thank you! Added 🙂
Please add Tahira and Ibraheem. Thank you 🙂
Added! Thank you! 🙂
Add3ed! Thank yoU! 🙂
Joel 🙂
On the list! Thank you! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy on this lovely Sat Jul 22 where the name Joel has been selected as one of our names of the day! That means a free cone for Joel anytime today, Sat Jul 22, between noon and 9pm!
Please add Nikhil! Thank you
Added! Thank you! 🙂
Thank you! Added! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! We are writing because Jolene was selected as one of our names of the day for Sunday, December 10th! That means a free cone all named Jolene today at 102 Fairmont between noon and 8pm!
Please add Ziad!
Added! Thank you! 🙂
Maeve + Teddy for my two kids
Added! Thank you! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! May/ Maye/ Maie/ May Ann/ Mae/ Maeve is one of our names of the day for Wednesday, July 26, 2023! That means a free cone today at 102 Fairmont! We’re open from noon-9 pm 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! We are writing today because Teddy was one of the names of the day selected for a free cone today, Sat Jul 20! Come anytime between noon and 9pm today to collect your cone!
Added! Thank you! 🙂
Laura and Graham
On the list! Thank you! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! We are writing today Sunday, December 3, to say that Laura was one of the names selected today to receive a free cone! Laura can come in anytime between noon and 8pm today to 102 Fairmont to claim the cone!
Mona 🙂
Added! Thank you! 🙂
On the list! Thank you! 🙂
Thank you! Added! 🙂
Mareike and Abdulrahman!
Thank you! Both added! 🙂
Please add Hollie
Added! Thank you! 🙂
Please add Moira!
Added! Thank you! 🙂
Add my name please 🙂 Kariane
Added! Thank you! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy on this lovely Sat Jul 22 where the name Kariane has been selected as one of our names of the day! That means a free cone for Kariane anytime today, Sat Jul 22, between noon and 9pm!
We are the ABCD family!
Love it! ABCD added! 🙂
Hello ABCD familyfrom The Merry Dairy and congratulations! Danik is one of our names of the day, today Sat Dec 10! That means a free cone for Danik! Come in anytime between noon and 9pm today to claim your cone! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Celine has been selected as one our names of the day for Sun Jul 30! That means a free cone for Celine all day today at 102 Fairmont! Hope to see you soon!
Thank you! Added! 🙂
Hello! Hafeez has been selected as a name of the day for today, Friday, July 19, 2024! Come by anytime between noon and 9pm today!
Added! Thank you! 🙂
Added! Thank you! 🙂
Dhilal 😊
Thank you! Added 🙂
Thank you! Added! 🙂
Zeid was selected as a name of the day for Friday, July 22, 2022 – and can come by anytime today to 102 Fairmont Ave between noon and 8pm for a free cone! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! And a short note to say that Rami is our name of the day for Thursday, Dec 1, 2022! To claim your cone come to 102 Fairmont between noon-8pm today! 🙂
Hi! Could we please add the names Marjorie/Marjory/Marge/Margot
Thank you!!!
Yes to all! Added! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! We are writing because Marjory/Marge/Margot were selected as one of our names of the day for Sunday, December 17th, 2023! That means a free cone all named Marjory/Marge/Margot today at 102 Fairmont between noon and 8pm!
Yes! Added! 🙂
On the list! Thank you! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Giancarlo was selected as one of our names of the day for Sunday, December 22nd, 2024! That means a free cone for all named Giancarlo at our shop at 102 Fairmont today between noon and 8pm!
Added! Thank you! 🙂
Please add Marielle, Uma and Nalia 🙂
Lovely! Added! Thank you 🙂
Yes! Thank you! 🙂
Roula! Niko!
Love it! Added! 🙂
Added! Thank you! 🙂
Yes! Added! 🙂
Glennys, please!
Done! Thank you! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Glen/Glenn/Glynn/Glennys is one of our names of the day for Friday, July 21, 2023! That means a free cone today at 102 Fairmont! We’re open from noon-9 pm 🙂
Cansu 🙂
Thank you! Added! 🙂
Merci! Added! 🙂
Added! Thank you! 🙂
Can you add Natania, Gil, and Jodie please 😊
Added! Thank you! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Jodi/Jodie/Jody is one of our names of the day for Thursday, July 27, 2023! That means a free cone today at 102 Fairmont! We’re open from noon-9 pm ! 🙂
Thank you! Added! 🙂
Lamanie, Marlon, Maya
Thank you! All added! 🙂
Thank you! Added! 🙂
How fun! Thanks so much.
We agree! And Leanne is on the list! 🙂
Can you add Evander? He would be so stoked if his name ever came up!
Yes! Added! 🙂
Elias, please!
On the list! 🙂
I’d love for these names to be adde for Me and my daughter!
Thanks so much!
Both added! Thank you! 🙂
Hello Oakley on this lovely, sunny Saturday, December 14th, which also just happens to be the day that Oakley was chosen as a name of the day! Drop by The Merry Dairy anytime today, Sat Dec 14th, to claim your cone!
Please add Won 🙂
Thank you! Added! 🙂
Added! Thank you! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! We are writing because Brahm was selected as one of our names of the day for Saturday, December 23rd, 2023! That means a free cone all named Brahm today at 102 Fairmont between noon and 9pm!
Thank you! Added! 🙂
Thank you! Added! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Maryanne was selected as one of our names of the day for Tuesday, December 5th! That means a free cone for all Maryannes at our shop at 102 Fairmont today between noon and 8pm!
Hi! Can you add Tarun? Thank you!!!
Hi back! Tarun is now on the list! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! We are writing because Tarun was selected as one of our names of the day for Sunday, December 10th! That means a free cone all named Tarun today at 102 Fairmont between noon and 8pm!
Added! Thank you! 🙂
Please add Winter! 🙂 thank you!
Added! Thank you! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Winter is one of our names of the day for Friday, December 6, 2024! That means a free cone today at 102 Fairmont! We’re open from noon-9pm ! 🙂
Could you please add Natania, Gil and Jodie 😊
Added! Thank you! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Jodi/Jodie/Jody is one of our names of the day for Thursday, July 27, 2023! That means a free cone today at 102 Fairmont! We’re open from noon-9 pm ! 🙂
Yes! Added! 🙂
Added! Thank you! 🙂
Thank you! Added! 🙂
Maha, Zuriah and Reyna are not on the list
They are now! Thank you! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Reyna is one of our names of the day for Friday, July 28, 2023! That means a free cone today at 102 Fairmont! We’re open from noon-9 pm 🙂
On the list! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! We are writing because Katherine was selected as one of our names of the day for Wednesday, December 13th, 2023! That means a free cone all named Katherine today at 102 Fairmont between noon and 8pm!
Etta please?!
For sure! Now on the list! 🙂
Lonnie ….thank you
Lonnie is now on the list! Thank you 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! And today, Wed Jul 19 Lonnie is one of our names of the day! That means a free cone anytime between noon and 9pm at 102 Fairmont! Hope to see you soon!
Tasha is not on the list!
Tasha’s on the list now! 🙂
Added! Thank you! 🙂
Trinity and Mack/Mackenzie
Added! Thank you! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! And a short note to say that Mack/Mackenzie
is our name of the day for Thursday, December 12, 2024! To claim your cone come to 102 Fairmont between noon-8pm today! 🙂
Thank you! Added! 🙂
Please add the name Ellen
Yes! Ellen is on the list! 🙂
Added! Thank you! 🙂
Tinsae please ☺️
Thank you! Added! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! We are writing because Tinsae was selected as one of our names of the day for Wednesday, December 20th, 2023! That means a free cone all named Tinsae today at 102 Fairmont between noon and 8pm!
Thank you! Added! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy and congratulations! Today, Sun Jul 23 Pooja was selected as one of our names of the day, which means a free cone today at 102 Fairmont between noon and 9pm!
Thank you! Added! 🙂
Thank you! Added it to the list 🙂
Thank you! Added it to the list 🙂
Great – thank you! I’m probably the only Pearl in Ottawa… it’s so nice of you to include rare and unique names on your list!
Thank you! Added to the list 🙂
Congratulations! Your name was picked today (Dec 3) – stop by 102 Fairmont Ave between 12-8 pm for your free cone 🙂
Added it to the list 🙂
Done! Added it to the list 🙂
Nice McTry. Maybe McLovin would’ve worked 🙂
Ndali, Merlin and Carla please
Oops, just noticed Carla and Merlin are on there already.
Also please add Ndandali for different version of Ndali =)
Done. Added them to the list! Thank you 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Ndandali/Ndali is one of our names of the day for Thursday, July 20, 2023! That means a free cone today at 102 Fairmont! We’re open from noon-9 pm 🙂
Good morning! We are writing today to say that Carla was selected as one of our names of the day for Wed, Dec 18, 2024! That means a free cone for all named Carla! To claim your cone, come to The Merry Dairy at 102 Fairmont between noon at 8pm today!
Hi can you add Christophe? He loves your ice cream!
For sure! Christophe is now on the list 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Christophe was selected as one of our names of the day for Tuesday, December 12th, 2023! That means a free cone for all named Christophe at our shop at 102 Fairmont today between noon and 8pm!
Please add Luân and Jean-Paul 🙂
Done! Added them to the list 🙂
Done. Added to the list! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy and congratulations! Saaif is one of our names of the day for Friday, December 1th, which means a free cone for Saaf today at 102 Fairmont Avenue! And if Saaif can’t make today because of the weather, the cone can be claimed on Saturday too! 🙂
Done. Added to the list! 🙂
Done! Added to the list 🙂
Done! Added to the list 🙂
Done! Added to the list 🙂
Hello! Could you add the names Chad & Jayme please?
For sure! They have been added to the list. Thank you 🙂
Jayme was selected as a name of the day for Friday, July 22, 2022 – and can come by anytime today to 102 Fairmont Ave between noon and 8pm for a free cone! 🙂
Chad was selected as a name of the day for Tuesday, Dec 3, 2024 – and Chad come by anytime today to 102 Fairmont Ave between noon and 8pm for a free cone! 🙂
It has been added to the list! Thank you 🙂
I see corinna there (mine is spelled corrina), so can that count or be added, thanks!
It sure can! Corrina has been added to the list 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Corrina was one of our names selected for today Sun Dec 11 for a free cone! So pop on by anytime today between noon and 8pm for your free cone!
For sure! Joelle has been added to the list 🙂 Thank you
Oksana 🥲
For sure! It’s been added to the list 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy on this lovely Sat Jul 22 where the name Joelle has been selected as one of our names of the day! That means a free cone for Joelle anytime today, Sat Jul 22, between noon and 9pm!
Aww i’m 3 years too late for mine hahaha
Don’t worry! All the names are added back into our randomiser and it can be chosen again 🙂
Rochelle Mac
Both have been added! Thank you 🙂
Hi, can you please add Alisha. Thank you!
For sure! Alisha is now on the list, thank you 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Alisha was selected as one of our names of the day for Tuesday, December 5th! That means a free cone for Alisha at our shop at 102 Fairmont today between noon and 8pm!
Can you add Pascaline 🙂
For sure! It has been added to the link, thank you! 🙂
It has been added to the list! Thank you:)
It has been added! Thank you 🙂
It has been added! Thank you 🙂
It has been added! Thank you 🙂
Rae, Raelynne, Lynne, Rae-Lynne, Raelynn, Rae-Lynn, Rae-Lyn
The names have been added to the list! Thank you 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Rae/ Rae-Anne/ Raeanne/ Raelynne/ Rae-Lynne/ Raelyn/ Ray/ Raymond is one of our names of the day for Tuesday, July 25, 2023! That means a free cone today at 102 Fairmont! We’re open from noon-9 pm 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Kara was one of our names selected for today Sun Jul 21 for a free cone! Kara can pop on by anytime today at 102 Fairmont between noon and 9pm for their free cone!
Could you add Skylee? Thanks!
For sure! I’ve added it to the list 🙂
Paula or Paul
For sure! I’ve added both to the list, thank you 🙂
Could you please add MARLO and MAINNA to the list? thank you 🙂
Both have been added to the list! Thank you 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy and congratulations! Marlo is one of our names of the day for Sunday, December 19, 2022 so that means a free cone for all named Marlo that can be redeemed anytime today between noon and 8pm at 102 Fairmont! 🙂
Please also add SANTINO 🙂
Santino has been added to the list! 🙂
Added to the list! Thank you 🙂
Please add Cillian James (CJ). Thanks!
Added to the list! Thank you 🙂
Please add: Mangla, Ravi, Zane 🙂
Added all three! Thank you 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Zane has been selected as one our names of the day for Sun Jul 30! That means a free cone for Zane all day today at 102 Fairmont! Hope to see you soon!
Hello from The Merry Dairy on this lovely Saturday, December 21st, 2024! And it’s even more lovely because Ravi was selected as one of our names of the day. That means Ravi can come in anytime today between noon and 9pm to claim that free cone!
Please add Médéric. Merci.
Added to the list! Thank you 🙂
Added to the list! Thank you 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Sonja was selected as one of our names of the day for Tuesday, December 10th, 2024! That means a free cone for Sonja at our shop at 102 Fairmont today between noon and 8pm!
Added to the list! Thank you 🙂
Thank you! Added! 🙂
Thank yoU! Added! 🙂
Thank yoU! Added!
Elm please!
Yes! Added! 🙂
Panos, Panayotis, Panayota
Thank you! All added! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Panos, Panayotis, Panayota were selected as one of our names of the day for Sunday, December 22nd, 2024! That means a free cone for all named Panos, Panayotis or Panayota at our shop at 102 Fairmont today between noon and 8pm!
Please add Vladimir!
Thank you! Added! 🙂
please add Nujhat and Majed to the list, thanks!
Thank you! Added! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Nujhat was selected as one of our names of the day for Tuesday, December 5th! That means a free cone for Nujhat at our shop at 102 Fairmont today between noon and 8pm!
Thank you! Added! 🙂
Thank you! Added! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! And that means that Elke has been selected as a name of the day for Sun Dec 1! To claim the cone, Elke can come anytime today to 102 Fairmont between noon and 8pm!
Sinead has been added to the list! Thank you 🙂
All the above have been added to the list! Thank you 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy and a big hello to Mel/Melvin/Melvyn//Melville who are names of the day for Thu Dec 14, 2022, which means a free cone for Mel/Melvin/Melvyn//Melville anytime between noon and 8pm at 102 Fairmont! 🙂
Axel has been added to the list! Thank you 🙂
How about Igor?
Igor is now on the list! Thank you 🙂
Please add Violeta, Thanks!
Violeta is now on the list! Thank you 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Viola/Violet/ Violeta/ Violette is one of our names of the day for Wednesday, July 26, 2023! That means a free cone today at 102 Fairmont! We’re open from noon-9 pm 🙂
Can you add Marwan and Sohaib? 🙂
For sure! Marwan and Sohaib are now on the list! Thank you 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! We are writing because Sohaib was selected as one of our names of the day for Tuesday, December 19th, 2023! That means a free cone all named Sohaib today at 102 Fairmont between noon and 8pm!
Hi, can you please add:
For sure! Raward and Nisrine/Nesrine have been added to the list! Thank you 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Nisrine/Nesrine wer selected as one of our names of the day for Thursday, December 7th! That means a free cone for all named Nisrene or Nesrine at our shop at 102 Fairmont today between noon and 8pm!
Leonidas has now been added to the list! Thank you 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy on this lovely Sat Jul 22 where the name Leonidas has been selected as one of our names of the day! That means a free cone for Leonidas anytime today, Sat Jul 22, between noon and 9pm!
We were talking about this the other day and my brother in law laughed and said helol will probably be frozen over if his name ever shows up.
Alain-Remi has now been added to the list! Maybe freezing over would be nice in this heat 🙂
Atlin is now on the list, thank you 🙂
Harris please 🙂
Harris has been added to the list! Thank you 🙂
My daughter: Skyelar
Skyelar is now on the list! Thank you 🙂
Narin is now on the list! Thank you 🙂
All Mirabelles could benefit from a free scoop 🙂
Mirabelle is now on the list, thank you 🙂
Athena is now on the list! Thank you 🙂
Can you please add Paul?
Paul has been added to the list! Thank you 🙂
Lina please?
Lina has been added to the list! Thank you 🙂
Cedrik with a K please! Can’t wait to see in on the cone!
Cedrik has been added to the list! Thank you 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Cedric/Cédric/Cedrik is one of our names of the day for Friday, July 28, 2023! That means a free cone today at 102 Fairmont! We’re open from noon-9 pm 🙂
Both names have been added to the list! Thank you 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Deidra was selected as one of our names of the day for Thursday, December 7th! That means a free cone for all named Deidra at our shop at 102 Fairmont today between noon and 8pm!
Maxime has been added to the list! Thank you! 🙂
Thank you! Added! 🙂
Thank you! Annick is on the list! 🙂
Thank you! Tom is on the list!
Thank you! Approved! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Deepty was selected as one of our names of the day for Sunday, July 28! That means a free cone for all named Deepty at our shop at 102 Fairmont today between noon and 9pm!
We love your icecream!!
THank you so much!
Name to add: Barrett
Added! Thank you! 🙂
Thank you! All added! 🙂
Hello Naushin and Happy Saturday! Guess what? We forgot to tell you that yesterday, we picked Naushin as our name of the day for Friday, December 13th. So if you didn’t hear that your name was picked, then just show this message to a Merry Dairy team member anytime today, Saturday December 14th for your free cone!
Can you add this spelling to the list, Kaleigh
Thank you!
Thank you! Added! 🙂
Thank you! Added! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy and congratulations! Marlo/Marlowe/Marlow are some of our names of the day for Sunday, December 18, 2022 so that means a free cone for all named Marlo/Marlow/Marlowe that can be redeemed anytime today between noon and 8pm at 102 Fairmont! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! We are writing because Brahm and Bram were selected as one of our names of the day for Saturday, December 23rd, 2023! That means a free cone all named Brahm or Bram today at 102 Fairmont between noon and 9pm!
Claire loves ice cream, especially from Merry Dairy!! Can you add her name please 🙂
Yes! Claire is on the list!
Kitt 🙂
Added! Thank you!
Thank you! Rathana! added!
Thank you! Saalem added!
What fun! I appreciate your personal and unique way of doing business.
And it’s all different versions of names that make it even more fun! Thank you for your kind words, and here’s to December! (And yes, Teressa is now on the list!)
Good morning from The Merry Dairy! We are writing to let you know that Teressa is one of our names of the day for Tue Jul 18! That means a free cone for Teressa between noon and 9pm today at 102 Fairmont!
Nigel please 😊
Thank you! Added! 🙂
Ayrton! My husband never sees his name on anything because it’s not super common. Thank you! 🙂
And what a lovely name it is! Added!:)
Annika! 🙂
Thank you! Added! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Jean-pierre was selected as one of our names of the day for Wednesday, December 6th! That means a free cone for all named Jean-pierre at our shop at 102 Fairmont today between noon and 8pm!
Please add Halston
Yes! Added!:)
Thank you! Added! 🙂
Yes! Turner is on the list!
Thank you! Added! 🙂
Please add mine 😊
Thank you! Added 🙂
Pls add Cathan
Done! Cathan added 🙂
Can you add Adelaide please?
Done! Added 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Adelaide was selected as one of our names of the day for Sunday, July 28! That means a free cone for all named Adelaide at our shop at 102 Fairmont today between noon and 9pm!
Lincoln! (His birthday’s Dec 6….. just saying lol)
LOL – And Lincoln is now on the list! 🙂
Well, we missed the birthday, but today Lincoln was selected as one of the names of the day for Thu Dec 14, 2022, which means a free cone for Lincoln anytime between noon and 8pm at 102 Fairmont! 🙂
If you can please add Taha to.your list and his sister Isra. 🙂 Isra turns 5 on Jan 18 and wants to be an ice cream chef when she grows up 🙂
We definitely approve of those aspirations! And Taha and Isra are now on the list! 🙂
Thank you! Added!
Brontë please! 🙂
Thank you! Added! 🙂
Can you add Leora and Sathy please 🙂
Yes! Added! 🙂
Thank you! Added! 🙂
Your ice cream is very yummy. Please add my name: Aster
And your name is very lovely! Thank you for the kind words and Aster is now on the list!
Your ice cream is very yummy. Please add my name: Aster
Could you add Paul please?
Thank you! Paul is on the list!
Can you please add Dresden?
For sure! Dresden has been added!:)
Would you please add Susanne to the list?
Sure can! Done and thank you!
Hello, can you please add Hester to the list? Thank you!
Hello! Can you please add Hester to the list? Thank you!
Yes! Hester is now on the list! Thank you! 🙂
Hello! Can you please add Vesna to the list?
Thank you!
Yes! Vesna is now on the list! 🙂
Got ’em! All added! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Adel was selected as one of our names of the day for Sunday, July 28! That means a free cone for all named Adel at our shop at 102 Fairmont today between noon and 9pm!
Can Crosby please be added? Thank you!
Yes! Added! 🙂
Can you please add Kiefer to the list?
Yes! Added! 🙂
Thank you! Added! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Zayan has been selected as one our names of the day for Sun Jul 30! That means a free cone for Zayan all day today at 102 Fairmont! Hope to see you soon!
Yes! Angus and Lauren are on the list! 🙂
Please add Lorena
Thank you! Added!
Can Mackenna be added 🙂
Thank you! Added! 🙂
Hello, can you please add Orla to the list?
Thank you!
Added! And thank you! 🙂
Hi! Can you please add Belma and Goksal?
Thank you!
Thank you! Added! 🙂
Thank you! Freedom has been added to the list! 🙂
Thank you! Added! 🙂
Hello, can you please add Estelle?
Yes! And added! 🙂
“Violette” please and thanks.
Yes! And you’re welcome! Added 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Viola/Violet/ Violeta/ Violette is one of our names of the day for Wednesday, July 26, 2023! That means a free cone today at 102 Fairmont! We’re open from noon-9 pm 🙂
Hi! Can you add the following names:
Thank you so much!
Could you please add:
All added! Thank you! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! We are writing because Shayne was selected as one of our names of the day for Sat Jul 29, 2023! That mean a free cone for Shayne anytime today, Sat Jul 29, between noon and 9pm at 102 Fairmont!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Jean-Pierre was selected as one of our names of the day for Wednesday, December 6th! That means a free cone for all named Jean-Pierre at our shop at 102 Fairmont today between noon and 8pm!
What about a non-gendered Chris/Kris/Krys? (Or, just combine the gender split versions of the name?)
Also, Wendy Ann
Got it! Non-gendered versions added! Thank you! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Chris/Kris/Krys were selected as names of the day for Tuesday, December 12th, 2023! That means a free cone for all named Chris/Kris/Krys at our shop at 102 Fairmont today between noon and 8pm!
Could you add the following two names?: Balma, Daryn
Thank you!
Thank you! Both names added 🙂
Could you add Manju? Thanks!
Added! Thank you for the suggestion!
Good morning from The Merry Dairy! We are writing to let you know that Manju is one of our names of the day for Tue Jul 18! That means a free cone for Manju between noon and 9pm today at 102 Fairmont!
Hi! Could I suggest adding the name Ryder please? Thank you!
Added to the list! 🙂
Added! Thank you! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! We are writing because Waylon was selected as one of our names of the day for Saturday, December 9th! That means a free cone all named Waylon today at 102 Fairmont between noon and 9pm!
add the name maria!
For sure! Maria is on the list!
Thank you! Added!
Thank you! Added!
Hello from The Merry Dairy on this lovely Saturday, December 21st, 2024! And it’s even more lovely because Jacey was selected as one of our names of the day. That means Jacey can come in anytime today between noon and 9pm to claim that free cone!
Juniper and Magnolia
Thank you! Added!
My sons name isn’t there! It’s Milo 🙂
Thank you! On the list!
Please add Brandon to the list 🙂
Thank you! Added!
Please add Dia!
Thank you! Added!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! We are writing because Dia was selected as one of our names of the day for Wednesday, December 11th, 2024! That means a free cone all named Dia today at 102 Fairmont between noon and 8pm!
Thank you! Added!
please add Lisa to your list! 🙂
Thank you! On the list!
Shaunice 🙂
Thank you! Added! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! We are writing today because Shaunice was one of the names of the day selected for a free cone today, Sat Jul 20! Come anytime between noon and 9pm today to collect your cone!
Elsa and Haakon
Thank you! On the list!
Creggan and Nais (myself and my mom)
Thank you! Added!
My husband’s name is Eliakim – we rarely see it anywhere here in Canada 🙂
And now it’s on our list! Thank you for sharing it!
Add Macie!
Done! Thank you!
Thank you! Added!
My wonderful colleagues Nassima, Khadidja, Adil, Sahar, and Janvier would love a free ice cream cone if ever their names come up! Thank you!
My good friend Toufic deserves an ice cream. Thank you!
I know a little boy named Innis Who’d like a cone someday! His whole family always jumps at any reason to visit merry dairy too 🙂
Love that! Innis is now on the list!
Thank you! Added!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Alysia was selected as one of our names of the day for Tuesday, December 5th! That means a free cone for Alysia at our shop at 102 Fairmont today between noon and 8pm!
Thank you! Added!
Is it possible to add Annik
Thank you! Added!
Annik please!
Macey !
Thank you! Added!
Thank you! Added!
Liza please 🙂
Thank you! On the list!
Name: Marie
Thank you! On the list!
Arlene, Nadhila, Nirmala, Adilah
Thank you! Added!
Can you also add:
Thanks! 🙂
Thank you! Added!
Thank you! Added!
Joost please!
Thank you! Added to the list!
Thank yoU! Added to the list!
Cali !! Ronan !! Maeve !!
Thank you! Added to the list!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! May/ Maye/ Maie/ May Ann/ Mae/ Maeve is one of our names of the day for Wednesday, July 26, 2023! That means a free cone today at 102 Fairmont! We’re open from noon-9 pm 🙂
My kids have unique names: Dekker and Brandt! Please add them to your list of names!
We love unique names! And they’re now on the list!
Thank you! On the list!
Thank you! On the list!
Donnalee — it’s a great jazz standard
Sure is! Here’s to some smooth jazz added to our list! Thank you!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! We are writing because Donnalee was selected as one of our names of the day for Friday, December 22nd, 2023! That means a free cone all named Donnalee today at 102 Fairmont between noon and 8pm!
Thank you! Added! 🙂
Please add Dahlia/Dahye.
Also, please add Maho.
Thank you! Added!
Hello! Would you please add “Loïc” to your list? Thank you
Added and thank you!
Thank you! Added!
Hello! Zak was one of our names selected for today Wednesday Jul 24 for a free cone! Zak can pop by anytime today at 102 Fairmont between noon and 9pm for their free cone!
Thank you! Now all are on the list!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! We are writing because Margaret was selected as one of our names of the day for Sunday, December 17th, 2023! That means a free cone all named Margaret today at 102 Fairmont between noon and 9pm!
Oops! 8pm not 9pm! 🙂
Lise-Anne please
Thank you! Added!
Could you add Tobias? 🥰
For sure! Added! 🙂
Safaa & Bassem
Thank you! Added!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! We are writing because Bassem was selected as one of our names of the day for Thursday, December 14th, 2023! That means a free cone all named Bassem today at 102 Fairmont between noon and 8pm!
Please add Bolanle
Done! Thank you!
Can you add Nir to the list? 😊
Please add Yandu to the list
Yes! Added!
Dorian please!
Thank you! Added!
Thank you! Added!
Could you add Jia? Thank you!
Yes! Added!
Thank you! Added!
Hi, Can you please add Andrée and Sila?
Thank you! This is always a fun contest to follow along
Thank you! And both names are now on the list! Here’s hoping …!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! We are writing because Andrée was selected as one of our names of the day for Saturday, December 23rd, 2023! That means a free cone all named Andrée today at 102 Fairmont between noon and 9pm!
Thank you! On the list!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! A short note to say that Samuel & Samantha were selected as one of our names of the day for Sun Dec 8! That means that either of them can come in anytime until 8pm tonight to pick up their free cone!
Thank you, added to the list! 🙂
Tiera and Issima
Thank you, they are on the list! 🙂
All added to the list! Good luck! 🙂
Hello from 102 Fairmont! It’s The Merry Dairy writing to say that Syrah is one of our names of the day which means a free cone for you today, Friday, December 6th, 2024!
Hello from 102 Fairmont! It’s The Merry Dairy writing to say that Arya is one of our names of the day which means a free cone for you today, Friday, December 6th, 2024!
Thanks, on the list! 🙂 Good luck!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! We are writing today Sunday, December 3, to say that Laura was one of the names selected today to receive a free cone! Laura can come in anytime between noon and 8pm today to 102 Fairmont to claim the cone!
Thank you! Added!
Thank you! Added!
Amias please 🙂
Amias please 🙂
My friend Marida lives near you and I don’t see her name on the list. Maybe add Marida/Merida to Meredith?
Great idea and done!
Can you add Mallinsia please 😊
Yes! Added and thank you!
Hi, can you add Keeva to the list?
Thanks in advance!
Keeva is now on the list!
Please add Sol. 🙂
Can you add Kaliyana and Adaline *:)
Done! Added!
Could you please add the name Emer. Thank you
Sure can! Emer is on the list!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Emer was one of our names selected for today Sun Jul 21 for a free cone! Emer can pop on by anytime today between noon and 9pm for their free cone!
Liyana 🙂
Added! Thank you!
We’d like to add EZRI
Added to the list! 🙂
Both added to the list! 🙂
added to the list! 🙂
Marija (pronounced Maria)
Added to the list! 🙂
Can you add Ashena (my daughter’s name) beside Asha?
Added to the list! 🙂
Hi! I see you have Tabitha added, but would spelling Tabbatha also count?! if not, please add me as I love your ice cream!
Added to the list! 🙂
Zandra (could be added with Sandra or Xander/Zander really)
Added to the list! 🙂
My friends Imoen and Auramarina would love to be added please
added to the list! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! We are writing because Imoen was selected as one of our names of the day for Friday, December 15th, 2023! That means a free cone all named Imoen today at 102 Fairmont between noon and 8pm!
Please add Maryanne/Marianne/Maryann/Mary-Anne/Mary-Anne/Marie-Ann etc.
Got ’em! Thank you!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! All the versions of Maryanne/Marianne/Maryann/Mary-Anne/Mary-Anne/Marie-Ann etc. were selected in our names of the day for Tuesday, December 5th! That means a free cone however you spell Maryanne/Marianne/Maryann/Mary-Anne/Mary-Anne/Marie-Ann etc. at our shop at 102 Fairmont today between noon and 8pm! 🙂
Please add Dennis/Denise/Denis
Thank you! On the list!
Please Deacon and Tobin. Thanks!
Thank you! Added!
Mostafa 🙂
Thank you! Mostafa is now on the list!
Outmane/ Otmane
Thank you! Added to the list!
Please add Nerissa and Phak.
Thank you! Both are now on the list!
Could you add Amariah and Devante so they are on the list for the next time please. 😌
Added to the list! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy and we are writing to inform that Amariah was selected as names of the day for today, Saturday, December 1. That means a free cone for Amariah today at 102 Fairmont between noon and 9pm!
Would you be able to add ‘Vaia’ and ‘Rodanthi’ to your name list please?
Thank you!
Thank you! Added!
Thank you! All added!
Thank you! All added!
Alparslan 🙂
Thank you! Added!
Added! And thank you!
Would you add Ritu to the list?
Thank you! Ritu is now on the list!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! We are writing because Ritu was selected as one of our names of the day for Saturday, December 23rd, 2023! That means a free cone all named Ritu today at 102 Fairmont between noon and 9pm!
Thank you! Now on the list!
Thank you so much!
Hi, can you add the names Janelle and Emerson to the list please!
Yes and thank you! Janelle added to the list and Emerson is on the list!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! We are writing because Janelle was selected as one of our names of the day for Friday, December 15th, 2023! That means a free cone all named Janelle today at 102 Fairmont between noon and 8pm!
Please add Piet and Aito! Thank you.
Both added and thank you!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! We are writing because Piet was selected as one of our names of the day for Friday, December 15th, 2023! That means a free cone all named Piet today at 102 Fairmont between noon and 8pm!
Alessa please!
Yes! Alessa is on the list!
Added and thank you!
Please add Nashia
Thank you! Added!
Please add the name Joel. Keep making the best ice cream in Ottawa-we are huge fans and tell everyone to go to Merry Dairy❤️❤️
Thank you so much! And yes – Joel is on the list!
Please add the name Preston
Could you add the name “Didier” please? Thanks!!!
Added! Thank you!
Please add the name Preston
Thank you!
Preston has been added! Thank you!
Thank you! Annamaria has been added!
Yes! Melody is on the list!
Please add Paulynn & Collin. Thx!
Thank you! Both are now on the list!
Please add the name Ronak.
Your Gingerbread ice cream is amazing!
Thank you so much! It’s one of our favourites! And Ronan is now on the list!
Could you add Laurie please 🙂
Yes! Laurie is on the list!
Please add:
Thank you and those three lovely names are on the list!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Anasuya was selected as one of our names of the day for Tuesday, December 12th, 2023! That means a free cone for all named Anasuya at our shop at 102 Fairmont today between noon and 8pm!
Can you add the name Holland please? 🙂
Yes! Holland is now on the list!
I’d love for my name to to be added please! The name’s Kassia
Thank you! Kassia is now on the list!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! And that means that Kassia has been selected as a name of the day for Sun Dec 1! To claim your cone, come anytime today to 102 Fairmont between noon and 8pm!
Can you add the name Bawnee please? Sounds like Bonnie 🙂
Thank you! Bawnee is now on the list!
Thank you! Sweth added!
Thank you! Ouleiyah added!
Can you please add Calum? (Single L) thanks!
Done! Thank you!
And just like that, Calum is one of our names of the day for Tuesday, December 19, 2023! That means a free cone for all named Calum today between noon and 8pm at 102 Fairmont!
Enzo needs to be added!
Yes! And now on the list!
My daughter: Novalee
My son: Edyson
Please 🙂
Thank you! Novalee and Edyson are now on the list!
Wondering how to add names to the list. My kids names and mine Bernadette, Delilah, Xavior, Tyson and Tobias.
Just like that! All five are now on the list!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! We are writing because Tyson was selected as one of our names of the day for Saturday, December 16th, 2023! That means a free cone all named Tyson today at 102 Fairmont between noon and 9pm!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! The name Delilah has been selected as one of our names of the day! That means a free cone for Delilah anytime today, Thursday July 25 2024, between noon and 9pm!
Yes! Kiah is now on the list and thank you!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! We are writing because Kiah was selected as one of our names of the day for Tuesday, December 19th, 2023! That means a free cone all named Kiah today at 102 Fairmont between noon and 8pm!
Yes! Rylee is on the list!
Sophie 🙂
Yes! Sophie is on the list!
Can we add Auli and Bauer to the list? 🤩
Yes! Done and thank you!
Yes! Marjorie is on the list!
Yes! Laurie is on the list!
Can you add Watson to your list?
For sure! Watson is now on the list!
Thank you! Added!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! We are writing to let you know that Chrystelle is one of our names of the day for today, Saturday, July 24, 2024! That means a free cone for Chrystelle all day today! We are open noon to 9pm!
Yes! Sasha is on the list!
Yes! Wade is on the list!
Can you please add “Caylan” to the list? Thanks 🙂
Done! And thank you!
Could you add Gideon, please?
Thank you! Gideon is now on the list!
Hi can these names be added:
Thanks 🙂
Thank you! Both have been added!
Can you add Dallin
Thank you! Dallin is now on the list!
Please add Ashlyn
Add Meghan to list please.
Yes! Meghan is on the list!
Can you add
Thank you! Added!
Please add the name Ashlyn!
Thank you! Ashlyn is now on the list!
Can you add Mehmet?
Added! And thank you!
Can you please add Iris? Thanks
Yes! Iris is now on the list! Thank you!
Can you please add Kruti? Thank you!
Yes! Added and thank you!
Please add Jean-Francois and Margaux
Thank you! Added!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! We are writing because Margaux was selected as one of our names of the day for Sunday, December 17th, 2023! That means a free cone all named Margaux today at 102 Fairmont between noon and 8pm!
I noticed that the name AGATHA was not on your names list! My daughter loves your ice cream (so much that she ordered her birthday cake from you this year 😊) could it be added?
Agatha is now on the list! And happy belated birthday!
Thank you 😊
Can you please add:
Ayesha (alt spelling for Aisha)
Added all! Thank you!
Would you be able to add the name Milka? 🙂
Added! And thank you!
Jayda please and thank you!
Added! Thank you!
Thank you! Added!
Could you add “Reed” in addition to the existing “Reid” entry? 🙂
Sure can! And done! Thank you 🙂
Can you please add the name “Malick”?
For sure! Done and thank you!
Good Tuesday morning! We are writing today to say that Malik was selected as one of our names of the day for Tue, Dec 17, 2024! That means a free cone for all named Malik! To claim your cone, come to The Merry Dairy at 102 Fairmont between noon at 8pm today!
Can you please add Husni, Marwa and Mustapha (slightly different spelling than what is already on the list). Thanks!
Thank you! All are now on the list!
Can you please add “Lam”? Thank you!!
Added! Thank you!
How about Sumitha,, Sybille, Neela, Quincy?
Yes! Yes! Yes! and Yes! Thank you for the names!
Can you please add Calum? (Single L) thanks!
Done! Thank you!
Mattreya – my poor daughter never sees her name anywhere.
And now it’s on this list! Thank you for adding this lovely name!
Would love Amira to be added 🙂
And Amira is now on the list! Thank you!
Can you add Reg / Reggie / Reynold. Thanks
Done! And thank you!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Reg / Reggie / Reynold were selected today Friday, December 6, 2024 for name day! That means a free cone today at 102 Fairmont! We’re open from noon-9pm ! 🙂
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Reg / Reggie / Reynold were selected today, Friday December 6, 2024 for name day! That means a free cone today at 102 Fairmont! We’re open from noon-9pm ! 🙂
Could you add Januana? Thank you!! I got mine today 🙂
That’s awesome! And Januana is now on the list – a lovely name!
Thank you! Added!
Thank you! Added!
Thank you! Added!
Thank you! Sehaj has been added!
Thank you! Added! 🙂
Hi, I didn’t find my name, it is Anne-Sophie
And now it’s there! Thank you for suggesting it!
Can we add Léandre and Rozen to the names list? I’ve just signed up for your newsletter! Thank you!
Added! And thank you for signing up for the newsletter!
Can you please add Haruna to the list?
Haruna is on the list now! Thank you!
And not only is Haruna on the list, Haruna was one of the names of the day selected for a free cone today, Sat Jul 20! Haruna can come anytime between noon and 9pm today to collect their cone!
Can you please add Rona? My grandmother loves your ice cream
Added to the list! Hope we see your grandmother soon!
Frank is already on the list, but we’ve added Francisco to the list! Thank you for the suggestion!
Phrasie and Margo (my daughters’ names)
Margo is already on there, but we’ve added Phrasie! Thank you!
You are officially on the list now! Thank you!
Added! Thank you!
Could you add Kevin?
Added! Thank you!
Could you please add Kevin?
Added! Thank you!
Deirdre/ Dee
Added to the listo! Thank yoh!
You are on the list now Hamzah! Thank you!
Jadon is on the list! Thank you!
Ivars please!
Ivars is on the list now! Thank you!
Can you add Theodosia to the List please?
Absolutely! Added to the list now! Thank you Candace!
Awesome! You’re on the list now! Thank you!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Krista was selected as one of our names of the day for Sunday, December 22nd, 2024! That means a free cone for all named Krista at our shop at 102 Fairmont today between noon and 8pm!
Add Nyah !
Nyah has been added! Thank you!
Please add Zyta! Thank you 🙂
Zyta is on the list now! Thank you! 🙂
Would love you to add Katherine and Tilde, please!
Of course! They’re now added to the list! Thank you!
Please add my daughter’s name, Tegan. Thanks so much, fingers crossed.
Of course! Hope to see your daughter at the store soon! 🤞
I noticed similar names I hope mine can count too :’)
Of course Shanie! You are now on the list! Thank you!
Stan. Please
Stan is now added to the list! Thank you!
Can you please add Samuel/Sam to the list?
Added! Thank you!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! A short note to say that Sam & Samuel were selected as one of our names of the day for Sun Dec 8! That means that they can come in anytime until 8pm tonight to pick up their free cone!
Can you add Sami to the list please
You are now on the list Sami! Thank you!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! A short note to say that Sami was selected as one of our names of the day for Sun Dec 8! That means that Sami can come in anytime until 8pm tonight to pick up their free cone!
Kimberlee! I know the other spellings are there, but I wanted to include mine!
Absolutely Kimberlee! You’re officially on the list now! Thank you!
Could you please add Keir to the list of names.
Thank you!
Keir has been added! Thank you!
Can you please add Laurier? Thanks!
Laurier is on the list now, thank you!
Could you please add Reiko to the list?
Reiko has been added to the list! Thank you!
Hello! Reiko was one of our names selected for today Wednesday Jul 24 for a free cone! Reiko can pop by anytime today at 102 Fairmont between noon and 9pm for their free cone!
Can you add Brandy (with a Y!) and Ilya? Thanks!
Both Brandy and Ilya have been added to the list! Thank you!
Can you add Damian? 🙂
Of course! Damian has been added to the list now! Thank you!
Hi! Can you please add the name Kassia
Absolutely Kassia! You’ve been added! Thank you!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! And that means that Kassia has been selected as a name of the day for Sun Dec 1! To claim your cone, come anytime today to 102 Fairmont between noon and 8pm!
Please add Sophie to the list! 🍦
Zander is in the list! Thank you!
Please add Jim and Zander (yes with a Z)
Jim and Zander have been added! Thank you!
Please add Keely & Levon
Both have been added to the list! Thank you!
Sterling and Adalise
These wonderful names have been added to the list! Thank you!
You’re on the list Janoah! Thank you!
Can you add Jayanne to the list?
I can and I shall. Added! Thank you!
Please add Milica
Added! Thank you!
Added! Thank you!
Thank you! Added!
Would love to add my friend Lesya
And we’d love to add Lesya to the list! Thank you and added!
Hey there! I noticed that you have Natalie and Natasha on the list, but you’re missing “Natachi.” Could you please add it? Thanks so much!
Very true! Fixed that! Thank you for the name!
Maura, please!
Yes! Added!
Thank you! Added!
Hi! Can you add Azaylea and Amari!
Thanks so much!
Hi! Can you add Azaylea and Amari!
Thanks so much!
Lovely! And both are now on the list!
Azaylea and Amari
Could you add Sizwe to the list?
Done! Sizwe is now on the list!
For consideration Please
Thank you so much. All added!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! We are writing to let you know that Sizwe is one of our names of the day for today, Saturday, July 24, 2024! That means a free cone for Sizwe all day today! We are open noon to 9pm at 102 Fairmont!
Please add Megan and Tamsin/Tamsen
Added all of them! Thank you!
Janae is on the list! Thank you!
Navdeep has been added to the list! Thank you!
Could you pls add Mallika, Ishar, Tarnjit and Manmohan? Thanks!
Added all of you to the list! Thank you!
All on the list! Thank you!
Hello Anita on this lovely, sunny Saturday, December 14th, which also just happens to be the day that Anita was chosen as a name of the day! Drop by The Merry Dairy anytime today, Sat Dec 14th, to claim your cone!
Good Tuesday morning! We are writing today to say that Mallika was selected as one of our names of the day for Tue, Dec 17, 2024! That means a free cone for all named Mallika! To claim your cone, come to The Merry Dairy at 102 Fairmont between noon at 8pm today!
There’s Lynn but not Lynne. Could Lynne be added ?
Added! Thank you!
Justice and Laura
Justice added to the list! Thank you!
Could you add Leonie?
Absolutely! On the list now! Thank you!
Could you add Archie to the list 🙂
Archie has been added! Thank you!
Hello to Archie and Happy Saturday! Guess what? We forgot to tell you that yesterday, we picked Archie as our name of the day for Friday, December 13th. So if you didn’t hear that your name was picked, then just show this message to a Merry Dairy team member anytime today, Saturday December 14th for your free cone!
Please add, thank you 😊
Thank you! Marcus is on the list and now so is Tamrin!
Added! Thank you!
Hi! Could we add Noé and Hadrien? Thx!
Of course! Added both to the list! Thank you!
Could you add Kassia to the list? With two s’s
Please add:
Added all of them! Thank you!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! And that means that Kassia has been selected as a name of the day for Sun Dec 1! To claim your cone, come anytime today to 102 Fairmont between noon and 8pm!
On the list now! Thank you!
Please add Eady to the list 🙏🏼
Absolutely! On the list now! Thank you!
Could you add Jethro? Thank you!
Added to the list! Thank you!
Please add Chaya and Henna!
They’ve been added to the list! Thank you!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Henna was selected as one of our names of the day for Sunday, December 22nd, 2024! That means a free cone for all named Henna at our shop at 102 Fairmont today between noon and 8pm!
Added both! Thank you!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! A short note to say that Barkai was selected as one of our names of the day for Sun Dec 8! That means that Barkai can come in anytime until 8pm tonight to pick up their free cone!
Added! Thank you!
Katie! My name is not short for Kaitlyn or Katherine!
Added thank you!
His birthday is August 15th in case you want to choose that day for this name 😉
Her birthday is June 11th, for next year 😉
Esteban and Valla have been added! We close name day at the end of the month, but maybe Esteban and Valla could be lucky next year 🙂 Thank you!
Please add Rabiyah/Rabya/Rabia (other spellings)!
Added all! Thank you!
Would love to try your ice cream!
So excited to have my name chosen!
Thank you for having such fun and yummy contest !
Thank you for your lovely comment!
Added! Thank you!
Thank you! Added!
Hello from The Merry Dairy on this lovely Saturday, December 21st, 2024! And it’s even more lovely because Micaela/Michaela/Michela/Mikayla/Mikaela were selected as names of the day. That means a Micaela/Michaela/Michela/Mikayla/Mikaela can come in anytime today between noon and 9pm to claim that free cone!
Yes! Laurie is on the list!
Houssein/Hussein -> Houssein/Hussein/Hosein
Thank you! All added!
Thank you! Added!
Ella! ❤️
Yes, Ella is on the list!
On the list! Thanks!
Added both! Thank you!
Added! Thank you!
Mary and. Kristin
On the list! Thanks!
on the list! Thanks!
Added to the list! Thankyou!
Added! Thank you!
Arcadia is on the list now! Thank you!
Please add Mikolaj and Viviana
Added! Thank you!
Added! Thanks!
Please add Yan
Added! Thank you!
Added! Thanks!
You’ve been added! Thank you!
Annik is on the list! Thanks!
Please add Viona and Apurva 🙂
Added both! Thank you!
Please add the name Keenara
You’re officially on the list now! Thank you!
Added to the list! Thank you!
Add “Gowtham” please
Added! Thank you!
My son’s name is Lloyd. Can you please add to the list?
Yes! Lloyd is on the list!
Can you please add Lloyd?
Added! And thank you!
Please add: Ha to the list. Thank you!
Added! And thank you!
Please add: Ha to the list
Can you please add Richoo and Karsten?
Added! And thank you!
Can you add Roshena and Irfan
Added both! Thank you!
Can you please add Karsten and Richoo?
Llewyn and Clodagh please. 🙂
Added! And thank you!
How fun! Can you please add: Savannah?
😊 Thanks!
It’s on the list! Thank you!
Galia 🙂
Added to the list! Thank you!
Hendrik has been added! Thank you!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! Hendrik was selected as one of our names of the day for Sunday, December 22nd, 2024! That means a free cone for all named Hendrik at our shop at 102 Fairmont today between noon and 8pm!
Could you please add Tetyana 💗 thank you!
Tetyana is on the list! Thank you!
Three names not yet added, please:
Faraha (there is/was previously picked Farah, December 2020)
Added all names! Thank you!
Thank you! Both added!
Gwyn and Ranald
Thank you! Added!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! A short note to say that Gwyn was selected as one of our names of the day for Sun Dec 8! That means that Gwyn can come in anytime until 8pm tonight to pick up their free cone!
Can I get Oxford added to the list please? :>>
Added! And thank you!
Hi there ! Could I request “Noorani” or “Rani” be added to the list please?
Both added and thank you!
Hello! Destinee and Vaya would be lovely to see 🙂
And what lovely names they are! Added!
Hello!! Destinee or Vaya would be lovely to see 🙂
Hello! Destinee and Vaya would be lovely to see 🙂
Hello! Cristiano please
Thank you! Cristiano is on the list!
Davie, please 🙂
Thank you! Added!
Good Tuesday morning! We are writing today to say that Davie was selected as one of our names of the day for Tue, Dec 17, 2024! That means a free cone for all named Davie! To claim your cone, come to The Merry Dairy at 102 Fairmont between noon at 8pm today!
Can you please add Youngseo to the list 🙂
Yes! Added and thank you!
Can you add Ariana & Daniel? Thank you!
Done! And thank you!
Could I add to the list, Hana and Kristian please 🙂
Thank you!
Thank you! Hana and Kristian are on the list!
Hello! Please add Giacomo 🙂
Thank you! Added! 🙂
Hi, please add Makala! 🙂 (pronounced like Michaela)
Added and thank you!
Hello from The Merry Dairy on this lovely Saturday, December 21st, 2024! And it’s even more lovely because Makala was selected as one of our names of the day. That means Makala can come in anytime today between noon and 9pm to claim that free cone!
Thanks Marlene! But it has been added to an already drew name 😀
All added and thank you!
Can Ayesha and Katlin please be added
Thank you! Both now added!
Yes! Maya is on the list!
Julie, yanik and Loïc
Thank you! All are on the list!
Added and thank you!
Hi!could you please add DaEun to the list? thank you 🙂
Sure can! Added!
Lianna (if the other spelling doesn’t count) and Pelle
Both added! Thank you!
Hello and Happy Sunday morning from The Merry Dairy! Pelle was selected as one of our names of the day for Sunday, December 15th, 2024! Pelle can stop by anytime today between noon and 8pm to claim their free cone!
Can you please add Hatton and Olin/Olen to the list?
Thanks !
Added! And thank you!
Can you please add Gautam and Deepthi? Thank you!
Thank you and done! Both added to the list!
Can you please add Lisa?
Yes! Lisa is on the list!
Added! Thank you!
Laurent could be added to Lawrence
Sure can! And now it has! Thank you!
Hello from The Merry Dairy! And a short note to say that Lawrence/Laurent
is our name of the day for Thursday, December 12, 2024! To claim your cone come to 102 Fairmont between noon-8pm today! 🙂
Please add Sian (with Shawn, Sean, Shauna etc.)
Done! Thank you!
Hello! Could you please add Marianna and Jesus?
Thank you and added!
Carla and
Added both! Thank you!
Both names have been added to the list! Thank you!
Good morning! We are writing today to say that Carla was selected as one of our names of the day for Wed, Dec 18, 2024! That means a free cone for all named Carla! To claim your cone, come to The Merry Dairy at 102 Fairmont between noon and 8pm today!
Both names have been added to the list! Thank you!
Hi There! Roy has been added to the list! Thank you!
Joni 🙂
Thank you, Joni was added to the list!
Hamza is on the list now! Thank you!
Hello, Kenda was added to the list! Thank you!
Hi, Kalim is now on the list! Thank you!!
Could you please add Camilla?
Hello, Camilla has been added! Thank you!
You please add Syrah
Hello, Syrah is now on the list! Thank you =)
Hello from 102 Fairmont! It’s The Merry Dairy writing to say that Syrah is one of our names of the day which means a free cone for you today, Friday, December 6th, 2024!
Katia was added to the list! Thank you!
Please add Kayleigh and Ryder
Both names have been added to the list! Thank you!
Maritza is on the list now! Thank you!
Hello, can Thierry be added please
Added to the list! Thank you!!
Could we add Nirmala and Lala to the list? 🙂
Both names have been added to the list! Thank you!
Thank you for suggesting this lovely name! Added!:)
Thank you for suggesting this lovely name! Added! 🙂
Thank you! Added!
Added! Thanks
Hello! 🙂 Could Sean please be added?
Yes! Sean is on the list!
Can you please add Lynda as well as Jeffery? Thx.
Yes! Lynda and Jeffery are on the list!
Ok! Rahil is now on the list! 🙂
I don’t see Elvis
Elvis is now on the list! Thank you =)
Can you add Arahsay 🙂
Arahsay has beend added to the list! Thank you!
Alisha (to add to your growing list)
Both names have been added to the list! Thank you!
Can you add Johan/Hannu to the list please?
Johan/Hannu was added to the list! Thank you!
Naoufal was added to the list! Thank you!
Ishaan, Kiara, Priya , Abhi
Ishaan, Kiara, Priya, and Abhi have been added to the list. Good luck!
Anas, please 🙂
Anas is now on the list! Thank you!
Can you add Jing to the list? Thank you!!
Of course. Added!
Could you please add Colm to the list. Thanks
Colm has been added!
Hello, can you please add Jean-Marc and Leina to the list? Thank you so much!
Done! Both are now on the list and thank you! 🙂
Yes! Added and thank you! 🙂
Would love our family names added:
Awesome! The family is now on the list! 🙂
Please add Morna and Eddie
Both added! And since Edward/Edie etc was drawn on Thu Dec 4 of this year, just have Eddie show this message to a team member get the free cone anytime today Sat Dec 14!
Xavier, please!
Yes! Xavier is on the list!
Please add Ellery
Thank you! Ellery is now on the list!
Thank you! Champagne is now on the list!
Can you please add the names Munish and Wildee for my dad and brother!
Done! Their names are now on the list!
Please add the name Quenet to the list.
Added and thank you!
Please add the name Quenet to the list.
My son’s name: Kamil
Kamil is on the list!
would you please be so kind as to add:
Carlo (no S)
Added all! Thank you! Although it’s too late to update our social media posts, Carlo can still come in today December 18th, 2024 for a free scoop!
Would you please add Nadira?
Of course! Added!
Parmida please!
Of course, Parmida! You’re on the list now! Thank you!
Heath would be great
Added to the list! Thank you!
Added! Thank you!
Added! Thank you!
Can you please add Lysanne?
Added! Thank you!
Naomie (with an e)
Of course! Added!
Please add Prakriti. Thanks!
You’ve been added to the list!
Can you please add Nirdesh? Thank you!
Added to the list! Thanks!
Can you please add Aysha to the list?
Yes! Aysha is now on the list!
Please add Castiel!
Added! Thank you!
Can you please add Amin
Added! Thank you!
Can you please add Asia.
Thank you and Happy Holidays!
Done! And Happy Holidays to you too!
Neha and Dotty
Thank you! Both have been added!
Yes! Meghan is on the list!